
Increase having good people around me, I add.
I love anything that has a win-win value to it :D

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I already added my comments because apparently there is concern about what is considered win / win.

Oh interesting. I will check it out.
In a way, there will always be some one who is not happy and complaining.
Its like "If we do, we are doomed and if we don't we are still doomed" LOL

If it's midnight here, it must be what? 3 AM for you?

its 4 am.
I just finished writing the daily qurator, you can check @qurator out if you don't know about it. I am their blog writer
It is a guild built by minnows to help minnows. Join us if the idea appeals to you :D

2 SBD to join!!!??? WHY??? Sounds like another get rich quick scheme to me. I would do that for free because just having it all go through your posts gets you followers and up-votes which should be plenty enough. Sorry to be so cynical, but I'm a giver not a taker.

Hi @happyme,
This 2SBD is a life-long membership, which means if you keep writing content everyday, you will get upvoted everyday. As the group bot grows more SP, so is your rewards. Eventually you will get your 2 SBD and more.
The basic lowest upvote from @qurator now is around 0.13 and keeps increasing with time. This means in about 20 days (if not less) you will get your 2 SBD back and from there you will get more than what you gave.

Group members are featured and resteemed periodically.

The people running the group don't take the money for themselves. They use it to increase the bot SP.

Anyway, it is okay if you don't want to join. I just wanted to let you know ;)