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RE: 21 Day Abundance Challenge Day 0 and Day 1 instructions

in #ecotrain4 years ago

Ok, so, here goes.. synchronicities do not stop. Which is kind of a right-place-right-time confirmation for me.

Energy flows where attention goes
Is Makia - the third principle of Huna - a belief system based on ancient Polynesian wisdom. I have just started to recover old podcasts from 2005 where Pohaku shares this wisdom - if interested you can find the first episode here.

There's a whole backstory as to why that is so significant to me. I'll try to get that post out as soon as I manage, but definitely no later than the end of the weekend.

As soon as I saw that there are affirmations for each day, I immediately understood that not only was I going to write them down on a paper but that I also wanted to do something creative, you know, Josie style. It only dawned on me that it was obvious that I have to continue the permission slips only after I had sat down and opened the image editor program I use to.. well, whatever it is that I'm doing there, I dare not call it drawing. xD

The result cracks me up, and for me, that's what constitutes success. xD I added some Lakshmi-coin bling to these permission slips to emphasize the abundance aspect.

As for the task, I noticed that I wrote down people that illuminated and nurtured some aspects of me, that were already there but might not have been developed had I not seen these people as examples. And to think of it - that is how I want to appear to others as well - by daring to be as much of me as I can at any given point in spacetime - that I can show to others that they can dare to be themselves too. I remember this one time in the mall there was this little girl that just walked by and there was no interaction with words or anything, but the way she looked at me, with the spark and a sense of determination in her eyes of - I want to be like that when I grow up. That's the best feeling in the world. ^^

As for results, yes, shocking, I wasn't expecting any immediate results, but, there was a quite immediate shift in energy in regards to people contacting me, wanting to catch up. For someone, that has called herself an introvert her whole life that might not be the kind of outcome one would be looking for. But for someone who just recently has understood that the reason I do not allow more into my life is fear of success because I automatically associate that with more people wanting more of me, leaching more off of my energy as if my soul was finite and I could just dry up and cease to be.. xD A silly notion indeed. So, bare with me, this is new to me - turns out - whenever I feel like people are draining me - it is only a gentle reminder that I'm not letting the infinite source through, that I've first and foremost cut myself off.. no wonder I .. "feel so exhausted". So, instead of me complaining about my lack of energy I should focus on getting myself tapped back on so that I can support the people around me and be more not less.. Ta DAAAA.. a revelation!

And then there's a whole another side-aspect of that - that I shouldn't also hold back and suppress my genuine expressions of the soul, as I have conveniently learned to do. And then that opens up a whole new set of doors of whole new experiences.

Long story short - a lot is happening, a lot of downloads. And to me, it's funny how it loops back and ties to what I've been working on before already, it's just logical progression of puzzle pieces falling in place. Epic!

I am totally vibing with this tiny-Goddess-Lakshmi-two-of-pentacles-Hawaiian-Josie look xD

WOW, you put some work into this! I LOVE IT!!! And I love your little Lakshmi! She's the cutest I've ever seen. :)
We have more in common: I've been studying Ho'oponopono since 2008! This is how I learned about LOA, and it was all purely by accident, or as you say: right place, right time. The story is quite interesting, and I might write about it sometime. It also left me with two very good friends who I've never even met!

You've inspired me to do the challenge again, so I'm joining you here. I really want to write about my experiences too so it'll keep me motivated to do so. Can't wait to see how you progress and work through all of the days. It's so great to have met you! (where were you all these years?)
Much love and hugs :)

I would absolutely love to read that story if/when you find the time and feel like sharing it! ^^

(where were you all these years?)

Haha, that's what I always say when I come across a new concept that turns out to have been around for a while it just so happened to have evaded me. Sometimes I really feel like life or maybe consciousness itself has levels or unlockable areas - like:

Congratulations, you have reached level 32 and unlocked following items - a global scamdemic that, for a change, allows introverts to thrive and have it easy on them; a free gift from the grocery store for not going to their grocery store (as if I need any endorsement for that xD ); people that don't immediately run away or shut down if you start talking about quantum parallel reality jumping; an increase of acceptance towards the idea of Oneness by the social-memory complex; a community of rebels that will remind you that you are a pirate at heart; a clear understanding of duality and the distinction between power and force; as well as an increase in the awareness of how the outer reflects the inner, and subsequent insider jokes between the inner and the outer that will crack you up but you won' t be able to explain it to anyone. Good luck!

But, yeah, I've actually been around for a while here. True, I might have played it too safe and only recently opening up about my quirks, weirdness, the way I actually think and my process for spiritual growth, mostly because I thought no one would be interested in that, and I am also aware of how damaging a fire-hose spirituality can be for someone, who just needs a sip of water.

But yeah, I am really excited to see the spiritual community on Hive grow quite impressively. I feel as if we're still too scattered, everyone on their own kind of a thing, but I'm sure, that too would change with time and with all the new community options that we have now.

Hugs & Coffee,