Calling on Facebookers to join a Win/Win Scenario!

in #facebook7 years ago (edited)

Campaign to Save People from Facebook!!!

Ok, so it'd been about a week since the last attempt to "Save People from Facebook." With the last time around having such a focus on the money, I wanted to go a slightly different route to really show off how much Steemit allows us to search and usually find a great win/win scenario.

It's so easy for people to view this place as a TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE situation...heck, even I did at first. It took hearing about it from somebody whose opinion I actually trusted. So I wanted to touch on this right away in my latest Facebook 'outreach' post, being willing to stake my reputation on it being real. Then followed up with the massive support this community gives each other everyday in bits ranging from small to ENORMOUS!! I'm more than willing to bet that there are few (if any) online communities providing as much help (technical, emotional, psychological, financial, etc) to others as on here.

So first, let me show you my Facebook post followed by what it said:

What I am Asking From YOU!!

What I'd like to ask the Steemit community to do is two fold:

  1. Share this piece around on your Facebook and/or Twitter. I want those people that have a penchant for caring for others to see this. While there is some mention of money in's all focused around how it's been used to help others...not lining their own pockets.

  2. Please leave leave comments either describing things you or somebody else, has done to help a fellow Steemian.

While it's not often talked about, we really are BUILDING A COMMUNITY here. I'm a Firm believer that life is NOT A ZERO SUM GAME and Steemit, more than anywhere else I've been...

...Provides us with a means to find more WIN/WIN Scenarios then every before.

Let's highlight this a little bit and attract others with this sort of mindset. It's often harder to take something that costs you nothing and is able to help out others as "too good to be true."

And as's the Obligatory Kitty Pic!

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Image Sources:
Helping Hand


Resteemed upvoted and shared on fb :) totally awesome post I made a similiar one a few months ago !! Thanks for sharing @sykochica

Thank you!! :D
I personally want to see more posts like this get out beyond Steemit. Some people were drawn by the money...but others are drawn buy the opportunity to help others.

Shared on Facebook. Love @papa-pepper he does the most amazing contests, posts and helps people. @meesterboom is the greatest story teller does really funny animations. @olegw for his great flags of the world Steemit collaboration (and his posts are fun too). @giantbear for brilliant stories and motivating posts. @fatpandadesign for sharing his inspiring story and loads of initiatives to help other minnows.

Thanks for the mention :0)

Oh wow!! Absolutely top notch people to mention! What great 'rabbit holes' for perspective users to follow! :D

Though I'd not seen @olegw or @fatpandadesign's stuff before. On my way to check them out.

Thanks for the share and the fantastic list! :D

@sykochica I'm still inviting my FB friends but they are immune at this time. I guess my wallet and followers are not enough but soon it will be a statement for the to see as proof.

I up voted and please follow me @yehey

si hay que invitar todos nuestros amigos de facebook

Hello does everyone want to know the grow of steemit here is the amazing figures from May
follow me and i will follow you

Upvoted and resteemed. I jumped off the Facebook bandwagon a while ago. Sorry Barb from my high school health class, I really don't care what you had for dinner last night. I've been doing my best to spread the word to all my friends though, especially people I know who are fond of reddit.

Sorry Barb from my high school health class, I really don't care what you had for dinner last night.

Haha...that's awesome!!!

I've been doing my best to spread the word to all my friends though, especially people I know who are fond of reddit.

Keep that up! There's soo much room here for different content creators, even a little bit for just posting links. Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can do to help bring them in, like providing info..maybe a little support at the beginning.

For sure. I'll be referring them to this post as well as some of the wonderful projects, namely the minnow support project, designed to help new users thrive and adjust to the community.

I really hope we get more integrations in the website and expand the ways that we can earn from.
There are external apps but I'd love to see some new stuff being added here on the site..

I'm definitely with you!
Things have been going in a good direction between having being available for sales, open mic nights, meme challenges, art contests, etc. But even better with more apps being built up like @steepshot and @chainbb. :)

@sykochica i dont think people of facebook will join steemit they will come sighnup and then leave the maain reason for dt is the UI which sucks and lack of knowledge about blockckain technology
If they get the point getting paid then the question in their mind will be how will i cashout and telling them about the whole procedure of cashing out makes them puke and only thing they will say in reply is
"Facebook is easy and better😉"

If u agree dn upvote

People truly and really have to start appreciate what the steem community is doing.
I have been here not long but i have seen something unique here and i intend ti stay and help out anyway i can to promote the work being done here.
Its great and it good to be part of something greater than yourself
We will spread the word.

Loved the article and its strange to find so many people to doubt what you are busy telling them. As i'm still new here and haven't earn anything yet, i am positive by giving and helping your fellow man will help you one day in need as well. I love the cat picture, reminds me alot of my tom boy that passed away not to long agoGinger.jpg

Awwww, such a sweet looking kitty! They do look a lot like mine! Sorry to hear they passed away :( Losing pets are insanely rough times. :(

i am positive by giving and helping your fellow man will help you one day in need as well.

This is so true. I've pretty much built myself up on here over the last year being in the 'helping people' niche and I LOVE it! Such a great win/win. :)

This post received a 14% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @sykochica! For more information, click here!

I hope this conmunity will stay far away, as long as possible, from some of the facebook people. I preffer to grow slow instead of be victim of bullshit.

I can definitely understand this. While I don't necessarily want everybody from FB to come over...those who have the mentality of helping others and finding the possible win/win scenarios I'm rather happy to accept with open arms. :)

Totally agree!

