I have put aside 1 Hectare of land to grow food, to give away.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I have put aside 1 Hectare of land to grow food, to give away.

For years I have seen in the UK, what we call honesty tables. People put food on them in the street and you take what you want and pay what you can.
Foodbanks are on the rise worldwide, giving free food away, which means we have more people in the world without enough to eat, or without money to buy food.

I have also seen some people I am not naming being kind and benevolent world wide, a few of them on here (L/B)

On this note I have put aside 2.7 acres or 1 Hectare of land to grow food, to give away.
Why ? not only because I can, more the fact if I do it, someone else might also - call it the pay it forward effect if you like.

We let someone use the fields for free normally, I am taking 1 back for this purpose.


I feel I have a moral responsibility to do this, as I see a growing number of people having to wade through rubbish just to get alloy cans to survive, it pays enough to get some food on the table I suppose.


I do not even live in my own country, and I will be feeding people that I do not know, does it matter? we are all people, just humans, so it matters not that they are not my countrymen and women.

One step at a time, we can change this world, and I am willing to try, I hate the victim mentality of some people, hate is a strong word I know. I am leading by example, and for free.

Take a ride with me and do the same, it is 1 world, 1 people, and enough for all, if we share.

1 step at a time, taking humanity back to caring and sharing, there is no I in us.

Have a fantastic weekend.



That is so wonderful @deliberator. A brilliant idea. We dream of owning a smallholding in order to be able to grow food ... here in KZN on the border of the Eastern Cape in South Africa there is so much poverty, homelessness, desperation. We do what we can at the moment, feeding people who drop by every so often, donating to the local HELP foundation, giving clothes ... but it's a drop in the ocean. We pray for the means to do more. I hear you - one step at a time - bless you for your caring, compassionate attitude towards your fellow humans.

Bless you right back, keep up the fantastic work good lady.

You are awesome! Thank you!!!

What a kind gesture, I'm looking to buy a piece of land and start some type of permaculture living, you're a great human my friend.

Not great till my deed is done, as Michael Jackson sang, I am working on the man in the mirror. Thank you my friend in sunny Spain.

I came close to needing a food bank, it's no fun. What you're doing will make a big difference.

It will here, it won't everywhere, we need more people to do this, a start is still a start though, thanks my friend.

Oh goodness yes!!!! I cannot wait to see all the progress posts and I'm sure @foodisfree will be over the moon to find out about you!! Be sure to tag your post #foodisfree somewhere in the tags!!!! xoxoxoxooxxx

p.s. you inspired me, I saw your facebook, no I am not a stalker, you did though inspire me to do better.

Stalk on bro! I stalk many people hahahahaa!! That's how we all get inspired from each other eh? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Thank you for taking the initiative, it's been shared on the page as well >>>
<3 <3 <3 https://www.facebook.com/foodisfree/ <3 <3 <3 <3

Thank you my new friend, 1 by1 we can change this world around, I know we can.

This is so amazing @deliberator!! Thank you! You are so right, it will catch on:) Thank you for leading by example! You will meet so many incredible people on this journey <3 <3 <3

We are in this as one, thank you for the support, tbh I am sick of the way the world is heading, I can only change me, and I am. let's see if it changes "us"

I completely agree. It starts with ourselves. <3

I wish I could upvote that comment, sadly I have run out of vote power.

Your response was enough:) I hope your weekend is going well <3

Great work with this @deliberator I admire your spirit and compassion. It's so nice to put something positive out into the world, you may be surprised what it draws back to you .. there is a power in kindness and giving. Out of interest how much is it to buy land out there?

Quite cheap by UK standards, around a third of the price, as of now, we hold 15 hectares here. and a few flats, the flats cost around 30 grand Uk prices. Any help you may require, should you choose to come over, I will gladly offer for free.

Thanks my friend, I really appreciate that

One summer a few years back, we put out a table with extra squash from the garden. A sign said free.

Someone put the squash on the ground and took the table.

Maybe they needed a table to eat on, I do not know. What you did was fantastic though, and I will gladly pay you for that table, right here, right now.

Another surplus squash tale...

