End of November 2022 Bitshares developments! Beet multiwallet & Solid UI developments!


Changes to the Bitshares Beet multiwallet

With the following Bitshares Beet multiwallet pull requests implemented, this year's sprint of uplifting the underlying tech and implementing new required functionality will be complete!

You will be able to rest assured the Bitshares Beet multiwallet is evergreen technology utilising the latest advances in web tech!

Once the code is accepted and a new release client is built, a follow up post will be created to keep you informed! In the mean time you can build the source if eager! :)

Merged PR#213 into the develop branch

  • 5287 new lines of code! 360 lines of code removed! 💪
  • Introducing QR code scanning
  • Introducing TOTP codes for encrypted deeplinks from 3rd party apps into the Beet multiwallet for injected calls to the Bitshares blockchain.
  • UX improvements
    • New menu to replace the footer navigation
    • Improved the prompts; they now use accordion segments to present additional info to cautious/curious users. The language selector in the prompts is now shown under the 'settings' accordion segment.
    • Split the settings page into a separate 'linked dapps' and 'backup' pages
    • Fixed the wallet timeout logout functionality

Rebased #207 & #211 into Beet PR#222

  • 868 new lines of code & 451 lines of code removed!
  • Add a decentralized account warning system, maintained by the bitshares committee on the blockchain, hopefully reducing likelihood of interacting with malicious accounts.
  • Replace static strings with localized strings
  • Include requested operations in link request prompt within a new accordion segment Support encrypted memo objects
  • Remove redundant langSelect components
  • Improve UX of link operations by making it a list in a scroll area Include quantity of allowed operations per link in linked dapps page
  • Tweaks to establishing blockchain connection when switching between blockchains BTS<->BTS_TEST (avoiding erroneous connection attempts, speeding things up too).
  • Timeouts have been introduced to several functions
  • More verbose error checks to reject erroneous injected parameters

Changes to the Bitshares Solid UI

Since the last update regarding Bitshares SolidJS UI developments 10 days ago, significant progress has been made in the actions and stores!

Now that the vast majority of action/store code has been ported, we can now focus on porting the existing Bitshares UI React components to SolidJS!

Rather than port everything at once like we did with the stores and actions, we'll focus on an initial page to convince more devs of solidjs' value.

If you've got SolidJS experience and want to join in on some open source development, check out the github repository and participate in the issues 👍

10 days ago:


As of today:


A difference of 6523 additional lines of code, and 4277 removed/displaced lines of code. Overall about 1000 lines of code impact per day, smashing progress! 🏄‍♂️

What do you think of SolidJS? Are you learning it or using it in your own projects? Comment below!

I hope you all enjoy these Beet developments, I'm grateful for having had the opportunity to improve it for the community!

These developments were funded by the Bitshares committee and implemented by the NFTEA Gallery