7,042 Reps Added: Daily 100+ Rep Fitness Challenge (Day 138)

in #fitnesschallenge6 years ago (edited)

Attention - I'm going to be launching a revised set of guidelines for reps and awards soon. The goal of this will be to try to bring the focus back onto quality workout reps and keep the playing field level for everyone to feel like their effort is equal all around. Everyone is doing a great job, and these adjustments will ideally make the experience better to be more sustainable.

The Challenge:

At least 100 honest reps of your choice of exercise. No excuses. No bullsh*t. Just actions, positivity, results and progress. Only post AFTER your reps are done. Always support each other. Full guidelines and conditions below.

Daily exercise idea (not a requirement) - Medicine Ball Back Extensions

Bonus Tip - PLEASE never do this:

Daily Update:

  • 23 Steemians contributed 7,042 daily reps.
  • Congrats to @lordcarlo297 and @kbarrett for crossing 10K reps and getting 1 SBD each.

Overall Summary:

  • 468,632 overall by 49 Steemians from 13 countries in 137 workout days.
  • Thanks to everyone for each vote, mention, and resteem.

Reps Line.png

Challenge Overview:

  • You choose what types of exercise reps to do.
  • 30 minutes of fitness walking, running, spinning, biking, cross-country skiing, etc., can count as 100 reps if you need to rest or can't use weights.
  • I'll award 1 SBD for every 10,000 rep milestone. (27 SBD paid out)
  • I run the numbers daily which is sometimes harder than my reps.


  • Weights not required.
  • Do real reps, use good form, aiming for 100+.
  • Start your reply with "Challenge Completed".
  • Reply with a list of the exercises and reps you did.
  • Cumulative tallies are appreciated as a separate line.
  • Only submit reps you've done, not ones you're planning to do.
  • Use the tag "fitnesschallenge" on associated posts.
  • Upvoting or resteeming is appreciated to reach more.
  • Try to upvote as many contributors as possible to motive each other.


  • Stretch before and after.
  • Breathe properly on each rep.
  • Quality over quantity.
  • Eat a healthy snack after/stay hydrated.
  • Start with exercises you enjoy to build up for harder ones.
  • Take before pictures to appreciate results over time.
  • Feel good about your accomplishments.

My Daily Challenge Completed - 100 reps:

-40 Shoulder Bar Presses (75 pounds)
-25 Trap Bar Raises (75 pounds)
-20 Air Squats
-15 Bicep Bar Curls (75 pounds)

My Daily Assessment:

Thank you to everyone for doing what you can to support me and each other. The ball of my left foot is very sore, so I'm taking it easy on my legs for a few days. Going back to the bar as I gave my upper body a huge break with core and legs over the last month with baseball starting up.

See All Of My Progress Pics After 93 Straight Days & 11,212 Reps

Original Intro Post With My Motivation

Reps Bar.png
@rmsbodybuilding with attendance of 137/137 days.
@steemmatt with attendance of 136/137 days.

Last Daily Rep Count:
808 - @rjunaid12
648 - @faizan07
600 - @mackmck
600 - @soumon
500 - @vibrantyogini
400 - @cryptoteen
400 - @lordcarlo297
340 - @notorious562
312 - @musclegirlfusion
300 - @manolisthan
250 - @rj1
228 - @kbarrett
210 - @rmsbodybuilding
210 - @mudasirfarooq
205 - @mgood
200 - @bitfiend
185 - @hefziba
130 - @steemmatt
116 - @aussieninja
100 - @thevillan
100 - @gruber.muc
100 - @robertperini
100 - @redencion123

From @musclegirlfusion:

"Since I started posting in this challenge, you've given me a reason to blog on steemit. No matter how discouraged I get when it seems like no one is reading what I write, I know I can write it and post it here and it adds to the challenge. So thank you for giving me the motivation I need to stick with blogging!!"

From @bitfiend:

"After starting 6 days ago I already feel stronger. This is definitely the most consistent exercise I've done in an extremely long time but I am happy to be taking part! While I walk around mostly in pain, I know it's all for a good cause! My health! I am feeling better and I'd say my sickness is mostly gone now. I think that if I had not been exercising, I may have been sick for a bit longer. Persistence pays off!"

