
in #france10 months ago


I would assume, that anyone that has never visited France, watching things like this unfolding in a "enlightened" western country would feel confused.
Anyone that ever did any traveling in EU would not be confused at all.

The center of München looks like the Middle East, The center of Paris looks like a good place to get robbed.
Imo, all this happening in France is the result of insane immigration policies by western countries where they import immigrants that both culturally are incompatible and/or actively hate the countries theyre coming to, to escape poverty.
My assumption is that this is the way the west is trying to "apologize" for their colonialism which is in turn destroying their own countries.


Belgium should try and fill up with Congolese people. Adopt the victimhood culture nurtured in USA. Get their population percentage to 15-20%. See how that goes.

Yes. Your countries suck. Your ancestors did terrible, despicable shit, but that doesnt mean your offsprings should suffer for it!

The other thing is that some cultures simply do not mix. Islam isnt just a "religion". Islam both sets up your morality, your governance and even an economic system.
Those that follow it obviously oppose the liberal values we hold in the west. Some might think all religions have this problem. They dont.

With Christianity you rarely have that problem since basically no one actually follows the teachings of the Bible. Everyone "interprets" Christianity loosely, ignoring most stuff they dislike, adjusting it to their pre-existent value system.
There are 2.5 billion Christians so you could say theres 2.5 billion Christianities.
That is less so the case with Islam although, for example, comparing a Bosnian Muslim to a Saudi Muslim would be unfair.
Still, Muslims think much more alike and hold much more extremist views compared to Christians. That is the byproduct of having Islam intertwined with all aspects of life in Islamic countries.

So youve filled up your country with people that both hate you and ideologically oppose you.

You now have a recipe for disaster. You have France.



I find it so annoying some time that in 2023 there billions of people following scriptures written 2000 years ago. Even if you believe in them the moral code and the way of life is 2000 years old

The main point of the moral code is love. And love is timeless. Eternal. I have faith in God. And I am not really a religious person. I do not even know (and I do not even care about) the difference between the Catholic church and the Reformed church. You do not need to have religion to have faith.

Im happy with the state Christianity. Sure, Croatia is something like 90% Christian but basically no one follows scripture. That is the case, imo in most of the Western world. Its mostly a tradition thing.

Islam is different. For example theres like 15 countries that have a combined almost 1 billion people where I couldnt visit because I would be breaking a law as an atheist.

Yes their religion dictates the way they live for the majority of the believers. As always they use the religion in order to control their people and at some point that blows up in the face of everyone !

It wasn't written but revealed.
And it happened 1400 years ago not 2000 years.
And about the moral code, who defines what is moral and immoral? And is morality a dynamic thing to be changed over the years?
About the way of life, that is untrue. No one is saying to ride a camel instead of taking a bus. It's the morality that is imposed on the people by the book.

Imo, all this happening in France is the result of insane immigration policies by western countries where they import immigrants that both culturally are incompatible and/or actively hate the countries theyre coming to, to escape poverty.

Completely agree. London is a complete mess and people absolutely know why, but everyone's afraid of saying it out of fear of being branded a Nazi or some stupid shit. It's certainly not racism to point out that European nations flooded themselves with undesirables rather than those who are more equipped and educated. But that's the whole point, isn't it? If you bring in only the educated, then who fills those jobs that don't pay a living wage?

Ultimately what it all comes down to: corporations don't want to increase wages for jobs that pay nothing. Citizens don't want those jobs as they can't live on those wages. Governments flood the nations with the desperate and they fill those spaces; at the same time politicians can then brag about an increase in GDP because the job market looks good and the housing market grows in demand.

Very sad state of affairs when disaster strikes, strategies over hundreds of years to enslave people, evident in many countries.

With cultural and religious aspects coming into play this has become a time bomb waiting to explode.

"When living in Rome, do as the Romans do." I think the saying rings true to this day, or pack up and go back from whence you came.

@tipu curate

"When living in Rome, do as the Romans do."

