Follow-up on delegations and the artistic competition

in #deutschlast year
Dear HiveansLiebe HiverQueridos Hiveanos
4 weeks ago I wrote about a reshuffling of delegations and about a competition, here.Vor 4 Wochen habe ich über eine Neumischung der Delegationen und über einen Wettbewerb geschrieben, hier.Hace 4 semanas escribí sobre una reorganización de las delegaciones y sobre un concurso, aquí.
If these dear Hiveans are interested, by 1st of August I'd make a delegation to @kristowe, @sirdelly, @mviews, and @jellyvine.Wenn diese Hiver interessiert sind, würde ich zum 1. August eine Delegation an @kristowe, @sirdelly, @mviews und @jellyvine schicken.Si estos Hiveanos están interesados, para el 1 de agosto yo haría una delegación en @kristowe, @sirdelly, @mviews y @jellyvine.
Concerning the competition to illustrate the Code of Conduct, there were 2 very good works by @mviews (here) and @atobaba (here). I like both and will go with @atobaba's design. Both dear Hiveans will get a delegation, and @atobaba will get the reward of 250 HP.Was den Wettbewerb zur Illustration des Verhaltenskodex betrifft, so gab es zwei sehr gute Arbeiten von @mviews (hier) und @atobaba (hier). Ich mag beide und werde mich für den Entwurf von @atobaba entscheiden. Beide Hiver werden eine Delegation erhalten, und @atobaba die Belohnung von 250 HP.En cuanto al concurso para ilustrar el Código de Conducta, había 2 trabajos muy buenos de @mviews (aquí) y @atobaba (aquí). Me gustan ambos y me quedo con el diseño de @atobaba. Ambos Hiveanos recibirán una delegación, y @atobaba obtendrá la recompensa de 250 HP.
Concerning intellectual property: is it ok, if I use these illustrations as a signature or framework of my posts?Was das geistige Eigentum betrifft: Ist es in Ordnung, wenn ich diese Illustrationen als Signatur oder Rahmen meiner Posts verwende?En cuanto a la propiedad intelectual: ¿está bien si utilizo estas ilustraciones como firma o marco de mis mensajes?

Have a great day,


Sehr cool! Rehived 👌

Hello, of course, you can use them, I made them for the community and you. I'm so glad you like it!
Thank you so much for your support and interest :)

Congrats to atobaba. And thank you for this great competition and also delegations for supporting everyone on Hive.

Very good artwork! Personally I like the first version best.

Awwwww @zuerich thank you so much for what you’re doing and this is literally the first time I am coming across your blog because I noticed my dearest newbie @jellyvine voted on my post and I could see a major difference and I decided to check you out and indeed I was blown away.

You don’t know what you’ve done for this newbies dear friend, trusting them with such amount of HP is really big and I am sincerely grateful because I understand how it feels like to be supported by a total stranger.

Long live Hive!🥰🥰

@ibbtammy hahaha you were shocked, aren't you? Until now, I am still amazed when I do the upvote🙈 this makes me keep powering up until such a time I'm satisfied to see the amount, just like this.

I was so shock my dear and I had to check what was going on😂😂😂

How did my little newbie get here😂😂

I’m proud of you mi!LUV🥰

Thank you for your affection 💓😚

You're welcome mi!LUV🥰

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Dear @ibbtammy,
thank you very much for your kind comment 🙏
Hive is a great network and community, and - in my opinion - the amounts of Hive Power are rather inequally distributed. By delegating a portion of my HP, I can help newbies to better contribute to our common cause. And I like that.
As you are a newbie yourself (aren't you?), would you like to have a delegation, too?

Keep on hiving! 😎

By delegating a portion of my HP, I can help newbies to better contribute to our common cause. And I like that.

This has to be one of the nicest thing I have seen on the blockchain today, as newbie starting their Hive journey can be a bit challenging.

As you are a newbies yourself (aren't you?), would you like to have a delegation, too?

I have been here for a few months so that still counts me as a newbie and I wouldn't mind having a delegation too😄

OMG! @zuerich you actually did it!!😲😲

I was just about to vote a post and I saw my voting power increased, thank you so so much, I am really grateful and I am really emotional right now.

Handing such amount of HP that would have taken me 2years plus to build 😥😥😥

I will never forget this, thank you again😀

You are very welcome 😀

Thank you so much @zuerich for including me to receive an HP delegation. 😌 And thank you Coach @kenechukwu97 for the recommendation.☺️

Well, this is the first I'm seeing a hive code of conduct 😂😂😂

Reading through it is like reading an oath or rulebook or something

Have half a mind to say

I solemnly do swear


I solemnly do swear

It's just my personal rulebook and a suggestion to our Hive community. So it's open for changes or amendments ;-)

No problem

Hello Zuerich. I just noticed the change in the delegation that you had given me and I just stopped by to say thank you for having trusted me all this time and for continuing to do so with the delegation that I have left :) It was very helpful during these more than two years in Hive, when I was just a newbie and I'm glad that more people can benefit from it. Have a great day ❤️!

Hi @lauramica,
thank you for your kind comment, and you're very welcome. It's great to have you on Hive.
Have a great day, too 🙂

Thank You for considering all the newbies for delegation

Cool and rehived :-)

Thanks a lot!

 last year  Reveal Comment