From @mightpossibly:

"I find it deeply satisfying to do these reps, which is a big deal. I've always hated the gym and prefer to exercise at home. But I've lacked the discipline to do it. It sort of feels like I have gym buddies now, without the hassle of going to the gym."

From @notorious562:

"I seriously cannot explain how much this group pushes and motivate me to keep working harder. I love this fitness community and the support and encouragement will help us achieve our goals."

From @khufu:

"Your challenge has helped immensely to keep me motivated lately. I've had a lot of... problems going on so your challenge has been a quantum of sanity in an insane world for me."

Sources: 1, 2



Daily Challenge Completed - 100 reps:
-40 Shoulder Bar Presses (75 pounds)
-25 Trap Bar Raises (75 pounds)
-20 Air Squats
-15 Bicep Bar Curls (75 pounds)

Bummer about your foot brother, hope you have a quick recovery.

Nothing serious, just need to give it a few days. I'm tougher than that!!!

That's spirit! Throw some dirt on it and ice it! Ha Ha

Challenge completed - 277 reps:

5 minutes treadmill, 0.9 km (0)
50 warmup reps (4kg) (0)

12+12+10 bench press bar (30kg,35kg,40kg) (34)
12+12+10 tilted dummbell bench (20kg,24kg,28kg) (34)
12+12+10 cable chest (35kg,40kg,45kg) (34)
12x3 push-ups (36)

12x3 hanging dips (first 2 sets with support band, last without) (36)
12x3 dips with two benches (10kg,20kg,25kg) (36)
12+7+12 triceps overhead extension with dumbbell (14kg,14kg,9kg) (31)
12x3 triceps bar (36)

Daily Challenge Completed - 305 reps
200 reps - Walking 30 minutes X 2; includes down and up elevation of 300 ft
5 reps - pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) 5 min X 2

100 reps = 1+ hours X 2 Transcendental Meditation and advanced TM-Sidhi (morning and evening)
(All reps from yesterday and night)

Daily Challenge Complete- Wednesday 4.25.18

Push ups- 80
Calf raises-100
Total reps- 225

My notes:
Another quick little workout. I had a around 20 minutes to myself after getting my kids to bed. Life has been rough lately since my kiddos are kinda sick, but I need to keep pushing through regardless of life obstacles. Still staying consistent with my daily 50 push up challenge. Staying motivated to keep working hard, but feel I have not been pushing myself hard enough. I hope that someone out there is inspired and motivated with my daily post. I would love to hear people success stories so please comment them below.

For your sake, try to post earlier in the day if at all possible when the wave of upvotes comes in. If it's not critical, then carry on soldier!

Ha Ha! Well I only post when I have time to which for me is when the kids are in bed and everything is ready for the next day. I have seen massive increases lately which is awesome. The biggest upvote for me has been at 0.60! Which for me is huge nothing compared to your 20-30 dollar post! LOL

My $20-30 post was a one time gift from people in our group because they bought upvotes to keep me motivated to keep posting the blog when the rewards have been stuck in the $1-$1.50 range for months. I feel the pain with the all the time I spend compiling and updating each post, trust me.

Its all good brother! I know when the platform take off you'll be earning this on a daily. I would love to reach 1.00 on my post it would make me stoked. LOL. I need to get to your status so my upvote makes a difference. But its all good in time it will happen and I am just grateful that I am apart of the community you built!!

Ugh! That gif hurts my soul.

Daily Rep Challenge Completed : 256 reps consisting of:

  • 60 minutes of lawnmower cardio = 100 reps
  • Titan Games trial = 30 reps
  • 3 x 7 sets of 6 reps of Tendonitis Strengthening exercises = 126 reps

What tendons are you exercising?

I've got Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow and something weird happening at the very bottom of my triceps just above my elbow. A year or so ago, I'd have to cut any session involving grip or hanging or climbing short, and would be in pain for two days, easily. Now that I've been working on them multiple times a week, I'm really only feeling it in the triceps. Things like rope climbs are killer.

While I've seen a huge improvement, none of it's being resolved... if I take a week or two off, I go right back to Pain City and have to pretty much start over. Overuse injuries suck. Start slow and build up kids!

Hopefully some up-votes will heal your soul....and the Gif guy's tail bone.

Lawnmower reps seriously? I think it's supposed to be reps of things in addition to your daily/weekly/monthly routines.