Some cultures are highly resistant to assimilation.

Therein lies the problem.

Right on. ✅

The world is on 🔥

I've been waiting to see an article about this on Hive. Thank you for addressing this issue, my friend. I think the situation in Turkey is much worse than in France. Turkey is also a Muslim country, but as you said, our thoughts are very different from theirs. Lately we are becoming more like them, which I don't like at all, but you can easily distinguish an immigrant from a local. I always advocate that people in need should be helped but it should be done in their country. Distributing migrants all over the world and expecting them to adapt is never a solution. They have to change things in their own country. Men who fled the war in their own countries went to Turkey to loot during the earthquake. They also act like gangs. Sometimes the terrible things they do are covered up. The war is already over in their countries and everyone should go back to their own country. Otherwise there will be a lot of chaos from big culture conflicts.

Or they should go to countries that fit their culture. I don't know why Turkey is taking in so many refugees, I hope something will be done about it as soon as possible, otherwise, as I said, Turkey may experience many times more than what happened in France in the future. Scary.

Funny thing is that all these riots are mostly from second or third generation citizens that have been brainwashed by the local mosques. So, french citizens + under age. It's not like they can send them to where they came from. And it's not like there are enough jails, for the little jail time they would get due to being underage. A tough problem to solve

Countries hope second, third, generation would assimilate into the society and at the same time efforts exist that completely go against that.

You're spot on regarding this topic!

BTW: NATO weapons supplied to Ukraine are in the hands of rioters.

Theres really no way to tell where the weapons came from or how many there are.
What is easy, when someone has an established stance, is making the claim that they came from Ukraine. 😉

funny, ironic, i don't know how to call, but when i worked with some muslims, i recognized, they are on the 16th-17th century christianity level. protestants vs. chatloics, and islam is even more divided.

turkish and kurdish guys hated each other more than any other white christian around them, didnt even said hello to each other, even tried to under dig each other. Strange, nobody called them racist... :) also some iranians (or iraqians? i always mix that 2) were totally the same, they hated each other like hell, because they belong some different muslim branch.

my point is that, it's not a coincidence. unknowingly (well some exactly know) they are perfect tools for distruction, divide and conquer, further enslaving purposes, or simply depopulation. and they receive the same level of brainwash like caucasians, europeans, just a different kind of brainwash.

hope, nobody think, it cannot be stopped, that these 'riots' are not well organized (i dont care the excuse, what is harder and harder to sell, even in msm), and happen by gov, gov org support, but at least, they simply let it happen, even if they know about it. and obviously all are organized destructions by some parties.

govs always protect their citizens! well, this time the rioters are those, and f the rest! :) anyway, that's what for the westernians fought for, so they got what they wanted, not really news worthy. Now territories, countries, mostly outside west, what are not 100% unliveable sholes, should really try to keep the westernians, including french outside, keep them in their lovely countries, before they ruin the rest liveable parts of the world... and pretty much the agenda does that, including eu...

Islam is a significantly younger religion so it could be said that its going through the phase Christianity went through already.

I don't think that only the immigration policy of France or other European countries is behind these roots. I think that people have had enough of economic crisis and come down the world since the pandemic.

Something was needed to trigger people.

The trigger was the shooting of a teen of Algerian heritage.

Same was happening in India too, but is reduced till now. But the way I am seeing, India will also follow the same fate.

India is a bit out of my sphere of knowledge.

El mundo pide paz. Si supiéramos lo poco que vivimos sobre la faz de la tierra, aprovecharíamos más y mejor el tiempo de vida.
The world asks for peace. If we knew how little we live on the face of the earth, we would make better use of our time in life.

Meh, I think people are too happy to destroy when it suits them.

Yes You are saying right. Islam is not just a religion. It set up our lives in all aspects of life.

that place looks like it smells like farts

The way we all know that our religion is what we respect other people and all other religions. He teaches respect and says that one should not speak ill of one's religion.