A bit for content creation and a bit more

in #education6 years ago

A friend was in chat tonight and was struggling to get some content organised. They had the basic idea but were struggling to pull it all together the way they wanted it and hit a wall or two. It is common for many people who have something to say but, just can't quite grasp the necessary words. This is a little tip I gave them.

Many years ago, I developed this very simple tool as a vocabulary and activation builder exercise for language students however, it is useful for much more than that.

Here is the basic model:

pst steem.png

It is just a word association exercise except it branches from one stem word (the primary) where related words are added (the secondary) and then associations are made on the associations again (the tertiary).

  • Primary - Core word / idea / image / problem
  • Secondary - 5-10 associations made off the primary
  • Tertiary - 3-5 associations made off the Secondary

The process will take about 5 minutes max and will create ~50 words or so that are all somewhat related to the central stem. These can be used in several ways to either get the mind working, order thoughts, combine for new thoughts, create a logical presentation flow ot many other similar types of needs. Starting with one or two of these before writing can make the entire process much more efficient. I have students that use this daily for their presentations.

However, there are more applications for it. for example;

Example 1: What do you know?

Let's say that you are starting a new hobby and you want to learn all there is to learn about it. Make the hobby (or major components) as the stem and then let your mind go and find out what you already know about the topic. What this does is create a network of knowledge that will become pegs to hang new bits of information upon. It will also mean that when conflicting information is met when actually learning, the chance to catch hidden bad habits/ideas is higher so they can't fly under the radar of consciousness. This is an easy way to start a personal knowledge bank.

Example 2: How to wing it.


Similarly, there are times thatsome of us might need to present information that we do not know with only very little time to prepare. Use this tool and techniques and you can not only build a knowledge bank to draw upon but, you can actually structure sentences directly from the tool. This helps to develop strong sentences to make key points within the presentation. You might be very surprised at what types of presentation you could deliver with very little knowledge on a topic. Perhaps you could become a politician.

Example 3: Enlightenment

Lastly, one of my students used it in a completely different way, a way that I have used it myself but, I didn't tell him about. What he did was explore his relationship with a few different topics but the first one was, money.

What he found was that when he did the exercise with money as the stem, he had a lot of negative associations with it which was no surprise considering his current situation at the time. But, he noticed something else. He already knew what the problems were and hoe to go about correcting them but, he just wan't doing it. He created some personal activities, reminders, goals and the like based on cutting the negative actions and increasing the positive ones and , 6 months later, his financial situation had changed drastically.

This is no surprise but, he credits his ability to activate himself because he was able to do and see what he actually had to do and see if that makes sense. The act of doing this simple task jolted his awareness quite strongly when he realised that the problem was him.

To sum up

There are other ways to use this of course like as the basic vocabulary builder I designed to to be but, give it a go and you will find that there is a great deal of information and potential creativity hiding away in the recesses of your mind. Use it as an idea development tool, place a picture in the middle instead or a problem you might need to solve. This is a very, very easy way to exercise and strengthen thoughts.

I would be interested to hear how people find it (if you actually try it) because I know that for my students, it has become a tool they can turn to and improve the efficieny and effectiveness of various tasks and it literally only takes a few minutes at most.

[ a Steemit original ]


This is very similar to how I work out my business planning of tasks. Take the task at hand put it in the center, then branch off the different steps that need to happen for that task to happen, then from each of those steps branch out and show the actions needed to make those steps happen, and if needed even go one more layer out.

I will identify all the main action points and potential pitfalls on one piece of paper using 2 colors.

Never thought to approach writing ideas this way. This would probably save me some time vs my current haphazard approach which leads to a lot of rewriting once things are done and I don't like the end result.

This would probably save me some time vs my current haphazard approach which leads to a lot of rewriting once things are done and I don't like the end result.

If you take a few key concepts and then order them into a logical flow, it is then pretty easy to flesh out from that point.

Writing was never something I was very good at during school and then never really needed it for the last 22 years so I'm rusty on a skill that wasn't really there in the first place. I remember some friends telling me to take a creative writing class as it was an easy A...so I did and about 2 weeks into it I wanted to kill my friends for recommending it.

Been trying to work on my craft here and think there has been improvements, but still a long way to go until it's where I'd like to be.

Thanks for making me view this a little differently.

I have never written like this either and for the most part, I stay away from 'help' tools and a long, long way away from classes. For me, the value is in finding my voice, not having someone else's voice come through mine. It will change over time and sometimes improve or potentially get worse but, it will never be formulaic and textbook. There are enough regurgitators of content already.

That's interesting - organization of thoughts is a problem for me - especially when i'm on a buzz - everything comes out, but not structured as well as it could be.

I'll have a play and let you know..

Good luck :)

This is the second one of these you have done
they help , well for me anyway the other one helped and this one will reinforce it
I will try it :) every little bit helps

With a little practice it moves very fast.

I have tried a lot of approaches where I lay down my idea on the paper and build around it. I don't even remember the number of times I have tried to follow pre-structured routine or even a simple flow chart for a writing plan.
I think maybe brain is wired wrong or something but to write I have to sit down and write. No matter how much I try, when I begin writing it just morphs into something of it's own.
I think it's like a hangover for me. To wake up and realize where the hell you are....that's my writing. Once I write and look back at it - I always wonder, was this what I intended to begin with.

I think maybe brain is wired wrong or something but to write I have to sit down and write.

I don't need this tool for my own writing but I have used it for the 'enlightenment' part. It is interesting to play with.

Once I write and look back at it - I always wonder, was this what I intended to begin with.

I just say, "close enough" ;)

"Close enough" LOL!
That is so true. I wouldn't have admitted it if I were not in the flow of writing. Just goes to tell you the kind of wreck my next attempt would be.

Will try this method and see how it works. Your humour cracks me up though. Bit about the politician is very true. How many times have you seen them talking and they know absolutely nothing about what they are saying.

How many times have you seen them talking and they know absolutely nothing about what they are saying.

If you recognise this, you are obviously not the target audience. ;)

I know one politician (now ex) in Finland quite well who is very talented yet, most of what he could say would go over the heads of the people who need to vote on it. So, he has to dumb it down.

yeah i this tool will be very nice
but how what device can i get your tool

there are two devices needed: paper and pen

Well I also experienced such situations too. Itimes I have some awesome content and inspiration to write but how to organize it is really an issue

give it a go then.

I found this method very very effective if used correctively, it will surely solve my problems, felt like you were addressing my problems when reading this post, thanks for sharing.

Ha... @tarazkp thank you for teaching me how to face this problem, i just keep writing them out somewhere with the hope that the muse will come someday... i think this your post is the muse... the help i needed to go on... thanks for sharing this....
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