Why Does People Attach the Coins on Buddha Statue

in #culture7 years ago



On my way to the main building of the temple, Soo Deok Sa, I saw a family attach the coins on Buddha statue.


It seemed that Korean people loved to use coins for purpose of praying for fortune and luck to Buddha.

You could see this kinds of statue in many cases. In the temple of Soo Deok Sa, there were many places people put the coins on the statue and threw the coin into the water.



A woman was attaching the coins even on the steep wall like that.
It took several minutes to put the coins on steep wall



I heard people talked each other the ability to attach the coins on the steep wall was the sign of sincere faith to Buddha.

It made me laughing. It was far from Buddhism, it was superstitious and deeply related to the Shamanism.

There is my friend who is devout christian. When I met him, I told what I had seen in the temple.

He explained that koeans' religious background was deeply related with the shamanism.
Eventhough there are Buddhism, Protestant and Catholic in Korea, there are no religious conflict in Korea. The reason no conflict among religions was that basic tendency of religion in Korean people was the Shamanism.

You could find the shamans and fortune tellers easily anyplace in Korea.

I think my friend's explanation had a sense.

How about your place.
Do you have similar attitude or custom like korea ?


@slowwalker It looks really a wonderful statue. that people go there for praying.
Dont other people steal the coins attached with this statue?

I think Priests of that temple took the coins who works there..correct me If I am wrong..

Very nice! Thanks, where would I yet have seen!

Thank you for an interesting post on the customs of the religious people of Korea. I think most customs and religious practices seem strange outside of ones own culture. The differences is what make culture unique and fun (as long as no one gets hurt).

wow...so nice....thanks for shearing

thank you for visiting

Hope this brings you luck as well. Good luck

thank you so much bro

Excellent photography @slowwalker.Thanks for sharing this post.i like and uovoted.

thank you for your compliment

The coins are attached with buddha statue to serve poor people.

haha. exactly

it's amazing that statue ,, steady

That's pretty cool.. I didn't know that, but now if I see it I will know why!
Thanks for the post ;D

thank you for your comment

It is something wrong people may call it belief, but it give courage to many, who wish to achieve something. So it's great 👌

you are right

Hiiiii....That's very wonderful statue @slowwalker

Great post ..., same with in indonesia but each have belief and obedience according to each belief. and what matters is peace and mutual tolerance among religious people


As it is seen Korean people putting coins on Buddha just like that it is here in India people throw coins on great rivers

oh yes
it is similar

A very interesting post! Thanks for sharing.

Wow..i want to know what is that Shamanism really is.

We have that alot also here in the philippines..in cebu we had Temple of Lhea and Taoist Temple!
Thanks for sharing this to us sir @slowwalker

thank you @bien

My Pleasure sir @slowwalker

@slowwalker : Coming from a country that's deeply religious in general (India), one does tend to see countless such gestures of symbolism - there are people who go and pour milk over statues of Gods and godesses in our country, there are those who light candles in churches in order to get favours done, people roll on hot temple floors to appease deities, others do a form of mutilation on their bodies for the same, there are also sacrifices of livestock made in the name of religious practices.

These make absolutely no sense to somebody who isn't religious (or doesn't prescribe to that particular religion - and that includes me) but then for those who believe in a certain doctrine, it gives them hope that such gestures will help them with whatever problems they face as humans.

Every body has their own struggles and if this is what helps them survive another day and as long as it doesn't hurt others who don't prescribe to their doctrine, it would be best to not judge them for that.. Live and let live... Wouldn't you agree?

why not ?
we humans are all but same in that sense

I'm catholic and we have many customs its all about customs the only thing that's different is the eulogy the father says, we have parades all the time for Mary everyone is holding up signs and singing, at Christmas we do plays in the street about the birth o of Jesus and we parade the streets with candles at night and sing songs about Jesus we have so many customs its really neat, loved your post as you know I love knowledge have a great Friday!

thank you so much for your comment.