There was an Indian gentleman that walked past my house nearly every day. I would say hi if I was outside. He never said hi back.

One afternoon when the surplus squash was on display, he stopped and asked if it was alright to partake. I told him he could have as much as he wanted. We talked a few minutes and I mentioned my tomatoes were not doing well. He offered to bring me tomatoes from his plants.

After that day he always returned a hello as he passed by.

Lovely story, and you got some tomatoes out of it.

Woooo!!! This is AWESOME!! Bravo <3

Thank you, may I ask what your photo is about? It does look intriguing.

It was when my hair was rainbow and it's a kitsune mask featuring a video game character Okami, I have unique taste lol

intriguing all the same, thanks for sharing the info.

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Permaculture ethics at work right there (return of surplus to the people). Your land will greatly benefit from this if worked on properly. I too have ideas to bring food to people, and hopefully Steemit will help me achieve these. I live in a contry with a great amount of poverty. We need more smart people like you. If the community benefits, we all benefit. This is an abundant planet. There's more than enough for everyone if we just try. Not everyone understands that. Thank you very much. Do you need someone to take care of the land? haha :D

lol, just try doing the same in Africa. We had farms in Tanzania and my father always set aside some land, which we tended and harvested at our expense, but what was grown there was for feeding the farm workers. The government told us to stop, because it is insulting.

Well, they nationalised everything anyway, so it did not matter after all.

This does not mean I dislike your idea. I have been struggling to think of a way to help people in Greece. Did you know that if you have two children in Greece (if you are Greek) you pay a higher tax rate? People with children are the ones desperately in need there and if somehow I make some money, your idea just might make a difference.


It is the opposite here, if you have more than 1 child, you get £100 a month for every child over 1, so it pays to have more than 1 child, as £100 to the locals may actually be equivalent to a months wages. Have you read the Kalergi plan my friend? http://www.tomatobubble.com/id979.html

Yes I have, I know why and what they are doing, but I don't see how the Greeks can save themselves. They have no one to lead them, and if they do, however good he or she may seem to be, there is no Greek leader they can trust, for whoever becomes a leader, ditches every shred of humanity and good conscious, betraying them without any feelings of guilt.

It is the same in most countries, the Jewish people changed surnames to mingle in with aristocracy, they control the central banks, any opposition to the plan gets a country invaded. WW2 was not about nazis, it was about getting rid of millions of men within the EU and replacing them with migrants it seems. Greece like the UK is beyond saving, as are Italy, France and now Germany.

I'm not that pessimistic. But I suspect that soon as the EU collapses, the world will be divided between USA, Russia and China. It is likely Europe will be divided up between USA and Russia; I can't see either of them allowing China to take any part of it.
I am not that concerned which of the dominant countries take over UK, Greece etc. What I am more concerned about is that the collapse brings about either the extermination of migrants or they get sent back to their own countries.
I also hope it brings about the total destruction of the Arab countries, including Pakistan, so that they never become a threat to Christians again.
I wonder whether the Visgrad countries will succeed in holding on to their independance - or maybe, even extend their influence?

The most disturbing part for me is the fact all these migrants have no papers, and are single young men. You and I are not allowed to travel without a passport, yet these millions of people are given safe passage by NGO'S of Soros and co. The sooner the EU collapses the better, A drunkard runs it in Juncker and is not fit for purpose, neither is the EU of tyranny. China will be the player, they have signed up most of the EU including Poland to the one road one belt. Though the UK and as yet America are not invited to it.

I can't see the US and Russia meekly sitting by, for China to take over Europe.

Our only hope is that China, Russia and USA are not brought down, so that technology is available for Europe to recover.

I also think that Turkey will have to be brought down to size - I hope they do so by giving back to the Kurds some land - maybe Armenia also.

I am also hoping that this time Merkel (the Hitler of our time) has totally destroyed Germany, so that they can never try to take over again. She thought we would not recognise what she is doing, but it was too obvious, plus, with Germany now making available to the EU their 'secret' army, for forcing countries to stay in EU and take migrants, she has tipped her hand too early for her to win. I hear her coalition is falling apart as they do not agree to her dictatorial methods.