Question 9: What’s your favorite charitable cause and why?

in #blog6 years ago

From October 9, 2012

I’d have to say my favorite was the SCA. That stands for the Society for Creative Anachronism. It is a non-profit organization and I like the atmosphere of it.

It is terribly fun. I can dare to say it's live action role playing in a historically-accurate renaissance (though no one holds you to it). You can choose a faux-persona for yourself, learn terminology associated with ranking and specific officers. There are names of kingdoms to memorize, and small sections in those kingdoms all have ranks according to how many members are participating in the area. There’s faux-combat (with a lot of rules), dressing up as your persona (by making your own garb), talking to others in medieval language (which takes years to pick up on, but you don't need to learn it).

It was a good distraction from the mundane reality of working a 40-hour/week job and possibly the best escapism I can think of because at least there is modern socializing and some of the professions include scribing and illumination (calligraphy and gouache painting).

I was the Webminister of Marquette Michigan's local group, Skerjastrond. I don't think the website I maintained for them is in use anymore, so I won't bother with a link to it. However, the SCA does have a website where you can find a group near you. If there isn't a nearby group, you can start one by contacting a Kingdom Seneschal (the corporate officers who deal with all the paperwork and enforcement for their area).

Anyway, I donated my time, so I think this counts as a charitable cause, right?

- Anya

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For me it is a homeless charity called Shelter. This is for purely selfish reasons - I always thought I would end up homeless face down in a gutter somewhere. It's way too easy to find yourself without a home. Sorry that's a bit of a downer :|

I'm getting broadcast errors trying to give you a vote too - have to be later.

Nah, it's alright. I'm at 103 Steem, and not entirely sure if I'll ever get to 500, even with 731 of these questions.

I'm almost at 30 Steem woohoo!

Also, that's not much different from my own preferences for charities. If I had cancer, for instance, I would've had a higher chance of supporting a non-profit cancer donation society. Really subjective question overall.

That's funky - It allowed me to upvote your reply but not post