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RE: Comment commitment: 32,500 by 31 December 2020

Yep, if everyone was the same it wold be a bit odd...Especially if everyone was like me. A world full of me's would be a horrible place.

Everyone is free to do as they wish, which is why I chose to do this post. It also gives me a reference point to give people strangers when they hit me up on discord out of the blue begging for my votes on their posts.


Strangers do that?! How creepy.

Imagine having to life with yourself instead of Faith. 🤔 Pretty sure I wouldn't want to live with myself! 😅

People on hive, yes. They disguise it with a hello dear opening line (which creeps me out) then proceed to ask how they can get more votes. I try to help then it disintergrates into asking for my vote. I try to be nice but rarely are any of them receptive to my good advice. (It never involves getting my vote). I send them off to post with passion, personality and effort and to engage in the same way.

Oh yeah, if I was my next door neighbour I'd kill me. 😂 A world full of me's would be a hideous place.

Hello me it's me again...😆

Hello Dear...

Although I obviously and quite correctly view myself through the lens of legend... (I threw all the other lenses in the trash, I didn't find they served me!) I would not like to encounter even one other me!!!

I know all of my flaws and secret things that I honestly detest (but accept) I think I would be incredibly judgemental about Steven Mk II.

I haven't forgotten about the comment commitment. I like to gamify my journey from time to time to mix things up and hold myself accountable.

I think I've settled on a sufficiently round target... Back to solidify it shortly lol.

(( You knew I was gonna overthink this, right?))

Hope you are well friend, catch-up soon 🙂

With a build up like this I'm expecting something suitably spectacular you know. There will be no accepting of anything less than that. Just saying. You can't build it up bigger then Ben Hur then deliver a piddly result you know. 😂

It will be a 56 comment increase total by Dec 31st... BUT It will be accompanied by a 12,000 word post!!!

Can't say fairer than that dude! :D

Lol! That sounds stevenwoodish if anything ever did! 😂🥴

OK so I have the goal of 5K HP by Christmas Day... I am gonna commit to finishing the year on an accompanying 5000 comment total too.

It seems synchronicitous. There, I bloody said it haha. 🙂

People strangers beg for your votes? I hadn't thought of doing that 😁

Lol...Give it a try. You might get lucky. 🤔