DevLog #4 - Next Version Coming Along.

in #dhf3 years ago


In this 4th installment of the Hive.Loans developer log after a less than optimal working week getting a bit closer to being confident in the v0.0.8 pre-alpha release. Due to the inherent danger of pushing a codebase online that has the potential to do serious damage to accounts not paying attention and accidently signing their keys off. The lending contract system itself is about half done I would say and while I've managed to do a few successful test contracts in testing the entire system itself still needs a fair amount of work in order to not pose a potential risk to testers accounts.

The goal is by this time next week to have the new v0.0.8 out in the wild for people to do some testing on dummy accounts but we'll see what happens. Still tons to do before that becomes a reality and there is no way in hell that I'm going to push the v0.0.8 online until it's safe.

A somewhat complete list of what needs to be done before I push the v0.0.8 site to the web server is currently looking like what is posted in the code block below. Trying to knock of entries daily.

The To-Do List
This list is a best guess on what needs done before the next version of the site goes live (v0.0.8)
It may not include everything that needs done to safely operate the site as an alpha test..

Profile Page
- profile needs to properly parse metadata and have defaults if none found

Wallet Page
- transaction history on wallet page needs to be implemented. (new popup or extend current?)

Tool Page
- add active lend check on local account recovery Manager
- finish (or hide for now) the secure escrow instance

Lending Page
- fix cancel button being way too large ✔️
- clean up the @null display for deployed but not accepted contracts
- fix / finish up the click contextMenu.js menu, add greater filtering for menu items
- make the "create new lending contract" table not look like ass, ensure the days have default 7 value
- put client side balance display and HP credit balance. Add logic to not show accept for contracts too high for account

Settings Page
- add emergency withdrawal address

Surrender panel / accept loan contract
- fix width of account surrender / claim contract table width
- ensure that new posting, active and memo scope keys given when claiming contract

Alert / Confirm Popup
- Finish implementing the toggleable in settings alert popup for critical actions

Mobile Version
-Just like.. everything

Trying to Balance Information and UI Clutter


For a somewhat complexed system such as the Hive.Loans service there exists a battle between showing the user too much information and not enough. The hope with the site is that it will be simplistic and intuitive enough to have users be able to navigate easily and make informed actions based on what is available to them on site, but also be able to deep dive for information and get access to all pertaining data involved with contracts if they so choose to query it. The ability to filter the contracts lists will be a huge part moving forward as hundreds or thousands of lending contracts are created, deployed, accepted, cancelled and run through their course.

A large amount of information will be generated on an off chain and aggregating it while displaying it in a non-overwhelming manner will certainly be an objective of this service build.

Security as an Integral Function, Not an Afterthought..


When dealing with sensitive data such as account passwords and owner keys you have to be thinking 3 or 4 steps ahead of a would be attacker. While coming off as paranoid to some the assumption that an unknown actor could be eavesdropping in on a connection is a potentially very real threat. The Hive.Loans site will use client and server side encryption in a number of different scenarios that will happen frequently on site such as when borrowers hand over their owner scope keys or master password.

The site will make some usage of PGP keys generated on the fly in order to add another layer of protection against MITM (Man in the middle) eavesdroppers potentially listening in on things.


By assuming that the very worst is going on security wise and building the system around the idea people are very likely going to try to sniff traffic for keys by designing the system to put in an honest effort to thwart such data leakage it's hoped it will close that avenue thus protecting users.

Still lots of stuff left to implement, test and finalize but the project is starting to take shape in the local development wing. When I'm confident it's not code that would be put out there and cause damages it'll be uploaded. There is no room for error in this sort of thing when dealing with accounts. Will be putting some hours into the project over the weekend hopefully and when the next update is ready to go it'll be put live both on the web server and on github.

Thanks a bunch for reading, voting, the comments and the support. <3


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Nice work, looking real good!! Especially glad you are taking all the precautions for security. I think the test accounts are key too, take your time, no need to rush. Maybe for security an 2fa could be enabled, or like a twilo sms message to add extra layers of security too, and multiple encryption key points like how apple does it. We always have to verify from a device that's linked up. Could be an option.

Wow it seems like every update you make about HIVE.LOANS, and HIVE mewns! That is a great sign!! Keep it up!!