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RE: I can't wait for the HF20 clusterfork!

in #clusterfork6 years ago

Bring back your bot. It hasn’t slowed me down at all and it won’t in the future. You will never get me off this platform clown. Just like your hypocrisy and failed efforts with Haejin and the lack of backbone you’ve shown with Trevon. No one will ever take you seriously, you’re a joke both on the platform and in life. Take away your steem power and you amount to the lint in my belly button


Why would I want to get rid of you? If that were the case, I would have made that phone call a long time ago.

I’m just showing everyone how little self control you have and how easy it is to troll a bitch.


What phone call is that Bernie?

Like I’ve told you several times before, meet me at steemfest and we will settle this like men

Hahahahahahahahah, that’s hilarious that you’d think I’d waste my time going to a circle jerk. I think that’s more your style. Silly Canadian, the world knows you’re all a bunch of pussies.

Trolled like the bitch your mom is.

Also, I’ve seen no evidence you’re a “man”.

That’s all that ever comes out of your mouth, excuses and insults. We all know what type of person you are. Keep hiding behind your keyboard and living in your own little reality, you wouldn’t survive in the real world

I think you need to take a step back and look in the mirror. You really are making yourself look fucking stupid by accusing me of doing EXACTLY what you're doing. Good job trying to deflect onto me though, unfortunately, we all see right through you.

Pathetic bastard, like I said, your dad would be disappointed in how easily you're getting trolled. Keep it up though, this is enjoyable for me and all of my followers.

I hope you enjoy Steemfest. Trust me, it will be a memorable one for you.

Just because you are disillusioned doesn’t mean everyone else is turdsanders. You’re just not used to people not groveling at your feet. You keep using your stack of SP to cover up for your small man syndrome.
This all started because you couldn’t just shut up and suck it up that not everyone thinks you deserve to be a witness. And judging by the current rankings, most people agree with me.

Again, showing your ignorance by not realizing the entire top 20 is controlled by a single voter.

Goddamn, you're making this easy for me. I'm starting to get bored with you. Thankfully my bot won't get bored so easily.

If people agreed with you, you'd have followers and people responding to your bullshit comments. (Hint: nobody pays attention to what you do here, just like your offline life)