The Bullish Case for Hive Even After Going x4

in #binance4 years ago


OMG give me my coins back!

Been a long long time since I had seller's remorse. Feels nice.
Now it would cost $5000 to make me an orca again (OUCH!)

In any case, why could the price go even higher?

I remember when Steem was peaking at $8 like it was yesterday. I knew that wasn't sustainable, so I waited before buying in. I bought a tiny bit at $2.60 and a good chunk at $1.60.

When the price finally got down to 80 cents I was like "ok this is it!" That was the lowest Steem was ever going to go. We had great support there, and we had just crashed 90%, it all made sense.

However, that's not what happened is it? Ned's incompetence and lack of financial runway led to a situation where 1M coins were getting dumped on the market every month no matter what the situation. Programmatic selling. Brilliant. Now that we are Hive this selling pressure has completely vanished. We're no longer being lorded over by a central authority.



The amount of publicity we've received from weathering this storm is astronomical. Many investors balked at Steem because of the ninjamine. Many big players in the space thought DPOS was fundamentally flawed because a rich guy could just come in and buy out the network. How did that turn out?

Hive has now proven all the fears false.

We are stronger than ever, the entire cryptosphere has heard the news, and now we are spiking out of control. Being in the top 30 market cap is going to attract a lot of attention, especially when CMC finally gets with the program and lists us properly.

Chain reaction affect

With Hive being the only coin pumping like crazy, this honestly could domino effect into even more gains. Everyone has been waiting for an alt season. If people start thinking Hive leads the charge they'll jump on board. Our liquidity is definitely thin enough to handle it.


More on Hive liquidity

We have been cultivating a community of strong-handed holders for over a year. Due to the technicals of our blockchain, higher price spirals into higher price. This is because people see the value of their upvotes going up and they want to keep the snowball rolling. The more upvotes are worth the more people want to power up to have a stronger upvote. Just because it hasn't happened in a while doesn't mean it never will. The FOMO is real.

No one wants to sell when the price is going up, and no one wants to buy when the price is going down. Ironic, I know, but that's just the way our economy works. It remains highly volatile at all times.


You know what else is great? HBD is still trading at $1. Hopefully it will stay that way, as big pumps in HBD actually hurt our economy as we saw from the last time during the spike to $13.

On top of having a stable coin that is actually at the peg, we are going to start printing HBD again. This is another reason for the value of Hive to go up. When HBD is being printed, way less Hive is being printed to pay out authors. 50% less even... it's a huge amount that further limits our liquidity and supply. I lot of HBD has been burned over the last year. I remember when we had 13M SBD in supply... Hive is down to 6,183,812 HBD. If the demand for HBD goes up the inflation of Hive will go down for a very long time.

I still value Hive at a minimum of 80 cents.

Which is why I feel so silly now for selling into the tiny pump that preceded a huge pump. oops!
Live and learn.


  • We got a lot of publicity.
  • We're getting exchange listings.
  • We're printing HBD.
  • We have a huge decentralized development fund.
  • We have no centralized entity lording over us.
  • Our liquidity is low and everyone is holding.
    • Everyone wants to power up when the USD upvote value is high.

"So I should buy Hive!?"

Uhhhhhhh, if it's worth it to you. Personally I bought so many coins at the 10-20 cent level that I already feel like I'm locked out of the market hoping it will come back down again. My experience with exchange listings is that they are false hype, but maybe this situation is different.

When we look at the actual situation we're in rather than just pinning it all on an exchange listing 50 cent Hive could still be a really good deal. Like I said, I've been valuing Hive/Steem at 80 cents minimum for the last 2.5 years. It's not about what the price is going to be a week from now but rather a year or more from now. I'm always bullish.


Interesting points, but I don't see it holding those levels and we should be back to 0,15-0,2$ pretty soon (just my opinion though).

I agree.
I just want to point out that there's a lot more going on here than just an exchange listing.

Sure thing. Just saw that on BlockTrades there are liquidity issues. I can imagine why. At that price, I would have sold too if my Hive were not all powered up lol.

