
in #art8 years ago (edited)

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Funny, I put on techno for housework just the other day for the first time in ages, and was amazed at how well it kept me moving! I made a "note to self" to keep doing so, haha.
I'm also at work on an article right now but usually write in quiet (no reason tho). I will punch up some classical on YouTube to try that now. Thanks for the suggestion!

yes I know what you mean, when cleaning up some fast music really gets you going!
For reading or writing, classical music is really great. In general, anything calming without lyrics! You could try piano or instrumental as well

Techno is great for getting things done, but not for driving. It always makes me drive too fast, lol.

Yup, it's working really really well for me sir. I am more lost in deep thought than usual, and seem to be writing more productively than I do without the music. I heard this exact advice many years ago but never practiced it I guess. Thanks again, you're a lifesaver!

Oké i'll admit, every now and then when I crank up the music in my room i find myself dancing in front of the mirror. Just can't help it.

Also, was the left dancer in the second video in the first Hamburg meetup?

That's awesome, and nothing you have to hide. I know that feeling, just turning up the music and dancing just for fun, only for yourself! Those are the moments when you feel really alive!

I wish I could dance like that, awesome! Now I have to check out part 1-3 :D

Thank you! Glad that you like it

The other thing is that good music and dancing make you feel good in spite of anything else going on in your life. Dancing people are happy, smiling people :)

You are right, music has the ability to take away all your worries for a moment!

I love all music, but especially love how different types of music can do different things to you. I normally change up my playlist according to what I'm painting and the mood of the piece, I find it really helps get me in the zone.

that sounds awesome, and I can totally imagine how the music influences your painting. funny how these 2 forms of art go hand in hand!

Thank you for tagging me @sirwinchester
You are the best teacher i can image. When i can´t see my progress, you do!
Thank you for putting so much effort in teaching us. I´m glad to have you

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul”
― Martha Graham

that's an awesome quote, and fits perfectly!

Music really IS powerful - for mood, for energy, for concentration - and even for creativity. I usually write with Focus@Will - headphones a must! (AlphaChill at a medium pace for me). Workouts are with my favorite DJ David Olam (MixCrate) (a friend - I'll be posting about his creations soon). Driving - podcasts or Dave Matthews Band (that sounds like an odd pairing!). Even sleeping, we have music - ambient usually, or else hypnosis tracks.

Sadly I can't dance at all :) When I trying all world smiling :)
Even bear better dancer than me, raccoons too :)

You don't have to dance that well, as long as you have fun that's the most important part!
And that raccoon looks like he has a lot of fun dancing

Very Interesting and creative. Yes, I love music as it takes you so many places and through so many moods. I have beautiful music playing in the background at all times in my home.

Totally agree, I also have music playing in the background at almost all times! It's a great tool to influence your mood. What kind of music do you listen to at home?

Always love taking your classes! I'm actually writing a post about dance at the moment :)

looking forward to reading it!

love to see your dance videos, you are so creative in many different aspects!

thank you! Yes, I try to express my creativity in all different forms of art !

YOU choreographed that middle one? really? that's crazy, wouldve never thought that

well like I said, as a choreographer (or artist in general) you sometimes have to switch into different roles. Many choreographers for background dancers are male, but they choreograph ladylike routines!

the cover photo is so cool! looks very artsy

thank you for the compliment!

you are right, people dance when they're happy (although sometimes they cant even dance at all), I've never thought about that! There must be a connection - and of course physical exercise in general is great for the mood!

well said! thanks for your feedback!

nothing can stop you lol, in the last video you are doing some flips on the ground although there are leaves everywhere! that's dedication!

of course, nothing can stop me once I'm in the zone for dancing!

once again, very creative post! can't believe that you can choreograph for women as well

thank you! As a dancer, or creative artist in general, you have to be versatile!

Just today have discussed it with my friends )

what a coincidence!

Great Sirwinchester, I for my part have never been a dancer even when I was drunk.

awesome ur gif 💙 @sirwinchester

That video clip on the wall was brilliant.

Is it hard for you to choreograph dance moves for women or is it second nature with the amount of experience you have?

Your video edits are really cool too. Not sure if you do them yourself, but I'd love to learn that sometime.

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