In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on the Top 5 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true in 2017. Of course, we mention Robert Mueller's Russia gate investigation with Donald Trump, Hollywood scandals with media moguls, Chamath Palihapitiya coming out with some hard-hitting truths. Even mention tax reform, the rise of A.I robotics with Jeff Bezo's of Amazon set to dominate the financial markets and on and on and on.
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Top 5 Conspiracy Theories Verrifed - Sources
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I hope that someday people will fight for their rights and stop having their head up their butt
It is just amazing how the USA is loosing its grip on the world. Two, three years ago I was a all alone when it came to the view of the world affairs (not beliving the CNN and other MSM crap). Even people who were following CNN news coverage two years ago are now saying "what is USA doing?". That to me is a real turning point. The USA will eventually reach a point of no return - loose all credibility.
I think the real breaking point was the info coming out of the war zones, namely Libya, Syria and Ukraine. These false narratives being pushed by the mainstream propaganda networks were not holding up in the face of first person You Tube videos and the rise of sharing on social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. Hence the real reason for the censorship agenda that is now being implemented by the Deep State and their acolytes, social media stooges like Eric Schmidt (Google), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Jack Dorsey (Twitter), amongst others.
The horrors being inflicted upon innocent people while US and UK backed proxy groups carried out war crimes was, and is, absolutely disgusting to watch. What is just as disgusting is to see the smiling faces of sick minded MSM pundits as they cover it all up and lie directly to the American people and global audiences. Those wars were the real straw that broke the camels back, not Russia. Russia is just the excuse the Empire's Globalists chose to hide behind to hide their responsibility for all this killing and theft of resources. All is smoke and mirrors and the greatest conspiracy theory is that the western powers have been behind ISIS and al-Qaeda all along as they allied with Saudi Arabia which is promoting terrorism around the globe and pumping FSA terrorists from Syria into Europe. They are still sowing chaos. It is intentional. That is what still needs to be revealed fully. Harvey Weinstein's predations against starry eyed women pale in comparison to the atrocities conducted by these western backed terrorist groups that have killed tens of thousands of women, children and families across the Middle East. My latest post on the subject is here, and the evidence to back up my claims is extensive. Prepare to be properly red pilled if you haven't been already.
Now Playing on DTube: Newly Released Video Reveals White Helmets In Syria Linked With ISIS/Media Activists and al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria)
and for those still unaware, the Ukrainian conflict was instigated by the west who financed neo-Nazi far right groups to overthrow the legitimately elected President of Ukraine. Evidence relating to such is here:
The wars and the lies about them are the US's real Achille's Heel. More people need to speak up, unless they want US soldiers and Marines dying for more lies.......a rich man's lie at that. The Global Elite and their media mouthpieces are the real enemy of the people. They sow chaos, they divide and conquer......they continue to lie and coverup the truth. Its time for people, on all sides of the political spectrum, to wake up and fight for truth and expose these war lies.
Perfectly articulated! Hey, on a related topic, will you check out my blog on 9/11? I'd like to get it some more traffic because the intention is to lay out the facts as I know them, both calibrated and accurate.
Trump is a psychopath... Trump is a Russian spy ... Trump is an alien ; You know what, there is nothing you can say about him that would be shocking anymore. Sad.
You are a dummy.
Trump isn't doing shit for Russia
Trump is doing a lot for Israel
Believe in Israel-gate
not fake news like Russia-gate
The earth is flat :) loool sorry.
I'm starting to wonder if its even worth it to spend any time on conspiracy theories any more, whether they turn out to be true or not.
With the tsunami of toxic social media, fake news and corporate & state propaganda beamed onto everyone's mobiles, PCs and TVs, the average person really has no idea wtf is going in the world anymore.
Throw in the elaborate conspiracy theories into this volatile mix, and the confusion and stress goes even higher. I just feel like there's no point in indulging any of this stuff anymore.
