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RE: By My Flamin' Beard And Glittering Eye

in #dogs3 years ago

Hey Miss Flamin',

I have been wondering about that beard for some time now, but Hyumi's are generally cautious about asking a bitch about her beard.

Healthy beards must be a thing in our circle. I recently shaved mine off, and even tried a mustache myself for a brief moment. It wasn't working for me because I just didn't like it, even though I can grow a nice mustache. I find myself wanting to let my beard grow back again because shaving is not a fun experience for us thick bearded Hyumi's. Maybe Hyumi @barge can relate to this conundrum. ;D

Thank you for sharing about your wonderful family. Those 'Glittering Eye(s)' match perfectly with the beard. If we never know where that beard came from, I won't care a bit, because I think you likely have the nicest one in the family yet, maybe even the first! :D

There's some interesting stuff on the internet about Hyumi's, it appears you have a great deal of wisdom to share with others @flamistan ;)

Thanks for the awesome post, keep on being Flameazing! :)


Ha ha you observant Mind of the Future, Hyumis are indeed cautious about soooo many things that we Dawgs simply chuck to the wind. I'm the kinda bitch one can ask anything yo and I would NEVER shave off my beard - that's for the likes of you and ma Hyumi and all the other hairy Hyumis running around.

Thanks for the waggy-tailed comment
Hugs and Woofs


Maybe Hyumi @barge can relate to this conundrum.

....sure can :D