A window to history - Emperor Constantine II. / Okno do histórie - Cisár Konštantín II.

in #cesky3 years ago

The Roman Empire was perhaps the strongest empire in the world for several centuries. It has managed to conquer many nations and gain vast territories. At the same time, it was an empire full of intrigue, betrayal and politics. Therefore, it is interesting to see how such a large country was managed by individual emperors.


Emperor Constantine II he was the eldest son of Constantine the Great and Fausta. He was raised a Christian.
At the age of ten, he became commander of Gaul. His military career continued when his father appointed him field commander during the 332 campaign against the goals.

After the death of his father, Constantine II. together with his brothers he became emperor of the Roman Empire, which was divided between them and their cousins. However, this arrangement barely survived the death of Constantine. The three brothers defeated their family militarily, gathered in Pannonia, and on September 9, 3737, they divided the empire among themselves. Constantine II became the ruler of Gaul, Spain and Britain.


He soon took part in the struggle between the factions that divided the unity of the Christian church. Under the influence of Rome, the western part of the empire preferred Catholicism to Arianism. The bishops of West Rome convinced Constantine II. to liberate the Patriarch of Alexandria, a supporter of Catholicism, Athanasius and allow him to return to Alexandria, despite the fact that Constantine II. he was a supporter of Arianism.

Constantine II he was the protector of his youngest brother, Constantine I, who ruled Italy, Africa and Illyria. Soon, however, he felt offended that, as the eldest son, he had not received the most. He was upset when Constantine I took over the provinces of Thrace and Macedonia after the death of their cousin Dalmatia. Constantine II demanded that Constantine I surrender the provinces in Africa. He agreed to maintain a fragile truce with the brother's request. However, during the division, there was a dispute between them as to which African provinces were Roman and which belonged to Carthage.


In 340 Constantine II. he marched to Italy at the head of his army. Constance I was in Dacia at that time. Against his brother he sent the core of his army, well-trained and disciplined Illyrian soldiers, whom he followed with the rest of his army. Constantine II joined the fighting. He was killed in an ambush near the town of Aquileia.
After the death of his brother, Constantine I took control of his empire.

Well thank you.

Po slovensky

Rímska ríša bola po niekoľko stročí azda najsilnejšou ríšou na svete. Dokázala si podmaniť množstvo národov a získať obrovské územia. Zároveň to bola ríša plná intríg, zrád a politiky. Preto je zaujímavé sledovať, ako sa darilo spravovať takú veľkú krajinu jednotlivým cisárom.


Cisár Konštantín II. bol najstarším synom Konštantína Veľkého a Fausty. Bol vychovávaný ako kresťan.
Vo veku desiatich rokov sa stal veliteľom Galie. Jeho vojenská kariéra pokračovala, keď ho jeho otec menoval poľným veliteľom počas 332 ťaženia proti gótom.

Po smrti svojho otca sa Konštantín II. spoločne so svojimi bratmi stal cisárom Rímskej ríše, ktorá bola rozdelená medzi nich a ich bratrancov. Toto usporiadanie však sotva prežilo smrť Konštantína. Traja bratia vojensky porazili svoju rodinu, zišli sa v Panónii a 9.9.337 si rozdelili ríšu medzi sebou. Konštantín II. sa stal vládcom Gálie, Hispánie a Británie.


Čoskoro sa podieľal na boji medzi frakciami, ktoré rozdelili jednotu kresťanskej cirkvi. Západná časť ríše pod vplyvom Ríma uprednostňovala katolicizmus pred arianizmom. Západorímski biskupi presvedčili Konštantína II. aby oslobodil alexandríjskeho patriarchu, zástancu katolicizmu, Athanasiusa a povolil mu návrat do Alexandrie aj napriek tomu, že Konštantín II. bol prívržencom arianizmu.

Konštantín II. bol ochrancom svojho najmladšieho brata Konstansa I., ktorý vládol Taliansku, Afrike a Illýrii. Čoskoro sa však cítil ukrivdený, že ako najstarší syn nedostal najviac. Rozčúlilo ho, keď Konstans I. prijal provincie Thrácia a Makedónia po smrti ich bratranca Dalmátia. Konštantín II. požadoval, aby sa Konstans I. vzdal provincií v Afrike. Ten, aby sa udržalo krehké prímerie s požiadavkou brata súhlasil. Avšak pri delení nastal medzi nimi spor o to, ktoré africké provincie sú rímske a ktoré patrili Kartágu.


V roku 340 Konštantín II. na čele svojho vojska vpochodoval do Talianska. Konstans I. sa v tom čase nachádzal v Dácii. Proti svojmu bratovi poslal jadro svojej armády, dobre vycvičených a disciplinovaných ilýrskych vojakov, ktorých nasledoval so zvyškom svojej armády. Konštantín II. sa zapojil do bojov. Bol zabitý v zálohe blízko mesta Aquileia.
Konstans I. po smrti svojho brata prevzal kontrolu nad jeho ríšou.
