The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ†

in #engagement β€’ 5 years ago

With 30 STEEM and a number of SBI shares to be won - sign up, engage, and win! 🎁

Welcome to the Engagement and Curation leagues. How does your engagement on Steem compare against others?

This weeks Post is sponsored by @esteemapp - A mobile and desktop app for Steem.

Thank you for your sponsorship @esteemapp!

League Info

Would you like to enter the leagues? Make a comment below - this is for a lifetime membership and so you will need to ask to be removed.

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

The Engagement League

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Up-votes to others (V)
  • Up-votes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - No minus score but no bonus STEEM (S V)

Note: Copy/Paste comments will be excluded!

Engagement League Table

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 15% of the league entrants!

  • 333 accounts earned a score this week (348 last time)
  • The top 100 produced 844 top level posts (841 last time)
  • The top 100 produced 8424 comments (9480 last time)
  • The top 100 produced over 1.69 million characters of text in comments (1.76 last time)
  • The top 100 cast 34608 votes (31022 last time), of these, 256 were self-votes (206 last time)

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner:

@johannpiber ! πŸ†

Johann finishes top of the EL yet again and is again followed by Kitty - well done both! 3rd this week, and his highest placing thus far, @galenkp - bravo!

Excellent engagement levels also from @chireerocks, @brittandjosie, @mad-runner, @dandays, @markkujantunen, @steevc, and @sunlit7 who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @felixgarciap, @anggreklestari, @tarazkp, @bengy, @abitcoinskeptic, and @bashadow.

Well done everyone!

The Curation League / Rewards based

NOTE: If you have started a power-down or been involved in delegations in/out of your account, you will not appear on this list for 15 days following the activities above. Thanks!

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

🎁 Prizes 🎁

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky numbers

The list is ordered by the date that sponsor first offered a prize for their lucky number.

A big thank you to all the sponsors and well done to the winners!

If anyone wishes to sponsor a number give me a shout and I'll try to remember to add it next week.

And if you no longer want to sponsor a number, no worries just let me know :)


  • If you have spotted any glaring mistakes in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below

Have a good day all,


Sort: Β 

Congratulations to all the winners!!! You are winners just by being here on the list! An extra shoutout to @johannpiber for scoring the #1 spot again this week! Well done and keep up the good work. (You do work, right?) LOL Congratulations @Wakupkitty! Another awesome week of engagement and a surprise 3rd for @galenkp!! That rounds out the top and it is excellent engagement all the way around, all things considered with Thanksgiving, upcoming Christmas and low price of steem.

Congratulations to lucky #9 @steevc! I have sent you 3Steem for the prize!

Thank you, Asher, for keeping the League alive and running! It is always fun to come over and see how the cards fall!

!tip .30

Good morning and thank you very much Denise / @dswigle πŸ™‚

Isn't Steemit work enough? But in order to feed my family I do have a second full time job besides Steemit, and if Steemit lets me some time I work for real money πŸ˜‰

I thank you again and wish you a great week Denise πŸ™‚


Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

Thank you for the kind words Denise, and for the sponsorship and kind tip. Have a lovely week!

Always my pleasure!

Congratulations all!! 8 so have to up my game somewhat!.. Congrats also to @abitcoinskeptic you have 5sbi from me!!

I had a shocker this week, no posts! :O

Which reminds me, I need to see what beer you had yesterday :)

I thought you were quite quiet! Is that you started the new job then?

Yeah been so tired all week, up at 6, ouch!

And you are back into the swing of things too?

Yeah, man. Heading into my fourth week back. Starting to feel like normal again work wise. Thank God there is a Christmas night out and various shenanigans soon!!!

Hope it's going well dude and not just a boring read fest like last time!

Various shenanigans start tomorrow for me with a spot of karting. I’m terrible and will be the slowest for sure!

Friday at work I printed a report. Took the whole day and used 12 raheeems of paper - terriblΓ© all round!

Thanks for mentioning eSteem app. Kindly join our Discord or Telegram channel for more benefits and offers on eSteem, don't miss our amazing updates.
Follow @esteemapp as well!

Thanks for the sponsorship!

Thank you very much Asher 😊

I have transferred 5 SBI to @hangin who is on the lucky number 12 🎁

I congratulate all members of the league and especially the ones who have made it on top of the list πŸ† and wish everybody much fun and engagement for next week.