I have shared it on my facebook. Usually not much luck with that, but will give it a try again

Love this. I'm so over Facebook. Steemit is so much better. Just a matter of time before Steem > Facebook! Followed/upvoted/appreciated!

Thank you!
I'm definitely with you. Facebook just hurts to be on now. It's also really strange not having the like/upvote button do anything over there. Lol

Time if definitely on our side! :D

I love the Muppet times with you :P

Hehe, thank you! :D
One of these days I'll make a post showing that off to the public. Give some people good blackmail material on me. :P

the cat was the best part and I want to save my 20K+ Facebook followers myself and it is sad when people are not coming over faster to Steemit

Hehehe, Gizmo says thank you!

It's seemed lately that some FB people at least seem to be more open to trying this place out. Once people that that first post that 'pops' they're usually hooked. Well get there...have them all join us! :D

Hello does everyone want to know the grow of steemit here is the amazing figures from May
follow me and i will follow you

People are making the move now from various platforms to here. Steemit is going to be a game changer for a lot of these sites that have commanded the spotlight for so long. Its about time!

Oh absolutely! Simply having time be on our side it HUGE! I just like to do my part to keep it going or speed things up if possible. Lol

plz vote to support me

I like the cat pictures

Nice effort! Feels like getting someone out of the dark-side. Just followed and upvoted you. I notice the upvote number just JUMPED! Wow!! I'm just a minnow! Coool.

Hehe, the "too good to be true" thing is funny

I think often people take for granted how BAD of a deal it is to contribute content on Facebook's centralized site for only their gain ,, so by comparison this seems absurd

Before blockchains there really wasn't any way to decentralize the rewards, so if people aren't familiar enough to be like "oh so blogging is the mining process" I can for sure see why they're skeptical

I wish there was an app that allowed us to upvote Facebook posts with steem power and it automatically creates an account for that user and they can claim their rewards somehow...

I shared it on facebook. You gave a good explanation of how things work around here :)

Hopefully, people turn from facebook to Steem.

Thanks for trying to spread the word!

I admire your efforts. For the past month I've been trying to inform my fb friends and family about cryptos, but after being met with some much scepticism, they're on their own.

Yes, let's shut FB down:) I agree:)))

And, naturally, meow!!!

Upvote and follow you @skyochica

Hi 5!

I've pulled myself and hundreds of others from Facebook and we are a happy group of people!

On the contrary, let those facebookers remain in their delusional world, and us break free from their matrix.

I think this is a great approach. I'm trying to bring some of my own Twitter, Facebook, RL ... friends into Steem and something like this is a great start!

STEEMIT could be a game changer. One thing they need is to revamp the user interface. It needs to be dynamic and highly customizable. Another idea is the ability to integrate HTML5 into the blogs. Templates like Squarespace would be killer. The ability to create galleries and sell artwork, music, photography, gigs, items. It could harness all the functionality of eBay, Amazon, etc. Am I thinking too big?

great initiative! I will share!
Also, I have helped many people who almost gave up on Steemit, last year, including one very popular Steemian! I was his coach....anyway, yeah, if all my facebook friends came over, they would be soooooo much better and happier.

Thank you!
Oh, I can absolutely understand. Getting built up on here can be rough, especially at the beginning. Providing support with suggestions as well as votes or resteems are sooo needed to get people over those humps.

I definitely am a huge stellabelle fan! I couldn't imagine this place without you!

Yes, helping/sharing/reaching-out is the focal point of Steemit Community.
Rewards are bonuses, but very rewarding!

If you want everything, give everything.

“You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.”
― Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon

I am new to this steemit community and so far it is much more interesting than facebook is to me. I will continue to read and follow more in this new world.

It seems like it needs to be done, to awaken the fb users. They should know the fact that steemit is more and very good

Keep smiling ☺️🌺

okay.png shared on FB and twitter
Thank you @sykochica !

I just found you now. resteeming. Happy for your success. Hope this platform stay alive until it becomes huge and wont be driven against the wall

steemit has been really a new revolution in social platform and its changing lives of people and helping them in many ways and it better in many ways than facebook or twitter or whatever shit are there.

it seems like steemit is all i can talk about lately, friends, family, my taxidriver, the clerk at the grocery store. it has been difficult convincing people it is worth the switch. Thank you for compiling this!

I recently stopped using Facebook and I think it is one of the best things I did recently. I have a lot of free time and I do not end up reading stupid things.

And now that I have joined Steem, I guess this will be a better replacement to FB.

Yes. Steemit has a lot more potential than facebook. In facebook there is a mass advertising that did not exist before. And do not exist this system of rewards!

I posted something similar on LinkedIn. More people should look towards Steemit now! Such a nice social platform.

nice post it is really useful for me
follow me ....... I have started following you

Shared to my social media accounts, hopefully will get a good result.

I shared this site with my mom and she loves it, steemit will slowly take over,! Flee the facebook,.

Steemit seems like more of an addiction than Facebook , every 5 minutes I tend to log back on here and see what is new. Everyone must join the force !

Steem on fellow steemers.. steem on!

Upvoted, resteemed, shared on my Facebook. Your awesome!:-)


I am working on a sort of like same project, take a look on my post on Steemit Facebook!

Check out the results I already made until now in 11 days:

Thank you!

shared on Facebook , but I only got negative feedback as everyone thinks I try to scam them .