
Is this comment because I unfollowed? I just went through and followed and unfollowed folks whose content I haven't read much of lately. I've mentioned before that I don't like to consume much self-help-related content so that's a reason.

Will still see your posts in the main tag though as I usually look for posts in there the most.

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That's an article or post. You made a comment. To make a differentiation.
After publishing it I saw you have unfollowed. So, your answer is no. The exact reasons for publishing it can be found in the text itself.

These are the few* that I've sent recently, before the following/unfollowing and before I headed out.


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Too much to read from your content.
I understand your decision and I respect it. No ego has been inflicted.
I'll see you around!

I'm lost, can you send me over the comment you are referring to? If you have a look at my blockchain history you'll see the list of people I followed and unfollowed, sorry if it's caused a problem. I didn't mean for it to be perceived as anything more.

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Sorry, I thought you commented on my article.

I wanted to tell you that even if you have unfriended me, I will come by from time to time with this account or others to say Hello. There's no problem for me that you did. But this will not make me a stranger. So, I'll come by sometimes and Say Hi.Just so you know I haven't forget you.

Oh yeah, that's totally cool. It's nothing based on anything personal, trust me on that. I rarely use my 'Feed' and I stick with the main tags so I decided to follow some to see if I could cater my tastes a bit better. Still sticking with POB solely for now before I venture in deeper.

Glad that things are alright, wasn't sure where things were after the last interactions. Seen a handful of your content since then though and I've liked some posts (they're all above average, not saying they are bad, just some weren't to my particular tastes that's all*)

edit** they are good content, just not my tastes. feel like a dick saying "above average", lol.

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