Well that was fast... Coinbase decides to reverse course and support Bitcoin Cash?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Coinbase is now stating they will support Bitcoin Cash.

You don't say?!

Funny what a few potential lawsuits will do to get you to change your mind about things...

Sometimes people just need a good kick in the shorts before they start doing things the right way. 

That and perhaps seeing that Bitcoin Cash is a multi billion dollar market and one of the top 5 cryptocurrencies might have had something to do with it.

Timeline of Events.

Several weeks ago Coinbase originally stated that they would not support Bitcoin Cash and didn't have any intention to once it began trading.

As you can imagine their customers were not happy.

In fact, claims of fraud and scam even started to be uttered by coinbase customers as they were thinking Coinbase would be keeping the Bitcoin Cash for themselves.

Which, considering they are one of the largest Bitcoin exchanges on the planet would make for quite a windfall.

That was soon put to rest by a spokeswoman from Coinbase when she stated that if Coinbase ever decided to support Bitcoin Cash, then all of the customer Bitcoin Cash that was obtained would be sent out to their customers.

More about that can be read here:


That helped things die down slightly, but it wasn't enough.

During this time, most Coinbase customers either moved their Bitcoin to personal wallets or other exchanges in order to take advantage of the Bitcoin Cash split (cough cough dividend).

Coinbase gave plenty of notice so customers would have time to do this.

However, when the code was actually forked and Bitcoin Cash came into existence and it's price soared to over $700 per coin, Coinbase's remaining customers were rightfully pissed off.

I would imagine they wouldn't be making such a stink about it if Bitcoin Cash was currently trading for $1 per coin, but that is a topic for another day.

Things escalate.

What first started out as anger and annoyance quickly turned in the direction of legal action as the price of Bitcoin Cash continued to climb.

Groups started to threaten to file suit against Coinbase in regards to Bitcoin Cash.

More about that can be read here:


Apparently that was the kick in the shorts that Coinbase needed, because...

Coinbase decides they will support Bitcoin Cash.

In news out this morning Coinbase has done a 180 and completely changed their mind about supporting Bitcoin Cash.

Here is a quote from them about it:

"We've examined all of the relevant issues and have decided to work on adding support for bitcoin cash for Coinbase customers. We are planning to have support for bitcoin cash by January 1st, 2018, assuming no additional risks emerge during that time."

Do you hear that Coinbase customers, you will get your Bitcoin Cash after all!

All you have to do is wait till 2018...

Better late than never I guess. Let's just hope Bitcoin Cash isn't trading for under a dollar by then...

Stay informed my friends!



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Follow me: @jrcornel


I don't think BCash will be a top 5 crypto for long...

Just the commissions they would get from people selling their bitcoin cash would have made sense for them to support this. Public outcry made it even more obvious to support it.

So, Coinbase:

  • pissed off their clients who wanted to trade Bitcoin Cash with them from the offing;

  • then they pissed off the ones who heeded their warnings and wasted their time and energy moving things out so that they'd be able able to get it from somewhere else;

  • and now they've (Coinbase) got egg on their face.

Is there anyone in this scenario that could be described as having been immune to any displeasure here regarding?

Nope, none.

LMAO, all of these exchanges regret not supporting bitcoin cash because it had so much success. sucks for them, they missed out on a lot of volume

Yeah... and "meh."

I got the email this morning and scratched my head... having gone to considerable trouble to move ALL my BTC off Coinbase a few weeks ago. Not a huge financial issue... but the annoyance factor leaves me with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.

OMG i get to eat something other then beans... mind fucking blown... I forgot about my coinbase before the fork and had like 1.5btc in there! WOO

Maybe, we will see what Bitcoin Cash is trading for at the time :)

Lol, they had no other option than allowing trade bitcoin cash. With the hard fork, its important to make it availabe on platform and coinbase has a great customers line, they had to to do for sure. But then they didn't, people got mad and now they have to do it out of emergency. But great decision by them :)

All it takes is the threat of a lawsuit to make a company straighten up sometimes apparently. The Jan 1st hedge is interesting - they think price will be lower at that time?

In fact, claims of fraud and scam even started to be uttered by Coinbase customers as they were thinking Coinbase would be keeping the Bitcoin Cash for themselves.

