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RE: Robot Disco Party

in #body10 months ago (edited)

Exercise is so important! I've been doing some kind of regular workout since I was 15 or so. It's been a lot of trial and error but after 37 years I've narrowed down my daily routine to this....qi-gong for 20 min each morning, a 20 min Russian kettlebell routine (30lb), Navy Seal Burpees, a 3 to 5 mile bike ride, and 20 min of stair climbing (2x a day). I used to really be into heavy weight training but found the burpees to be more effective at building muscle. For the first time since I was a teen, I have zero back pain because the burpees strengthen your core and stabilize the spine. It's become so much a part of my routine that I feel like crap if I skip more than one day. It helps regulate your mood and it also improves cognitive function.


It's good you started young. I talk to a lot of people who say they can't start exercising now as they've never done it (regularly), so it seems the earlier you start this habit, the easier it is to keep your practice.

Sounds like you've got quite a competent workout going! I like that there's a lot of variety packed in there, so you don't risk getting bored of the same. Very intense, too.

Qigong is definitely on my list of things to check out, though I'd like to try with a teacher at first and there are no events in the summer.

I really like this workout routine because it works well while traveling (except for the kettlebell portion). I highly recommend qi-gong. It really helps to center you and keep you connected to the here and now. Enjoy your weekend!