[Ramengirl Magazine Vol.120] What @ramengirl Has in Her Kitchen? | Ramengirl🍜

in #cooking6 years ago


What @ramengirl Has in Her Kitchen?


Hey guys, this is @ramengirl. Today I'm going to take you to my favorite place in the world which is my kitchen! I always trying to keeping my kitchen clean and look nice... even though my desks and closets are so messy all the time hahaha.


First of all, I want to show you my seasonings that I always keep right next to my range. Garlic powder, my favorite spice cumin, paprika, cayenne pepper, oregano, parsley, allspice, coriander.


On the back, there are herb salt, turmeric, crushed red pepper, Italian herb mix, pickling spices for pickles, onion powder, chipotle powder, honey, maple syrup.


And most important ingredients Italian extra virgin olive oil, black pepper, and salt is always waiting next to the gas range.


On the shelves, I keep a variety of ingredients: seaweed, katsuobushi, coconut oil, cans, chia seed, lentil beans, vitamins, and so on.


I'll show you my fridge just a little bit :D


On the top, I keep my mask sheets because I like cold ones hehe, and my little snacks ;)


In the middle, there are tabasco sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, tom-yam sauce, fish sauce, peanut sauce, sesame seed :)


I also have four different kinds of mustard, ketchup, Mayonnaise, sriracha sauce, Mexican hot sauce, teriyaki sauce, and I also have Bombay and Jagermeister​ which I haven't drink years now haha.


On the bottom, there are salsa, Chinese​ chili bean sauce, olive, okonomiyaki sauce, tonkatsu sauce, and Thai curries.

My kitchen is really small but I'm keeping it as ​my mini cooking world!! My kitchen always makes me happy, excited, calm, relax! I'm so happy to share my favorite place with you guys, and I hope you guys enjoyed it too! Thank you so much <3



greetings, charming ramengirl

Very nice your place to put the things of a recipe

Here in the city where I live, a festival is occurring called Minas-Tche. It is an exhibition related to cooking, dances, music, clothes, etc... This festival is coming from the south of Brazil, a state far from mine. About the food, they're delicious. Yesterday I went there and bought a cheese stuffed with sausage, a krakovia (which looks like a sirloin steak, but it is not. It's delicious. I bought the Krakovia, and, lawn chocolates. Lawn is a city famous for its chocolates. DELICIOUS!!!!!! If you ever want to visit Brazil, tell me that I can be your virtual guide.

Thank you for posting and Good morning!!!!!!

My only question is, are you able to use them all before they expire?? If yes, then I hope you have a school lolx....

Probably not... lol

Do they have Costco where you live ? I notice the Kirkland brand lol

We have Costco in Korea! It's in everywhere! ;D

Many delicious things together good post

맨위에 있는 코코넛 오일은 몸에 바르는게 아니고 먹는것 인가요;;??
집에 있어서 몸에 발랐던 기억이 나는데;;;;

네~ 식용 오일이에요^^ 저도 가끔 마사지용으로 쓰기도 한답니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Cumin is also my favorite. I almost use it like peper and salt.

Almost everything taste gets better if I add cumin! Haha