I searched for “survivors of the Las Vegas shooting who have died since” 2 weeks after the event on google. I went 20 pages in and only got results linking 1 or 2 words, but definitely nothing at all to do with what I was searching for....
I then tried the same search on “duck duck go” and had a entirely different outcome!
Truth is stranger than fiction.
When it comes to theories. I would say most of them are probably true.
2017 has been the year of truth. Hopefully next year we can learn more. From WikiLeaks, Rt news and We are change.
Luke does a great job with these videos and I'm glad I listen to him and Dave from x22 report cause Steemit is where social media will lead to.
Facebook isn't fun and YouTube is just pointless when everyone is doing the same on here and have freedom to say what We want and how we Feel.
We have to be change.
Excellent information.people need to hear this.there is not a lot of info on steemit on "conspiracies" like 9 11,illuminati, shapeshifting reptillians.come on people! The masses need waking up!!!😈👽
Hi @lukewearechange! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU
from @fishyculture :)
Check out new tipuvote! feature :)
Merry Christmas Luke! Thank you for another year of excellence! tip!
USA is loosing its grip on the world, however that does not necessarily mean good news, that actually means they will have to invent a new war, or a new conflict somewhere to show that they will save the day... which means N.Korean invasion might be closer than we think.
I love the loud intro! should see my brother, y'all look just alike.
Hi Luke, this is the first time coming across you! its crazy how much comes out and no one bats an eye lid and are just oblivious. Thanks for the watch was great!
I am convinced of the conspiracy theories after reading the book by André Makew : Illuminati: The cult that hijacked the world
Pimp! like always. Good news clip.
Another awesome video, helping to wake up the world. Thanks from us all Luke. Peace and love to you <3
What do you think of Jordan Peterson mean to tell me its not Bush's fault!?!?!!
What a bunch of hypocrites. The same people crying justice all the time are the real offenders.
2017, Trump is President, shtf for the deepstate , Clintons, FBI, sexual assault spotlight. GOOD....Foriegn policy still fucked, Yemen, NK, BAD. Ehh. Stay tuned for 2018...
If there are 150 people running the world and Trump is cutting us off from most of the world.....isnt that a good thing?
I do believe people are waking up the more I talk about this to friends, family, coworkers, etc. I get different reactions. I don't get oh you're crazy, no way. They are getting sloppy, or maybe I am just better at articulating myself.... There's also a conspiracy theory that they want to make aliens a fear monger thing to create a new enemy. I believe that ordinary people will step into their powers and realise that the people who "just follow orders" are the ones who hold the power and are the ones who killed more humans and performed more atrocities then anything else on the planet... Thank you Luke for staying true and tough through everything. Keep doing what you love. We need these people who pull the strings to be exposed for what they are. It's time for them to step down and for us to heal this seemingly never ending suffering. You me and everyone reading this are the change that needs to occur.
I was also wondering: Why would the U.S. government admit to the existence of UFOs? After watching the film "Unacknowledged" with Steven M. Greer and considering my knowledge about False Flag Operations (like the Gulf of Tonkin Incidence, 1964) I think it might be part of the preparation to hoax an alien attack. It would mean the ultimate war and strengthen the military–industrial complex more than ever before. Who would care about minor inconveniences like dying bees or starving children, when we are attacked by aliens?
I strongly recommend watching the film if you are interested in this topic.
I was also wondering, why would the U.S. government admit to the existence of UFOs? Considering my knowledge about False Flag Operations (like the Gulf of Tonin Incident, 1964) and after having watched the film "Unacknowledged" with Steven M. Greer, I think it might be part of the preparation to hoax an alien attack. This would strengthen the military-industrial complex more then ever before. And who would care about minor inconveniences like dying bees or starving children, when we must unite our strength, all of our strength, against a new enemy? Makes sense to me.
I would strongly recommend watching the film if you are interested in this topic (:
The future will not be googled