!tip 0.3

Congratulations @johannpiber, you successfuly trended the post shared by @abh12345!
@abh12345 will receive 0.42294150 TRDO & @johannpiber will get 0.28196100 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

Great stuff Johann, is that 5 or 6 in a row now?!

Thanks as always for sponsoring a number, and thank you for the generous tip!

My pleasure,
I thank you Asher, and I have no idea, but I think 5 times would be correct ;)


Double figures could be on its way!

I've just noticed the 'posted with steemreply' which is a hyperlink - picking up some points there so I'll try to negate these for coming weeks which may bring you back to the chasing pack a little!

Maybe πŸ˜‰
I thought links and HTML tags etc would be subtracted anyway.
What about the !BEER or the !DERANGED or other bot commands? If you subtract these too I can only hope to be in the top 20 ;)

I’ll have to see how long the query takes. Steemreply need to add a header to the JSON to help me!

Never mind, just count my replies, multiply this number by the characters of the SteemReply footer and subtract the number ;)
I make about 90% of my replies with SteemReply, because it's one of the best tools around, so this number might be quite large - I think, SteemReply helped me to win ;) lol

Have a great week @abh12345 πŸ™‚


Hey @abh12345, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

deranged You just received DERANGED @abh12345 Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @abh12345, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

Glad to see my curation number are up now I just have to work on my engagement numbers a little bit.

Nice :) Hopefully we'll see a rise in these too.

Shit I dropped to 5th am I slipping or are we getting better contestants? I DONT MIND, I LOVE THE LEAGUE ! But I am trying to beat johann. We got a new janton in him, 5 times in a row @johann.piber well deserved ! @wakeupkitty with 25 blogs AMAZING and @galenkp great job but I hope you don’t need to be in the office and tell your boss about the slow work this week ..... guess be both new this league guyπŸ˜‰
@asher12345 love that we see a lot of new names or names climbing up in the list. Thanx for the steem.
Hope that the job was good ,

I think we have new members challenging for the top 10.

Friday wasn’t so good but this week will be better I think. Have a good one!

@tipu curate
@giphy curate 100

A huge hug from @amico! πŸ€—

#sbi-skip !trdo

Congratulations @amico, you successfuly trended the post shared by @abh12345!
@abh12345 will receive 0.32066888 TRDO & @amico will get 0.21377925 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

Upvoted πŸ‘Œ

Powered by witness untersatz!
Current VP: 69.32%

Thanks amico 😁

I am still surprised at how far removed I was from this since joining up and not making any progress then all of a sudden making the list several times. Maybe going from posting to blogging was a good thing. Thanks again!

Glad to see progress up the ranks! Cheers :D

🎁 Hi @abh12345! You have received 0.3 STEEM tip from @johannpiber!

@johannpiber wrote lately about: Clouds Lasagna / Wolkenlasagne Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Hey @abh12345, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

Thank you for the steem, that was nice, I was surprised to find myself in the top 20 again, it seemed like a slow week, and it kind of was for me, but I did have a few long comments, and a few back and forth comments, so I guess it all helped. It also helped that there were just a few less comments over-all this last week, I am sure it was because of the Holiday. While America may have Thanksgiving, it is mostly a harvest holiday, I am sure there are lots of places around the world that have holidays in late November to celebrate the bringing in of the harvest, and the preparations for the onslaught of winter. Which we are finally having here where I live, we awoke to an inch of nice clean looking fresh snow, looks like we may end up with a lot from this system, but it could still change and turn back to rain, border temps for snow about 35 F / 1 C.

It was nice to see a few people out and about this week still posting and voting and commenting. I expect we will have a few more short weeks, then mid Jan next year a pick-up in the comments and post. Spring is Coming, let us prepare. We always prepare for Winter, why not prepare for Spring. Winter is no longer coming it is here.

Just scraping in there, that will do nicely :)

I much prefer Spring over Winter and look forward to it being light when I get up for work again.

Spring is much preferred, the days start to get longer and it is no longer dark at four o'clock in the afternoon, plus most of the fluffy white stuff is done.

Very cool to see you still keeping the Leagues going, Asher!

I've been so "busy with other stuff" for so long it's not even funny... and I was surprised to see myself show in the list at all.

Congratulations to this week's winners... it's good to know that there are still many stalwarts who keeping plugging away at it!

Two years and counting!

