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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 08/04/20> Stumbling into the truth; politicians speeches.

in #dailydose4 years ago

Thanks for noticing me @movement19 . I appreciate the invite and I'll try to listen in if I can but I never have gotten myself a set of headphones and mic to work with this old computer.

I am running a contest right now that has $100 HIVE in prizes that ends on Saturday 8/8/20 at 10:00 PM Texas time that I would love to pimp.
It is simple to enter and has to do with "family traditions". Here is the link to the Dash with the details
I had to scale back in 2019 with changing my employment from blogging but this COVID crap has me working from home now so it freed up some time for me to get back to blogging fairly regularly.
Thanks for dropping by and the support,


I'll pimp it for you on the show if you show up to the chat and drop the link and remind me

I appreciate that offer, now I need to figure out the time deal. I suck at the UTC conversion thing, among the other things I'm not good at.
I need to google a conversion chart this morning, that should help.

11AM & 7PM EST. Virtually the same time PYPT happened.

Yes, thanks. I had googled it a little while ago and have my alarm set for 6:00 PM which it will be in Texas. Thanks.