Study 1..... Chapter 3

in #art • 15 days ago
.....boring title ! 😂
Happeeee Saturdayyyyyyy ! Well, it is for me, finally. Worked again this morning, not voluntary. I know, whine, whine, whine.... and some people have no jobs. Still... it helps to whine a little bit about it. LOL
I have continued my artist study of Nancy.Bell.Scott. Don't worry, I'm not going to do a dozen ! That made me laugh to say that. I'm still having fun though and am learning a lot. I don't expect my "end style" to be recognizable like hers, but I am learning a few things about some bits I like, so I'm sure in the end, I will pick up some other bits too from whoever I study next and my real style, however that turns out will include some of whatever I learn from each one. I can't say she has never used a stencil, but if so it is not common in her work and I really love using stencils for the collage papers, so they will be showing back up before too long I'm thinking.
This is the third piece I am mimicking the style on. A photo of hers is at the bottom.


I painted the edges of the canvas board and then put on a layer of papers. I had already painted the book pages yellow, green and blue and let them dry before I began.


....which reminds me, I bought my art a mini hair dryer a couple of weeks ago so I don't have to wait much for paint or glue to dry. So far I don't normally have 2 projects going at once so I can switch them back and forth while one dries. This makes it where there is barely any wait at all. It doesn't have to be bone dry to go to the next step, but "to the touch" dry at least......


Now back to the story..... 😉 I added some paints to the top left and wrote nonsense in the bottom right.


Then I went through my painted paper bits and found some pieces that had colors that might work. I think I added darker paint to the top two. I also drew some in the upper left. In the other artist's videos that I watch, they generally call that "mark making". Just some scribbles that might or might not show in the end, but might also add interest.


Then ! I made some VERY tiny collages to go inside each red square. I also added a torn bit of book page in the upper left area that wasn't like the artist's, but since the proportions of my canvas board is way different than how she made hers, I thought that area was too much of a wide space of nothing.
glue...glue... glueeeee


Then I added some more smidges of paint and black outlines.


I really liked how this corner came out with the extra strip of book page.


I added some light writing up and down the inside of that same section and then it was done.


This was the inspiration piece.


I have one more coming of these and then I'll add something a little different, still partially inspired by some things this artist did, before finding my next muse to stalk... I mean, study.
Some chores are calling me but I am really wanting to ignore them. Why do we have to do the same chores over and over ??? I'm tired of it personally !
Hope you have a very happy day and that it's not full of chores.
Luv ya !

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you @brumest ! I certainly do appreciate this. 😊

Hmmmm. The title is boring but the art piece is not. Hehe.

I think adding black borders gave the art piece a stronger look.

Using a hair dryer for drying up the paint is a great idea.

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Thank you !

I agree ! I thought the black outline helped some areas pop out in a way that they did not before the outline. I wasn't sure that it wasn't too strong at first, so I went over the original black outline of the squares with purple and some other colors to push it back a little. I thought it worked out pretty well considering I only half knew what I was doing. 😄

I got the hair dryer idea from some of the Mixed Media videos I've been watching on Youtube. It has really helped a lot to cut down the waiting time between some processes.

Thanks for stopping over !

thought it worked out pretty well considering I only half knew what I was doing. 😄

Experiments and experiences make us know the things.


Thanks a bunch ! 🌸