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RE: My dream characters always attack me

in #dream2 years ago

Haha well they're not wrong cos that's their reality, not mine. In that world, they are existing but that's not the physical world that I live in lol. I haven't really watched Inception and it gets mentioned everytime I talk about my dreams and I shall watch it soon!

It is really interesting and the posts that I will write from it would be fun if I'm not just too lazy to write about it lol. Maybe one day there will be some technological advances that allow us to visualize the dream and we can all watch it.


Yeah they are not wrong they are as real as your thoughts are :) ahahah and i can't explain... it's too difficult and strange and still unknown... but i think they can be something more than just a complex thought inside your brain. Sometimes happen to make very deep and real dream...(you know something about it eh? ahah)... it's like the brain is able to connect or interact with other place/reality... who knows? and maybe with places at different time period, and then it converts the information received from the experience subjectively and with its language and creates the dream that you live.

And absolutely Yeah!! Waiting for this technological advances... you will able to share your dreams and i will be able to see them lol :)

t's like the brain is able to connect or interact with other place/reality.

Yeah I think so too tbh. I believe in it for like 80% since our brains are that powerful and a lot of things really happen that can't be explained. But yeah I can quite differentiate what's a dream and not, especially when I can control the environment and what will happen. I have experiences with different dimensions and timezones too and it was really really interesting and I'm glad I remember the fun part haha.

I think some scientists are on it and are actually wanting to complete access the subconscious through technology but that's quite dangerous so I hope they don't go that far.

Exactly exactly... brain is the most powerful and complex thing of this reality.
Your skill to control them it's super cool!! It happened to me just a few times... but wow i had a lot of fun ;) In one I learned to fly using my energy, and in another... well i had some fun with some girls lololol

Yep i agree with you that such technology could be dangerous... but i'm confident in the brain power... will not let others read him so easily ...will be a matter of practice ;)

Flying is the best thing for real! Hahah I wish I could just fly all the time. Glad you remembered those stuff (I believe we get a lot of dreams or OBEs every night but we just don't get to remember haha) cos it's really fun (minus the scary part). Yeah for some reason we're always attracted to doing sexual stuff in dreams but that's human nature

True. If you won't let anybody else access it, they won't be able to :D

Yeah flying is awesome... in that dream i learnt to fly, but in many others i was there floating in the air :)
I know i can do it lol ahahaha!!

Yeah i don't know the reason, but I don't mind having those dreams lolol ;)

Sure.. brain is so powerful.. don't worry!!

Have an awesome day... i enjoyed having this chat with you.