Just doodlin'... Joey and Jenny come to life!

in #art2 years ago

My computer area is tiny. And my laptop doesn't have enough USB ports.

So I got sick of moving everything out of the way constantly, unplugging things, plugging things back in, rearranging the entire tiny desk, fiddling with cords, every time I wanted to use my drawing tablet. So... I haven't used it since my last drawing post where I showed off the creation of my new profile picture.

Yesterday I had a USB hub delivered. 🤣 Now I have more ports and can keep all the things plugged in all the time! Hooray!

It doesn't change the fact that my desk is tiny, but it helps a little bit. I hate fiddling with cords.

Oh. You would like to see my "work station?"... okay!

tiny workspace.jpg

Not much room at all. 😅

Anyway. Now that I have my tablet's cords permanently plugged in and ready to use whenever I want to whip the tablet out, I thought that I'd finally get some drawing done today as I train my talentless hand to one day draw a silly, silly comic that only two or three people will ever read.

Screenshot (705).png

I started with a little sketch.

This is Joey and Jenny. You might remember them from various five-minute freewrites and from my story in the first week of #Maynia a couple years ago.

If they're unfamiliar, basically: Joey is a happy-go-lucky fool who had the good fortune to inherit his great aunt's vast sums of money and house. He has not a care in the world and is forever a goofy idiot who just enjoys life. And Jenny is grounded in reality and is often on the receiving end of Joey's hijinks.

I thought they were perfect in enabling me to finally draw some emotion on my practice sketches.

Screenshot (707).png

Pleased with my idea, I started solidifying my lines and hoped that this wouldn't turn out terrible.

I have a love-hate relationship with lines. There are a couple of webcomics that I read and their lines are smooth, perfect, and their colouring is fantastic. Yet when I do the exact same smooth lines, it looks wrong.

So, knowing that I wouldn't like smooth lines on my drawing like everyone else can do, I decided to do my own type of lining.

Screenshot (710).png

Thick and ragged!

At this point, I was actually liking my drawing. I need to do more with body movements, for instance I kind of imagined Jenny's arms flung up into the air. But one thing at a time. I'm working on facial emotions today.

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Pleased with my basic lines, I decided there wasn't much else I wanted to do. The focus for today wasn't on backgrounds or anything either. I just wanted suitable faces. And I'm really pleased with how they've turned out.

Joey looks reasonably pleased with himself as he chuckles at Jenny's misfortune.

And Jenny looks reasonably miffed at Joey's shenanigans.

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And at last I finished colouring it, popped into a box, and voila:


Here is a little gif of the process:


I think I'm improving!! 😊 I mean, it still looks like it's drawn by a child, but I'm getting better.

It's been a very long time since I've drawn anything, and it's taking me a few months to get the hang of drawing on the tablet instead of pen-and-paper, but I think I'm finally getting somewhere.

Once I get emotions down pat, and body movements are my next goal, I think I could finally begin work on my comic.

I'm almost there!! 😁


The Whistling Fart webcomic shall soon exist!

I already have a basic Wordpress website set up for it, just need to adjust things a bit for "next comic" and "previous comic" ... but I chose Wordpress so I could link it to Hive easily. Already have a Hive account set up for the comic too. I just need to keep practicing my drawing! 🎨 Which is much easier now that I am able to have everything plugged in all the time instead of constantly rearranging everything. 😆

With a bit more practice, I might even start putting my drawings into an actual community instead of hiding it away on my blog. 😆🤣


Until next time!! 🎨🖌️👩‍🎨



All screenshots/images/photos in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci


O my God😭
This is am amazing Talent..... Wow kaelci
So glad for the new ports too😀🤘
Rock on Darling... Wow👏👏👏

I'm so glad for the new ports too!! Now I can actually do stuff! 😄

Thank you! I'm glad you like the drawing... I still feel like it's childish, and I'm so very very very UN-talented compared to the super amazing artists we have here on Hive. But I'm trying. 😅

You are improving. Much more emotional expressions than what I've seen before. (Not counting cats 😆)

I like your "whistling fart" project. Is this going to be just a 1 person blog thing, or maybe make it a community of some sort later on? Because I think that can be a good idea.

