Some Of My BEST Artwork! MIXED (PHOTOS)

in #art8 years ago

Some more of my artwork! Lots of great pictures!

Pencil ON paper, I drew this in high school.

Charcoal and Soft Pastel

A painting I did of a bird

A ACEO painting (2.5 x 2.5)

Lots of Aceo cards

Mixed Media

A variety

I did this in Charocal :)

All Photos Copyright of Lin Watchorn
All RIghts Reserved


I love your artwork. Also jealous because I have no artistic ability. I will live vicariously through you! Thanks for posting.

Aww thank you! You can get better.

It looks like you have a even bigger fan here, huh? Who is @nameles? Seriously spamming you.

LOL I Know right he loves me!

You know, I went and checked out his feed. I don't blame you for flagging him, and it wasn't only you that flagged some of his posts...I don't know what happens when you get flagged too many times here.


I don't know what your beef is here, but spamming this poor lady's posts isn't going to achieve anything but piss other people off... and that won't help your reputation much either... so why don't you can it, huh?

Couldn't reply in the max depth thread you posted to, so posting here. Yeh, that poor creature has some issues to work out. Cool, another Tao user, nice to meet you as well! :-)

THANK YOU! He won't stop, I'm hoping at some point he'll get blocked.

Yes that dang thread depth LOL! THank you for your guy's support I appreciate this.


Yeh, can it before you get flagged for going nuts in the reply area is a great idea. ;-)

FUN !!! , Love your work- Keep it up girl. I enjoyed viewing it, thank you for sharing.
-A fellow Artist xo

Thank you KateCloud I love your blog it's nice to have you stop by :)

so beautiful! thanks for posting!

No problem :)

I really like that first one of the woman outdoors with the black shirt on!

Oh wait, that's a photo of you! :P

Seriously, have you done any self portraits?

I had to Google ACEO but now I know what it is; thanks!

The woman sitting on the piano keys that stretch out the window to the moon is my fav. Does she have angel wings? Or is that something else; I can't quite tell. I'd love to see a close up of that piece!

Have a marvelous artistic weekend!

Heheh thank you! OMG You are too sweet! Hehe! I have done self portraits in the past but I need to do some more ;)

Heheh I don't think a lot of people know what ACEO is, I should of wrote that in the post.

Yes she has angel wings! I'll have to post a closeup later hehe.

I was going through comments to find what ACEO was but looks like I'll have to google that myself too. And, great job @kaylinart. I can see that a ghost has started following you. ::cough:: cough:: @nameles. Flagging is quite delicate in steemit. His rep is 1 now but at this pace he might beat @wang's record pretty soon. And, you look pretty in that pic. I feel sorry for nameles though.

Thank you!
My ghost has been following me around spamming me like crazy. I usually NEVER downvote, But in this case he really deserves it.
Thank you for your compliments!


@nameles C'mon, there should be a better way to resolve this issue. You're only making it worse by spamming like this.

Here's an article by @dantheman and I think everyone should read it to just gain some perspective on voting.

If you check the comments you can see people complaining about his voting mistakes.

I've checked your posts and frankly I only liked the post life is not a dream. Other than that, I felt a lot of negativity in most other posts there.

@kaylinart I also see that a lot of his posts were flagged by you as he said, flagging posts is very sensitive and you know it, it looks somewhat harsh from here.

@kaylinart @nameles Can you two bury the hatchets and move on? @nameles please stop spamming her like this and @kaylinart please say something good.

Group hug? No? ok. Too soon? yeah, too soon, I guess.

Let's just be good steemians then. Full Steem Ahead. ;)

Portfolio is lookin' goooood! Keep it up. :)

Thank you so much!

This is you in the first photo? Charming girl !!!
Great work! Really liked a beacon drawing!!!

Aww thank you!! I'm going to keep posting more and more stuff in the future.

Hi @kaylinart, not this post but another post of you can be found in my #top10 Motivational Steemit Stories to Achieve Success in Life, check it out here:

Oh my gosh Thank you for letting me know! I love this :)

Yeah all of his posts were low quality and garbage. As someone who believes in Steemit, I feel that racism and spam have no place here. I rarely downvote anyone. But In this case I feel like a downvote was necessary.
Steemit is a dream come true for me, And I won't let anyone ruin that.

Awesome. Stand your ground, @kaylinart! You know whose side we're all on! Looking forward to more of your artwork, hopefully minus the ghost...


Regardless of the facts of the discord, you should not have the power to drop someone's reputation site-wide, because you do not represent everyone's views. Voting is a dysfunctional paradigm, and it will not succeed.

However it should also be possible for your coterie to collectively agree that his posts are spam for your like-minded group and have them automatically be filtered.




Now I'm flagging every darn nutcase post you are making too. Maybe you can spam the crap out of everybody's posts until you don't show up by default anymore? Pretty smart plan, eh?

I don't think he's the sharpest tool in the shed... :-)
EDIT: BTW, nice to meet another TAO!

YES ! That has been my goal. He's ruining the discussions on my posts LOL.

LOL!! He really isn't the sharpest tool.


Nice work

Thank you very much.

Cool art, not so cool spammer in the reply area, holy crap, lol. I just knocked them down a notch, hopefully they chill out soon.

Thanks for your help! Hopefully spammers will go away hehe.

Your welcome, this person really deserved it.


Spam gets you flagged dude. Once you are negative numbers your posts will be completely hidden. You are at zero now.

The second one ROCKS!!!!


Thank you hehe!

nice art, thank you for share
