Breakfast in a glass - Overnight Oats Recipe

in #food7 years ago

Hey Steemians,

This recipe is a healthy one and perfect for your mornings. I do love breakfast and I'm always searching for new recipes or ways to take my favorite meal.


This recipe makes one serving; I'm the only one who eats breakfast in this house! Sad, I know...

30 g oats
1 Greek yogurt
100 g raspberry
20 g chia seeds

  1. Mix the oats and yogurt in a bowl and leave them soak overnight. The yogurt gives a creamier texture to the mixture.

  2. Mix the raspberry with the chia seeds and leave them soak overnight.

  3. In the morning, build this delicious beauty! :D Spoon 1/4 of the oats mixture into the bottom of a jar or glass. Then add the raspberry. Repeat!
    You can top it with some maple syrup or add some crunchiness like almonds!

It is a proper way to start your day, right?!



thanks for bra recept

looks delicious! :))

it really is :) thanks!

nice post..

Thanks :)

Wow :) Healthy and delicious. Will try that for sure!

I love overnight oats! Thanks for the recipe!