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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 04/06/20> Duck, duck, duck, and … duck.

in #dailydose4 years ago

Motorcycle lifts are life savers for sure, nearly every guy I know who has a bike has one even if they don't even do any mechanic work on their bike and just polish and detail their bikes.
Our bodies are like tools, if they just lay around they "rust up" and eventually will need a good overhaul or get a new one.... which where the body is unlike tools in that we can't just go get a new.
So I don't go do 'work outs' for the sake of doing works , if I'm going to work I want to see some results from the energy expended, like a duck pen.
The ducks came at a good time, it's never easy on a child to lose a old friend like Squirt, but now she can focus her time on "dups" without the burden of cleanup since those are Blondie's pets, and Shortie is good with that plus she still has her turtles.
Thanks for the continued support, very much appreciated!