I'm never a fan of Coinbase despite they being one of the top exchanges out there. Simply for the reason, they are charging a whopping 1.49% fee. But yes if I were their user I would have the exact same doubt.

It was just posturing and I think Coinbase and most of the other exchanges will try to push BCH out the door over the next 6-12 months. It will definitely be interesting to watch...

2018?? Are they running a fractional reserve system??

They key to this whole thing is what you mentioned at the end: CB won't support Bitcoin Cash until Jan 2018...what the crap is that??

"Better late than never I guess. Let's just hope Bitcoin Cash isn't trading for under a dollar by then..."

Exactly. BCC has already lost 75% of it's highest value since the fork. It's probably going to settle around 200-250, but I can't imagine it going much higher.

Bitcoin on the other hand....

Good news for Bitcoin holders at Coinbase! Seems fair to me.

Hmm interesting post very informative as always but what do you think Jesus would do in this situation?!? ;0)

don't have to wonder. i know. he joined forces with Bitmain and helped create Bitcoin Cash, oh did you not mean bitcoin jesus cause the real jesus hated money changers and had a habit of tossing them out of places

In the end this crypto culture will make way for a cashless society and the banks and governments will officially take over it, and that will make us all easier to control. If its too good to be true, it probably is. Greed always outways common sense. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king

Poloniex exchange is also supporting BCC.

nice post! i upvoted you!

for all steemians on this post......... follow me and i follow you bros! :D
Follow Me : https://steemit.com/@cryptonews24


"Better late than never I guess!"
Great phrase!

The next big thing is here , of course everyone will support it !!

Still, no one wants to lose customers because of simple stubbornness.

I hope the price goes back up... I bought BCC at $310 this morning and it dropped to $280! Just my luck!

I honestly would change it to BTC I only see BCC growing past $350 as the whole market grows which in either case BTC will be in a good place. Any ways just my two cents, good-luck (I'm sure there's someone here that completely disagrees, so take it with a pinch of salt ;)

Believe me... as soon as I can get my money back, it's going back to BTC. It's been fluctuating so fast I figured I might make a quick hundred or two.

Not at all surprised.

Full disclosure: I wasn't convinced. Then I saw the gains to my wallets.

Oh hell yeah they're promoting it, only a fool wouldn't at this point.

Can not stand Coinbase...for that matter Poloniex can run and jump as well.

Wow.... What a good news from @jrcornel

Thanks for sharing this information. God bless

Good article thanks for sharing :-)

I just moved my bitcoins out after their annonces in mid of July, and other currencies too , btw :)

i guess they are very good at flipping their decision just like what they did with GDAX flash crash

Yes, Coinbase is planning to have support for bitcoin cash by January 1, 2018, assuming no additional risks emerge during that time.

amazing post dear

Que bien que coinbase apruebe el bitcoin cash, eso alegrara la vida de muchos... Gracias por la información. Saludos!!

I don't think the issue of CoinBase has finished yet as their clients are not happy to wait for four months and I understand them bearing in mined that Segwit2x agreement was decided in mid May in New York and took two months and a half for a process to get implemented without knowing about the result and now CoinBase needs four months to do what all other miner and exchange did in two months and half. Doesn't that seem doubtful to you?

Que bien por los que tenemos wallet en coinbase

I think that coinbase analyzed the big potential growth of bitcoin cash, so they decide work with the crypto due to it will be the future commercial exchange for bitcoin

that is exactly what i thought, what you said it at the end:

"Better late than never I guess. Let's just hope Bitcoin Cash isn't trading for under a dollar by then..."

Conibase are too 'smart'.. to avoid any lawsuit they've just put a date so far back the most likely BCC won't be worth anything by then..

Meantime my best (unsubstantiated!) guess is that they will probably sell them and hedge their bets on most people not claiming them OR else claiming them at a much lower price!

Exchanges are not good for anything other than purchasing.
They are not good for storage and I wouldn't trust them at the time of a hard fork to support any value that would benefit the holder.

who playing the game ..its hard to predict...coinbase has changed mind like small baby...isn't it?

Coinbase has dropped the ball at some point and now they are trying to recover with stuff like this. Great content!

NICE saying.....
We completely didnt manage to understand this coin, A shit coin or Great project???
I had a technical analysis on BCC recently, checkout on my profile and give me advice how you feel.