This week my engagement has been low but you are right - there are plenty keeping the chain active :)

Thanks again to @Tattoodjay for the extra prize this week! I'm just dropping by quickly to send in my super duper SBI share for @cloudblade!

Cheers @bengy! In the colours again this week I see :D

Sounds interesting. How exactly do you sign up?

Posted using Partiko Android

That'll do, welcome! :)

All that engaging, got me 3rd on the list...Didn't do any work all week at my job though! πŸ˜„

Posted using Partiko Android

Top 3, your bro has never placed so high 😎

I opted to prioritise work and rest last week and look where that got me! Cheers!

I was pretty happy with 3rd as I've been working hard to engage more, with a greater variety of accounts. You know the deal though, life, work, sleep...It's difficult at times. I find it really strange that many don't bother to reply though - I'm not sure people understand the importance of engagement, responding to replies and getting engaged.

So my bro? Well, he might never have placed 3rd, but I could never come close to his level here...He's fairly prolific huh?

How was your first week at work? Settled in, throat-punched anyone, found out where the lunch room is, had a sickie yet? 😝

Life, work, sleep with changing priority to reduce burnout risk - hopefully more energy for Steem this week here.

It is pretty key to spend the time engaging to get your name out there, especially if your account isn’t loaded up with a lot of STEEM. Those that have stuck with this route have done well in #newsteem, I like that.

First week went well, there’s a van that shows up outside the office with food and drink which I think is the highlight thus far. I think a throat punch would be considered fair game too - the IT guys are a good bunch!

I engage as best I can, am happy to do so. Replies are a bit thin on the ground lately I think, for me anyway. Still, put the work in and the reward will come. Just got off the phone with tarazkp, talking steem. He keeps me on the righteous path.

Food truck huh? We call them the chuck truck which is a joke (sometimes) about eating there then chucking up (vomiting). Eaten my fair share of chuck truck food.

Glad you're settling in. Looking forward to some posts. Going to see about crafting another sportstalk story from my misspent youth in the next few days. πŸ˜‚ I like writing those.

It’s a good path to follow, we hope 😁

I think this van is an upgrade to the chuck truck - the food is served in broad daylight and to the same individuals and so they can’t mess about!

More SPORTS posts are a good idea and there is lots of scope for more tags like lifestyle and photo.

I miss the chuck truck. They had this gerkin and cheese sandwich...Yum! We don't have a truck that visits the office anymore. Not sure why.

Yeah, I keep forgetting to post on SPORTS. There's a lot of soccer results and Actifit...Less stories. I'll add one soon though, more stupidity as a kid probably. 😁

Top 10 at last! I may have been a bit more active, but it's all fun. Had some 'issues' with some people, but that's life. Cheers

Β 5 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

When I was more prone to delving into the drama I was consistently in the top 10.. I just can't be bothered by it anymore, hence an 88th placing.. Mostly though, as a mobile only user it's too annoying to steem lately..

Tough going on the mobile!

It really is less than ideal..But,ive been harping on this particular failing since my arrival over a year ago and I'm well over the topic..

Hopefully Santa is reading and has a plan for you :)

Steem Santa lol? Krampus maybe! It's not really a big deal, I've lost any faith I had in this platform.. My perception is it's basically dead in the water.look no further than trending, nobody even cares to flag these 50 dollar posts anymore.. The hypocrisy makes the social experience here wholly intolerable..

Boom! Nice one Steve, seems you’ve been putting in some good hours of late.

Congratulations @abh12345! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You got more than 39000 replies. Your next target is to reach 39500 replies.

You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Thank you very much dear @abh12345. Cheers

De nada y gracias Felix 😁

Β 5 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Congratulations to @johannpiber for the first place.
Can I be signed in to your ECL, please?

Thank you very much for your congratulations @cezary-io πŸ™‚
I hope @abh12345 will add you to the members list and I can welcome you as a new member of this fabulous leage πŸ™‚


Hey @cezary-io, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

You certainly can, welcome!

Thank you @abh12345

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for all the cool info! Seems I need to step up my curation game!

Each week is a chance to give it a good shot 😁

Yep, totally not surprised I plummeted down from the heady heights of single digits this week - I'm wicked far behind replying, thanks to the holiday! Excellent showing, everyone!

And as for lucky number 42, I've dropped the tip off on @lenasveganliving's most recent post.

