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RE: Hive Sabotage by @pfunk the bully

in #freespeech2 years ago (edited)

First of all, Mr. Green, thank you for your service. Because I am a veteran's daughter myself, I take time to recognize what you have done for the country we both live in, and also, because I have read your posts before, I take it that you have been serving Hive to the best of your ability.

That said, sir, you presented a great deal of emotion, but not evidence. Understand that I am declining to do as you wish because your method of persuasion is not sufficient. No amount of you implying that people will not do as you wish because they are racist or lefties or don't like free speech will move me, because I know who I am and that you do not determine who I am. I am not here to be manipulated, nor will I be collateral damage. If you have evidence to present, I will consider it since I am already here, but ALREADY, because of the ham-handed way you have drawn me and hundreds of others into this, you are not at an advantageous position. Bad tactics are a form of evidence all their own, sir -- not the best evidence, but since you served as a communications officer, surely you know how hard it is to overcome a badly handled first impression.


Well said. Kudos

Thank you ... wasn't trying to be in this, but since I was forced to be involved, I am here.

indeed I could have handled it better yet the proof is in my posts and psyberx where he has downvoted and called a scam in the past, it is on the blockchain and I can share more proof yet thought the recent many downvotes and his quote calling me a scammer might be enough. I do not attempt to manipulate anyone nor force anyone to do anything just a call to action... my methods are mine and as poorly as they are it is how I handled it, apologies I could not live up to your expectations

My expectations are not to be drawn into a fight, on any day, Mr. Green. But since I am here, I will do what I said I would and consider your evidence.

I did find your post about investments and Psyber X authored by kolus90. I do not have the expertise in blockchain of crypto games to doubt the validity of Psyber X, so I went to the PsyberX page to learn more about the project. Seems like things are moving along, and that Pfunk's votes are nowhere near big enough to stop anything vs. the dozens and in some cases hundreds of upvotes your posts and Psyber X posts are receiving. Now, you personally are picking up a few more downvotes from Pfunk ... but still not enough to overcome the dozens and sometimes hundreds of upvotes you also receive, and several times those downvotes from Pfunk were also worth zero. You have not received some $40-50 in rewards you might have in this last seven days, but you are still being read and seen and upvoted by a vast majority -- so, you are not being censored. None of the people that actually have power to blacklist you in terms of rewards are appearing as downvoters on your things -- I know people who have been blacklisted, and the downvotes who show up when that happens are not bothering you just yet. Pfunk has a vote weight twenty times yours, and does not like your content, but the blockchain does not lie: you are not being censored.

You invited me to this public fight. I have considered your evidence, as a professional investigator by trade once upon a time, and these are my public findings.

indeed all factual, he called me a scammer along with all these votes and I lost it... apologies just hard being spit in the face while I work hard onboarding for this chain daily

Apology accepted ... we all can lose it sometimes ... now, before hundreds of other people come in here not knowing what is going on and judging you by what is not your best public moment, would you consider removing all those tags to people that are not part of this fight? As I have gently demonstrated, inviting people to a fight who are not actually inclined to be your allies is not wise, because you do not know how people may react after being AS MAD AS ALL HECK WITH YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT about being dragged and tagged on a blockchain into a fight we know nothing about. The blockchain record is permanent ... but you do not have to make this unfortunate public moment easy to find by the world and let it become Hive's big intro to you and Psyber X.

Here is the thing I noticed: the project you are working on has a lot of support, and, as Richard Kinder, the founder of KinderMorgan and one of the richest men in the country once said when he was done wrong by the company that let him go (to its own destruction, not his), "The best revenge is living well." If Psyber X is all that you claim it to be, you know that you will be vindicated when it comes to fruition. There will always be people with differing opinions, but don't let that take you off mission. I'm not downplaying your sense of being disrespected, but because of who you are, I do know you must be too tough to derail yourself over $40-50 worth of downvotes and a contrary opinion.

Focus on your project's supporters -- there are dozens and even hundreds of them. Keep putting out what is true -- the supporters want to read it, and if you lose $5-6 per post, yes, that is infuriating but is actually not stopping anything. Nobody can stop you on Hive, not Pfunk, not President Biden, not anyone. Write for those who believe in your project; nobody can stop you. Nobody has to PAY YOU, but nobody can stop you. People can choose to mute you, but that just means they don't want to read you -- they can't stop anyone else from reading you. If you believe in Psyber X, JUST KEEP GOING. No one can stop you unless, say, you create a situation where a couple hundred angry people are as mad as heck with you for dragging them into a fight and downvote you into the ground -- but you know how to avoid that, right?

edited them out

Thank you kindly, sir ... I really appreciate and respect that. I wish you all the best with your projects and investments, and remember: just keep going. Not everyone is going to like what you are doing, but they can't stop you from doing it here on Hive. Just keep going, and when it all is said and done, the quality of the project will speak for itself.