That cat was very cheerful! 😊 And there will still be a cat in the comic too, once I finally start it! 😁

I wasn't really intending for the Whistling Fart to be a community -- it was more the title of the Webcomic, and the website was just going to be the comic with information about myself, information about the comic, and a few Hive related things hoping to entice people this way. Mostly though, since I'll be cross-posting to Hive, it'll probably only be Hive people who see it and not average non-crypto people. 😅

there will still be a cat in the comic too
Of course! Can't imagine life without them 😁

It's just an idea that crossed my mind, I will tell you about it later, probably a stupid idea anyways 😅. It doesn't necessarily have to do with the website.

Ooooooooh, an idea! 🤔💡 I'm intrigued. xD

Lol! I enjoyed the tale that comes with drawings! And Yes!!! You are getting brilliant at this 😁... We could already read the emotions Even before you told us and that for me is excellent! Good Job kaelci💕

Thank you!! 😃 Putting emotion into my people's faces has been a real trial, so I'm really glad that this drawing was really evident. Unfortunately body movements might be a bit more difficult -- hands too!!! 🤣 My people's hands are going to look so terrible.

Excellent to see how you took the basic sketch into final colorized conception.

I like that your tablet has a screen. I recently bought one but it doesn't have a screen.

Years and years ago I used to have one that didn't have a screen and I just couldn't use it properly... it was weird to be looking at the screen while my hand just did stuff on a pad out of view. The screen is so much better! 🙂

Absolutely. I have a surface, and it allows you to draw on screen. Unfortunately, it's an old model, so I decided to dip my toes in the tablet world. Drawing on screen feels way more natural, but overall I think the tablet I got is better even without the screen.

I find interesting that a regular tablet didn't work for you. I found it odd at first but then my brain stopped resisting and just went along :)

My brain is a fickle thing. 😅

I had the old Bamboo tablet and while I could use it, I just didn't enjoy it... then I splurged and bought myself a Cintiq 13HD. I thought it would be fantastic!! And it was, when it actually worked. 🙄 Gave up for about 9 years after that experience then just a few months ago I had this sudden urge to try again. This current tablet, the XP-Pen Artist, is a budget brand, much cheaper than Wacom, and is soooo much better too. I love this thing! 😁

I knew I would regret my purchase one day. :)

I have one question, if you don't mind. I'm left handed, so I need to use the tablet upside down. 🙃 Are you able flip the screen in the tablet you have?

Yes! Just had a look in the settings and you can flip the screen! It will flip the monitor screen too though, unless you have the the tablet set up as an extension monitor rather than just a copy of the main monitor.


It will flip the monitor screen too though, unless you have the the tablet set up as an extension monitor rather than just a copy of the main monitor

Heh. That's unexpacted. I think I would use it as an extension, so it shouldn't be a problem. Thank you for checking!

I think now you need to buy a bigger table. And the drawings are good for beginners.

We're planning on a building a large two-person computer desk at some point, probably when we live in a different house. This house is too small for two people to have two large tables, unfortunately.

Your drawings are great! I love doodle type artwork. An old friend on the blockchain, @atopy, still made a little GIF for me back in the day that I still use on my posts. Kids drawing, nah, mine are, hahaha. You've got some emotion and movement down in a simplistic way. Nothing wrong with that!

Oh yes! I saw that gif 😊 it's very cute! 😃

Thank you. Part of me knows that this is my style and this is how I'm intending my future webcomic to be drawn, but the other part of me keeps looking at amazing artwork and then I feel inferior with my doodles. 😅 Need to stop looking at other people's fancy drawings!!

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