My name is Fox

in #ecency11 months ago

My name is Fox

My name is Fox, and I have always had a deep affinity for the forest. With its towering trees, whispered secrets, and perpetual sense of mystique, it beckoned to me like an old friend. Every morning, I embarked on a serene walk through the woodland, eager to lose myself in its beauty.

On one such glorious morning, as golden rays of sunlight filtered through the leaves, I ventured deeper into the heart of the forest. The ground beneath my paws felt cool and invigorating as I padded along the well-trodden path. Each step breathed life into my limbs, and a sense of tranquility washed over me with every inhale of crisp woodland air.

Lost in my thoughts, I stumbled upon a serene clearing bathed in dappled sunlight. It felt as if time stood still, captivating me with its ethereal beauty. In that moment, I noticed a fox, not unlike myself, leisurely enjoying a meal.

Curiosity piqued, I approached stealthily, careful not to disturb the enchanting scene laying before me. The aroma of freshly caught prey wafted through the air, mingling with the earthy scent of the forest floor. The fox's coat glistened, its eyes sharp and focused, as it savored its bounty.

Enchanted by this intriguing creature, I reached for my camera, an old and faithful companion. Silently, I adjusted the settings and captured the fox in all its majestic glory. The click of the shutter broke the serene silence, but the fox remained unfazed, as if it knew the artistry unfolding in that very moment.

With my heart soaring, I observed the fox a while longer, captivated by its grace and spirit. It was as if it held the wisdom of the forest within every fiber of its being, a silent guardian of this natural sanctuary.

In that fleeting connection, I realized that we shared more than just a name. We were kindred spirits, creatures of the wild, drawn together in this morning's serendipitous encounter.

As the fox finished its meal, it locked eyes with me, acknowledging our bond. It gracefully turned and melted back into the shadows of the forest, leaving me with a sense of wonder and gratitude.

From that day forward, my morning walks became infused with a newfound appreciation for the world around me. The forest called to me with renewed vigor, as if whispering untold tales, waiting to be discovered.

And so, armed not only with my camera but with a deeper understanding of the magic that lay within the wilderness, I embraced each day's adventure, wandering through the forest, capturing moments of beauty, and cherishing the kinship I shared with that extraordinary fox.

I was use here my Sony NEX-5T
I was use here my Sony 55-210 mm lens.


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Thank you!! ... now I know it works , I have no problem what you do .
But I still see so lot other users who use this .... so why it was take so long to see it ??

But I still see so lot other users who use this .... so why it was take so long to see it ??

You were just testing them? 🤣🤣🤣

Ssss... not say it yet

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 164 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Wow! Lovely writing! You definitely captured the spirit of the forest. That fox was gorgeous. Such a wonderful encounter!

Thsnk you 😋👌👌👌🍻

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Thank you!! 😁🤗

This is great...

Thanks @adm, @scamforest and @freebornsociety for downvoting this comment, harming not only my account, but also those who have been curated.
Maybe you have a problem with the curation of this post?
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Be careful with foxes. They may be infected with rabies. They can also be arrogant. If you feed them once, they will come the second time, and then they will bring all their friends😄

Ah... this is the animal that keeps your forest clean if you have not learn it in government school , and since today the forests are getting smaller every time, it's natural that we have to leave something for them in the forest, too many of their areas have been liquified, even here in this forest the government privately decided to create a new sand quarry, and this Fox will not be here for long.

Fox taking a lovely photos of fox.

It was happen like this yes in morning time :)) 🤗

Very nice

I have a question about your last hive bee logo. This token must be bought right

Uh... no I did not buy it, I was use logo maker app, I maid it ☺😋👌👌👌🐝🐝🐝🐝

I myself like to go inside the forest and see such animals. Some of the animals are dangerous, but if a person goes with you, he can see all these sights. When a person goes to such places he gets to learn something new and it comes in handy again in his future life.

Thank you!! .... I like your words here 🤗 makes me feel good to read it .

Most welcome dear.

Fox is naturally very clever and alert about any kind of uncertainty of sound it heared and escaped quickly.

Very true .... this why it also run fats when it was see me there :))