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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 04/06/20> Duck, duck, duck, and … duck.

in #dailydose4 years ago

Woke up wanting oats! lol...very funny stuff sir sultnpapper. How'd you know how to build that pen, did you draw some plans up yourself or find on online or something?


The plans came from Blondie and I talking about what she was wanting in "her duck pen" so we didn't get them online and I also didn't draw them up.
I do a lot of CAD drawing but only in 2D , I have not a clue to be able to draw in 3D. I had a picture in my mind... but no way in hell I could ever get it on paper.

So it was just figuring it out as we went along. I did have to go back to lumber store on Sunday morning because I miscalculated the number of 2"x 2"s we were going to need in order to have both ends be where they could raise open on the hinges; which are where the sheet metal / screen top meet.

You guys sound like a good team!

Yes, I think we do...she might have a different opinion but the end result was just what she was looking for.

That's super cool. Those are some great memories you guys created.