Given that I haven't done anything like it for over 20 years, and I was full on sweating and completely exhausted afterwards, I thought I'd count it. I covered over 5kms in that hour.

If it's not regular activity then it's all good.

As long as this was your lawnmower...


Tell you what... it wasn't far off it.... that dude is a monster though.

Daily Challenge completed - 25.04.2018 - 224 reps

Warmup and Cooldown a lot of mobility - no reps counted
Metcon: 4x5 minutes
Double KB Swing (2x16 kg)
Double KB Clean
Double KB Thruster

74 rounds = 222 reps

Finisher: 2 pullups

20 min cycling
20 min treadmill
100 high knees
100 jumping jack
100 squat jumps
5 sets flat bench barbell press 65
3 flat bench dumbbell press 36
4 sets decline bench barbell press 48
3 declined dumbbell press 36
4 sets low cable flys 80
4 sets dumbbell flys 48
3 sets pushups 30,25,20 total 75
Total 688

We miss your exhausted gym pictures!!

Aww. That's so sweet, thank you brother


Daily Challenge Completed - 250 reps

25 pull ups
50 chin ups
50 one arm push ups
50 incline push ups
25 dips
50 squats

14 lb vest

Daily Challenge Completed - 200 reps
90 minutes cycling

Cycling is one hell of a workout! Kudos to you!

Challenge completed - 100 reps

Got the trifecta with me cardio :D


Haha gump ain't got nothing on me :P

Ha nice one.

Thanks a little motivation for our good friend @thevillan. LOL

Daily Challenge Completed - 450 Reps - Getting awfully close to 10k reps -- I feel transformed lately.
100 Air Squats
50 Leg Raises
50 Situps
50 TaeBo Legkicks (right leg)
50 TaeBo Legkicks (left leg)
50 Standing Curls - Left arm - 20 lbs
50 Standing Curls - Right Arm - 20 lbs
50 Extensions (both hands) - 20 lbs

Kudos to almost hitting your first 10K. Keep up the great work and continue motivating others!

Thanks I am feeling great about it!

Nice day. Billie Blanks is still smiling down upon your soul.

haha yeah. It was a good day it felt good doing that many reps

Today was another cardio day where I did 5 minute intervals on the stairmaster for a total of 30 minutes and 122 floors and in between each interval were pushups for @notorious562 challenge. I was able to do more than 12 in a row for 2 sets and then 12 for the last 3 for a total of 64 pushups!

164 today!


Great work! Staying consistent and accountable! :)

Thank you @Steemmatt for this amazing challenge! I have loved it all month and will continue to forever!! ;) :D

Today's Challenge Completed

  • 30 min power walk
  • 1 hour body pump

My Assessment

I didn't exercise until the evening. Then I power walked for 30 minutes to the gym, and completed an hour of body pump.

I love it!

Tonight, I squatted 25kg again, chest pressed 10 kg, biceps 10 kg, clean and press 15kg, triceps 10 kg, lunges 10kg (the lunge routine is very powerful but perhaps I could up my weight next week!)

Body pump really compliments my yoga practice and I feel myself getting so strong!

Every time I finish, I am buzzing! :D

Missed the exercise today unfortunately..
But good luck to every one else..
I will try to upvote a few, though it doesn't count as much

Thank you for taking the time to comment and support.

Daily Challenge Completed - 600 reps
walking in my university.

I don't know if it's impressive, or a little suspicious that you're walking at least 3 hours a day :o...

Sorry for that.
If you can't believe that I have nothing to do...

I believe you :)! Three hours of walking is just something that I definitely couldn't do (I would probably get bored :D), so it seemed like it's impossible to do :D...

Keep up the great and impressive work ;)!

I often walk for a few hours a day when I'm thrifting or freecycling. As a student they may have plenty of time and determination to lose weight since they said they really needed to. I'm coming up with new ideas for revising the challenge so stuff with change a bit.

That's a great point :D! Just out of curiosity, what kind of changes are you planning on :)?

Daily Challenge Completed - 100 reps 1 hour of walking, still sick but getting better =) !

These challenges are awesome!
But please don't fall into the habit of being productive and then rewarding yourself by ruining everything you've achieved.
We made a useful post on this topic.
Check it out :D
Hopefully you stay productive
and good luck :)

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Their records are always make me jealous.