
Set the bar too low you reckon Boomdawg?

Nah, not at all but you are a determined geezer and that's why I know you will make it! In fact you will crush it!

I thought it would be an interesting thing to actually track to see how close I get...Maybe I'll exceed the goal...Hmm, maybe ai should set a stretch-goal also. I reckon I can do it and once I set a goal...Well, not achieving it never feels right...And so I get it done. We'll see...I've called myself out on the chain now so my reputation is on the line. 41 comments a day? Should be acheivable over a week when averaged out. 🤔😉

You could do 100 a day and have half the week off!

Well, I did over a hundred yesterday so...Maybe today off?

A well deserved one!!

Lol...Feet up, kicking back!

Actually making a fucking killer pasta sauce right now. Tastes so good. House smells like Italy right now. And I don't mean the back alleys of Palermo. I mean like the kitchen of a small farmhouse in the Tuscan hills. 🙂