πŸ™‚ Pen Eye Drawing! Original Artwork By Kaylin πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

in #art β€’ 6 years ago

This cool drawing was done completely in ball point pen. I love the blue hue that pen gives.
Drawing eyes is one of my favorite things to draw!

Untitled design.png

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Very skillful drawing..the way you draw the iris and pupil ..it looks very real...you have wonderful skills of drawing...

looks like real, 3D πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

This is excellent skill my dear. There was even no pencil outline before you started with the ball point. It is really cool. These artistic skills are not just for some of us. How I wish...

Thank you so much! I feel like with practice most people can learn

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Once EYE made an I in windows paint with my finger on a touchpad...

WOW! I love it! So bright <3

Thank you, forgot to mention yours is lovely to... ;)

Creativity at is best, I wanna start taking classes from you on drawing! When are we starting? @kaylinart

Looks as if someone was taking a peek from a hole in a wall! I've never been good at drawing eyes as good at this one!

eyes are cool. My first photoshop drawing was a dragon eye :P

Nice drawing. Looks like tears going in different directions.

Oh no, she is keeping an eye on me! πŸ˜‚
It is a nice eye πŸ˜‰

Beautiful work, the eyes are very realistic and expressive, congratulations for achieving it.
I wish you a great week dear friend @kaylinart

Very talented young lady :)

Hi! Nice eye I invite you to see mine, greetings!

I was always frightened to draw in pen. I think that the reason is that you cannot rub it out if you make a mistake! However, I suppose that is part of the fun.

Awww I love this! ❀️

one of the skills I wish I had... I was never much of an artist, our oldest son is actually very good, I'd always envisioned him as a graphic artist, he had other plans... Yup, you have a skill I certainly envy! :)