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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ† - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in #engagement β€’ 6 years ago

Congratulations on retaking top honors @janton. Congratulations to all in the top 30, it is hard to stay there. Heck last week it was hard for me to even make the cut-off, but I skinned by at 98, this week back in the lower 40's. I just need to get and and comment a bit more, been a bit of a slack-off in that department.

@veryspider, @smithlabs, @steemflow, @lynncoyle1, @melinda010100, @glenalbrethsen, @themanwithnoname, @chireerocks, @macoolette, obviously no slacking on your parts. And still I run into post talking about a lack of engagement. I think they need to start changing that tune soon. I know on some days I have a hard time engaging, but that is just part of the phase, it is wearing off, a little bit.

On the Alaskan front, this could very well be another snowless halloween. They happen, just not very often. Some snow creeping down the mountains but still fairly warm at 43 fahrenheit. I hope you all have a safe weekend and a safe halloween.

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All these posts and comments discussing the lack of engagement... It's good to see so many of the league members battling through and posting solid numbers each week.

The weather has turned here, that's it until April as far as hot days - we'll just have to put up with 'warm'. Have a good Halloween @bashadow :)

Yaaayy.. I thought that steemmonsters took you out from the charts.. but you made it! Congratulations!

it was a close call with the monsters, but I managed to hang in and this funk thing I've had is going away a little bit.

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Thank you @bashadow :) I've seen you say twice that the funk is 'going away a bit' ... so you're still in a funk then? Sorry to hear it; I've been there, but I can tell you the clouds will clear eventually :)

No snow on Halloween? Wow that's something . I used to live way up north in British Columbia, and we were always guaranteed snow. I often wondered why kids bothered with costumes because they were all covered up in snow suits :)

It is getting cold enough for snow, and there is still a couple of days for it to snow before Halloween, but it is looking pretty iffy for it. I think this would be like the third or fourth Halloween with no snow if it does not snow, so not a very rare occurrence but still rare enough. If it follows form of the other snowless Halloweens then that means like super nasty cold two weeks sometime in late Nov early Dec. time frame. Followed up by a very very bitter late Jan/Feb.

Yeah it's a process, but getting settled in for winter now I guess. I think that is part of what causes the late fall funk, knowing that winter is closer. I actually like winter, the staying inside where it is warm, the occasional extremely bright sunny days, I just do not like having to move the white stuff out of the way nor do I like driving in/on it.

Thank you @bashadow! You can do it too. Just keep going...

May you have a meaningful Halloween! :)

Thanks my friend! It was your encouragement that got me to join the league, and I can't thank you enough! I look forward to Sundays to be able to measure how I have done all week long. I'm glad you're having a mild autumn. Your weather sounds about the same as it is here.

Thanks, @bashadow! We've all seen you at the top. We know you can get there again. Life happens though, so if you've got other stuff going on, no judgement. :)

Hey, @bashadow.

Thanks once again for the shout out. I can't say I've been doing what I was as far as sheer comments are concerned, so I do believe those posts about lack of engagement. I'm probably an outlier here in the Top 30. The rest of the numbers look pretty solid. If you look at CR, though, you'll see those are down quite a bit, which means outside of the league, there isn't as much engagement.

It's up to us really, to keep it going. Keep bringing in new people and getting them excited about the list.

re: Alaska

One of these days, I need to get to some part of Alaska. I have a cousin who lives up there somewhere. If I'm going to go visit, I probably should find out, right? Huge state to try to cover otherwise. :)

re: halloween

Be safe, too. I'm not planning to do anything myself. Not a big fan really.

I have never really been a fan of the candy thing and trick-or-treat stuff, nor of the other bad side of halloween. So it's one of those holidays I kind of ignore participation wise. It was fine as a kid, not so much with out kids.

Okay. So, I'm not the only one. I figured I couldn't be, but it's always nice to hear.

I didn't go to a church activity on Saturday because of that. It's referred to as a harvest party, but the kids and many adults still get into costume, and then there's a trunk 'o' treat afterwards. Not interested in ruining anyone's fun, nor do I want to passively endorse it, so I stayed home, even though my youngest, his wife and their 16-month-old went.

However, my wife enjoys handing out candy, so if she doesn't have to work, she'll man the door. Again, I'm not happy about it, but there's some battles you fight, and others you live with.

re: other side

Well, see, that's just it. People may not be celebrating Halloween for any of that, but it's perpetuated in a more non-threatening way, I guess, which waters it down, and then teaches kids they can get free candy once a year.

Here I am on my soapbox. Thanks @bashadow! :)