The Imminent Crypto Wind Of Change

in #crypto4 years ago

Wind Of Change



My walk today was more brisk than normal. I got soaked in the rain yesterday and I didn't want that to happen again today, so I was walking at around twice the speed just so I could get through it before the weather changed.

Talking of the winds, it's suddenly gotten much cooler since the arrival of Autumn in London. Forget about the gradual transition, we went from summer to near freezing in a matter of one day.

I had an audiobook in my ears, but I wasn't fully focused on that today. My mind was partly wandering away to crypto. An analogy formed in my head about the crypto wind of change that is starting to blow, and how things are about to really change.

I have an exciting feeling that we are about to see a major bull run. There have been a few false starts, but things are looking really good I say.

Peace & Love,



Let the wind blow!

Hurricane level needed!