Nice one as always @slowwalker
Religious tolerance is very necessary which many countries lack especially where there is strong devout Islamic religion...
Shamanism... Please can you explain further on what it is...my first time of hearing such...
From where I could.e from...we have similar type but mixture of Islam, Christian and Traditional worshippers...
Good post as always

may be similar to Traditional worshippers in my guess

Ohh I see... More than it...thanks for sharing this experience and nice post as always...

There is one place little bit like this in my country too! People go there and throw coins of different value...when I was a kid...I picked quite a lot each time I visited that place and used them to buy sweets!Lol!
Well many people go at these places at night and pick up the coins!

Thanks for sharing!

Nice sharing.
The people in Turkey also the trees wishes to hang rope and evil eye bead.

All of the buddha's teaching revolved around letting go of any attachments to achieve nirvana and here we are attaching coins to his statue, ironic isn't it? Nevertheless, customs are what they are, beliefs, so there is not questioning that :)

Very unique and very legendary @slowwalker

Thank you very much for this post! I didn't know all these things!!!



Thanks to post

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Yes sir this custom is followed in India too.As an ethical point of view it is belived that when your coin get attach to the wall yours dreams will fulfill.In india people also throw coins to rivers as rivers are belived as another form of god that come to earth to wash away all our sins.According to scientific point of view coins are throwed to rivers as coins are made up of metals and it purifies the water.This custom is follwed mainly in India by hindu people.
Thank you

Not on buddha's statue only.
Here people throw coins on many god's statue, or some hole nearer it. They believe if you could put one inside then you would be lucky.😁

Korea has a very deep rooted shamanistic tree, I want to visit these temples someday. My Korean Buddhist teacher I met him back in the early 90s, he took care of a Korean temple in Gresham Oregon belongs to the Jogye Order. He taught me all about Karma using the history between the Japanese Buddhist taking over the Korean Buddhist monastic system. The Korean Buddhist finally kicked the Japanese monks out of their temples (Japanese Monks can Marry and forced the Korean Monks to Marry) using thugs who stayed on, being a monk was a cushy job and pretended to be monks, totally corrupting the Korean Monastic system.

We throw coins in fountains in Mexico. And you make a wish. I'm not sure what the root of that is though.. When I was a kid I always wanted to get in the fountain and pick up all the coins :)

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I the UK we often put coins in fountains, logs, wells for good luck. Always a penny or a 2p though.

Bad karma to remove the coins from there place though.

thanks for telling about this seems right you friend explanation is right i guess

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Even in Rome, in the famous Trevi Fountain, coins are launched as a lucky gesture

A great post i did not know Shamanism was big in Korean culture very interesting.

Over here in the UK, I not sure if it a recent thing or i'm noticing it more. But is definitely become more popular in the last five or so years. And that is putting coins in trees, normally fallen one. People bang the coin into the soft tree covering the tree it looks nice but I am not sure of the thoughts behind it :)

Wow this looks really beautiful. well that is the beauty of diverse cultures and the different ways they view life

excelent post. and nice click too.
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what a fascinating post, i especially like you comment on Korean religious history, I think many countries around the world in fact stem from shamanic practices, as early humans developed many religions based on tribal ritual and marriage rites. I will say these practices have modern relevances that in someway retain autonomy from organized religions and the pressures of conformity in that sense. We still throw coins in fountains in the UK, to make wishes come true! and its wonderful to see people expressing this all over the world in their unique forms and folklore

It's a beautiful statue nice words on it
I neva knew such existed

Thanks for the post. Over here in Thailand the people make these little miniature money trees in which all the branches hold notes of money. I believe it is to make your money grow. Interestingly, people leave packets of cigars at some shrines. I presume the spirits enjoy a good smoke after a hard day of granting wishes. LOL. Your post has inspired me to do a post on the subject. Thank you.

Picture of the statue are very beautiful

In Indonesia, many people specially Buddha will do the same, attach the coin to the Buddha statue. As long as I know, they believe if you can attach the coin into the statue or the water, every your dreams will come true. I'm sorry if my information is wrong :)

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