19. tip to lenasveganliving.jpg

Have a wicked wonderful week everybody, and speaking of tips... !tip steem

Thank you so much Traci, that is so sweet of you. Have a wonderful week my Dear 😊


!giphy you're+very+welcome

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Thank you Traci! Good to see I’m not the only one who’s slipped this week, we can stand in the naughty corner together!



Whoa, i need to learn a secret handshake :D

🎁 Hi @abh12345! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @traciyork!

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Congrats to everyone who made the list, and 1 SBI share sent to @bengy for coming in spot number 16

Cheers Jay, have a good week!

Thanks you to :)

🎁 Hi @abh12345! You have received 0.3 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Add A Little Joy And Call Me In The Morning Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Hi @abh12345!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 6.458 which ranks you at #181 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has not changed in the last three days.

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 97 contributions, your post is ranked at #1. Congratulations!

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Try to work on user engagement: the more people that interact with you via the comments, the higher your UA score!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Well done all congrats from me @hangin πŸ‘

Cheers hangin!

Thanks Asher @abh12345 for this.

Congrats to all the winners, especially @johannpiber and @wakeupkitty for holding on to top spots and @galenkp fro bringing up third place.

Thank you so much Jo, I am waiting for you to take my place πŸ™‚


Thanks Johann for having confidence in me but I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜ƒ

You're much welcome Jo - all these commenting and replying is a lot of work, and although it makes so much fun, I think I spend more time on this than on my postings ;)


Hey @redheadpei, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

Hey @redheadpei, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Join Steem Power Up Day at the 1. of December and power up BEER

Thanks redheadpei :)

Congratulations to all!


Hey, @abh12345.

Another week off the list. :)

Managed to get a few posts out the door so that November won't look too much different than previous months SP-wise, but man, the rest of my numbers are looking pretty bad.

Congratulations to everyone else who made the engagement list, though. Especially the upper echelons of it. And while he's been around for a couple of weeks or so already, welcome and well done to @galenkp for crashing into No. 3.

Thanks, Asher, for all you do to keep this place engaged.

As always...

...onward and upward.

They are flying by, posts or no posts.

I'm midway through the monthly report post and my numbers are down all around - only myself to blame, or the new job.

That's OK though, this place is still busy enough, and I think there is scope for more in the new year.

Enjoy your week :)

Congratulations @abh12345!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 81 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 6 with $ 40,43

Congrats to all and I'm sending 2 Sbi shares to @wakeupkitty!

Thank you Melinda!

My pleasure! My kids and grandkids have been here for the Thanksgiving weekend and now I am playing catch-up!

Quickly β€œin and out” to fulfill my commitment to your CEL @abh12345.

An SBI share has been registered for our ”Hot Pink” winner this week - @felixgarciap (makes it 240 for this account). Nice! Congratulations to all of this week’s winners, which is everyone! As well as those who got some prizes … πŸ˜‰

Thank you for putting this together @abh12345. "Onward and upward" into a new week!


Thank you very much @roleerob, best wishes to you and all for the festive period.

I was just looking over the steem whitepaper again and was thinking how an update may be in order, it's great to see you doing your part in making the steemit/steem experience better , I would love to partake

Quite possibly yes, in what areas do you think?

Added you to the list, welcome!

I wanted to let you know that my wallet says you sent me 1.5 steem but I didn't receive it. Someone else sent me a couple steem...for what I am not sure but I didn't receive theirs either even though it said they sent it.

hmm, i see it in your wallet, are you sure?

Tarazkp was/has been explaining to me that people can direct deposit it into someones account without them having to redeem it. You must have used or been using the advance setting like him. I rarely ever made a whole steem so when I'd see a whole steem followed by a smaller number to redeem I just thought that was coming from you. If it wasn't seems like blogging is paying off better than posting ever did.

@abh12345, Thank you so much for your kind mention brother. I always wait for this series. Stay blessed brother.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @chireerocks and well done again :)

Welcome and thank you so much for your kind appreciation. Have a blessed time ahead.

Congratulations @abh12345, your post successfully recieved 0.74361038 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:

@amico earned : 0.21377925 TRDO curation
@johannpiber earned : 0.281961 TRDO curation

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

How do I get added to the list?
Congrats to all of the winners.

Just like that, welcome!

1 SBI just sponsored to @rentmoney for lucky number #22




Hey @amico, here is a little bit of BEER from @rentmoney for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

I want to be added!

Nice :) Welcome!