How to Encourage Healing for Cracked Dog and Cat Paws

in #dogs4 years ago

Your cats and dogs experience the same issues with their paws that you do with your feet. When it is hot, cold, or dry outside, cracking may occur on their pads.


If you have noticed cracking on the paw pads of your pet, here are some quick ways you may begin to encourage the healing process and provide them with some comfort.

Best Ways to Heal Cracked Paw Pads

1. Clean the Paws

Cracked dog paws (and cat paws) will often bleed. Make sure to remove any blood, then apply a pet paw balm that encourages pain relief and healing.

2. Place a Sock Over the Paw

Place a clean, dry sock over the cracked paw if your pet will tolerate it. Some pets will try to rip their socks off, so in that circumstance, a formal bandage may be a better option. Pet boots may also be an option. As a bonus, the socks or boots protect against snow and ice outside, while offering a protective layer inside.

3. Check the Paws Daily

Cracked cat paws are vulnerable to infection. Injured dog paws may require daily cleaning as well. Make sure that you change the bandage or sock daily, applying new paw balm to the affected area each time.

4. Encourage Rest

Until the paws have healed, you should restrict exercise and movement whenever possible. That means shorter walks, less playtime, but more cuddle time.

If these DIY home treatment steps are not encouraging the healing process, then a visit to your local veterinarian may be necessary.


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