Author VS Curation Rewards | How much stake is needed for curation rewards to outperform top authors rewards?

in #flippening4 years ago (edited)

After the HF 21/22 and the introduction the 50/50 split, the curation rewards have become more attractive. One can now earn more only by curating. Get paid for clicking the like button.

But how much stake is needed for the curation rewards to become attractive and even outperform top author rewards?


To answer the question above first we need to set a level for the author rewards. Lets see how much are earning the top authors on Hive currently.

Here are the top 20 authors for the week April 13 – April 19, 2020.


Disclamer: The numbers are aproximate and not totally accurate.

On average the top 20 authors are making 850 HIVE per week.

850 HIVE per week

This will be our target. It is a high bar to reach. How much stake is needed to be able to earn as the top authors?

Curation Rewards

I have made some Curation Rewards analysis before looking for some depencies and as it turns out the only thing CR are dependent on is the efficiency.

The ROI on CR can wary between from 6% up until 14%, and in some very efficient cases even more than 15%.

SPDaily CRCuration EfficiencyCR per 1000 SPROINo of accounts analyzed

For our case we will take a ROI around 10% that is an average one and can be achieved without some serious efforts.
When we do the math, things look like this.

For an average ROI of 10% on curation rewards, to have 850 HIVE rewards per week, one needs 443k HP.
Quite a significant stake and just under the whale mark of 500k.
If we amp the CR ROI to 15%, then this stake drops down to around 300k.

What can we conclude from the above is that it takes a significant amount of stake to be able to have CR rewards equal to the once on the top authors rewards.

But this analysis is a bit one sided as it takes into account only the CR rewards. In reality most of the holders with a 300k or 400k HP will be probably doing some posting as well from time to time. Even if he is not a top author and doesn’t aims to be one, still he will be recognized in the community and have some authors rewards on the top of his curation rewards.

In my personal opinion I believe that every holder with more than 100k HP that occasionally do some posting is competing with the top authors on the platform. Also, not to forget this is a comparison with the top league. If you lower you bar, the amount of HP needed will be significantly lower.

So, there you go, have at least 100k HP, curate at will, post a little, and your earnings will match those on the top authors. If you go over 300k or 400k HP than you are a guaranteed winner 😊.

You can even go through the new section and look for some random people to reward for their hard work. They will be grateful and happy when they see that large upvote. Tipping indefinitely. What a noble concept.

All the best


I like your weekly input about how we can improve and help each other in the rat bee race.
Definitely a community at heart post.

Posted via Steemleo


Trying my best.

That's some cool information, thanks! I've been visiting the new section every day to see if I can give newer authors a full upvote. I don't have the massive stake that others do, but I can get them over the dust threshold and earn some curation.

Checking out BeeMe, my efficiency is 44% which I think is pretty great. My last 30 day curation reward has skyrocketed compared to my all time. I used to delegate all my SP away and just rely on earning from leases. I stopped doing that since moving to Hive and have absolutely enjoyed the benefits of it! My curation last 30 days is 33.85 HP, more than 1/3 of my total of all time, 96.50. I originally was against the 50/50 but now I've been enjoying the change, given my meager HP.


Looks like more people want control over their HP these days and curate by them self. More organic curation is always welcomed.

Yeah it’s a challenging balance though. Awesome projects like curie and curangel among others rely on the delegations. I give them a little bit but I’ve been really enjoying doing my own curation, even if it doesn’t give me the ROI that delegations might if I don’t curate certain posts.

I really love your breakdown of the numbers. Great stats for an investor to look over. Also a great motivator for creators and curators.

Just showing where is the bar :)

btw, I'm clearly better curator than author lately, according to I am reaching efficiencies higher than 57%...

Thanks !

57%, not bad at all :)

Not bad. Check other accs 🙃

What about manual upvoting? this automatic upvoting only benefits to you in the short term but not the rest of the blockchain, think about

Upvoting benefits everyone.
I believe in a masses. Trying to spread my votes as wide as I can.

Agree but you seem only to set your only on those accounts that earn the most independently of the shared any case, better upvoting than doing nothing, yes

Very original and useful analysis!
@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 12/18)

My curation rewards are struggling on account of the fact that no one I follow really seems to be posting that much!

Honestly my VP is constantly about 90%, and I've ramped up my autovote. I used to have to constantly adjust it downwards!

Looks like even the people still around are posting less than before ... looks like the focus is now more on curation.... that is good for some nice authors if they come along they may find support more easy these days.

As long as they do come along!

One does need material to actually curate!

It does feel as this whole fork has just put masses of people off being on either platform. I would have thought that with most people furloughed now would be the perfect time to be churning out posts and earning, but there is defo a stagnation.

I would also have expected a slight upturn in new people - given the increased amount of time spend online.

But neither has happened. I'm anticipating a massive drop in the hive price in about 10 weeks, if activity around here doesn't pick up, there's no demand otherwise, is there?

If you're looking for some content, I've been putting out at least 2 or 3 posts a week as time allows ;). Always looking for more to reach out to!

I have been navigating the new section and finding new users or low rep users that are actual people has been a challenge, I will agree.

What are you using for auto voting on HIVE?

I use

This is an awesome article. I’ve thought about what it would take to make $100 usd a day in curation and you just broke it down for me. Thanks!

Great analysis! Just another 70k-370k HP to go 😁

Heh.... its just shows where is the bar :)

30k is still great.

Well, I like having targets to aim for so thanks for the bar! Time to head for it!

It is not my life time mission to reach that goal. ;)

Mine not as well :)