
But I thought Punks Not Dead (-The Exploited)... and now they are Can-a-dies?

Posted using Partiko Android

You should have seen the seen the Casualties when someone overdosed on GBH while playing with their Sex Pistols


Posted using Partiko Android


Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: theabsolute
Receiving Account: theabsolute
New sending account balance: 988
New receiving account balance: 988
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 69e6c5dc3209108a7462c9d5befaa519afc50532


Someone sent you some POCKET tokens. POCKET is an experimental sub-token system which operates on the Steem blockchain. It's like having a custom token without SMT. You can also send some to someone else by just commenting on a post with the following command: pocketsend:number_of_token@recipient_name,memo for example to send 10 tokens to @pocketjs, make a comment starting with: pocketsend:10@pocketjs,This is a gift

I am running Pocket-JS confirmer code.