I can't believe I am not panic selling right now. I have really come a long way. I am 100% positive we are going higher. I don't know why, I just I'm. The goal is to build a sustainable system and I want to be a part of that. If it means holding on to my tokens a little longer, then so be it. It's just a hobby after all. I am thoroughly enjoying this moment in history's making, can't wait to see what happens in the next 2 weeks.

I bet you're feelin pretty good about not panic selling.

Hhaha, now I feel terrible cause I been Powering the hell up. I don't have any liquid. But I'm okay with it, if I catch it , great, if not, still okay. We might hit $10 after btc halving, then I'll be ready :D

wishful thinking!

I always thought during the next major bull run we'd spike 10 times higher than our last peak. I was thinking $50-$80. We crashed so hard I abandoned this bullishness. However, now that I see Hive peaking while the rest of the market stays totally flat it gives me pause.

Q4 2021 is still on track to be an insane time.

Yes it is. Most Hivers haven't sold on this mini bullrun. I think people finally understand the potential of the platform and are willing to fight for it. I'm hopeful for at least $10 when we get another major exchange listing.

No one wants to sell when the price is going up, and no one wants to buy when the price is going down.

Just call me no one :D

This is crazy, but not seeing it going up much more barring Bitcoin rising. This is definitely a spike due to the Huobi action/publicity. I suspect if Bitcoin holds or falls we will be coming back down soon enough. And when we do, I will be waiting to buy :)

I've seen to many chart comparisons to think the market laws (so far) don't follow Bitcoin. I long for the day there is a demand for the services a chain offers that separate it from this dynamic. We have a good shot at achieving that, but we aren't there yet.

When I say no one I'm talking about the people who actually move the market.
You and I are small potatoes.

But... I like potatoes 😔

Have to watch for the top. I dont know many te hnical patterns but good valuation. Make smaller moves and then you can dollar cost average better. When the market moves against you look for another entry. I watched this guy give a presentation on forex. He said use 1/5 of your investment.

That's good advice. Fortunately, the 13 week powerdown period stops noob traders from doing anything too rash. Cost averaging into a volatile market is always the way to go but many people do not have the self control to follow through with it.

I think im going to post a really high conversion back into steem. What is going to happen if some good traders get some good steem power to make a weighted group of votes. Speculation makes me salivate!

Steem is basically a stable coin right now that can only go up.

What happens if Justin and friends dumps Hive to pump Steem?
I'm sure others are looking at this as well.

All the more reason for smart traders to keep moving back and forth with the market to solidify. I love these blockchain battles. Everytime i refer to crypto in life blockchain is the first word out of my mouth. Nearly every mind I encounter is blown with one word.

Good thoughts - as always!
In addition all what is bought and staked, works for you, curation, inflation, etc. So even if it goes down temporarily, it is worth to accumulate!

Speaking as one of those strong hands that has somehow stuck to Steem (and now Hive) for the past 3.5 years, I can second everything here.

Still bullish on the long-term fundamentals of Hive. More so than I was even on Steem. Short-term though, we might crash hard off of this and I'm just ready to re-buy and double my Hive bags once that happens

Posted Using LeoFinance

Psh man I hope we crash I want orca back so I can stop speculating on the market and just hold.

That being said I would make Orca eventually anyway with my blog but it would take a while...

Also I suppose the real money is all in development... so perhaps I'll study some JavaScript today.

Hi @edicted, your post has been manually chosen by Hive Supporter and upvoted with 97%.

Keep up the good work and you'll have a lot of success here on Hive for sure. To find out more about the Hive Supporter project check out this post.

i love the FOMO.

What a freaking wild ride.


Yeah this is straight up 2017 feels...
except Hive is the only community that's getting the love.
It's pretty insane.

add to that this is all happening during a fucked up global pandemic lockdown? seriously though what dimension is this?

Iv earnt all the Steem (Hive) and never deposited anything. Havent even thought about powering down (apart from my Steem...) but everything else I power up so its a long term game for me.

Buy the Dips.

When the markets moving like this, mentioning Ned is totally negligible. This breakout from the ascending triangle was in the charts for about a week or so, we were posting about it all over twitter. Don't make trades based on emotions and you may not panic sell (which also happens on pumps 😀).

"Overthinking is the leading cause of missed gains."

Where are you at with this situation under current market conditions?