What do you dislike about video games?

in #games6 years ago

One thing I hate the most about video games are the stories and videos.

When I pick up a game I want to play. If I want a story i'll watch a movie or tv show.

The other thing i find annoying are loading times of course, but they are likely unavoidable.

Why is is that games developers put so much story into their game? And do you like it?


Absolutely hate the story lines. Give me action and let me get into the game quickly. Honestly I used to have much more fun playing old NES, Nintendo 64, and Sega Genesis games then I do the new games. I've tried many games and for the most part I bore of them before we even need to return them to the library. Don't even bother buying games anymore as it's not worth it to me. But I still own each of the vintage game systems...hate calling my stuff vintage as it means I'm getting old...but anyways those systems and games still are more entertaining.

Problem seems to be that the developers think that just because they can, that they should.

Oh and another thing, at what point did some idiot decide that games without a way to win or loose were cool? If you can't win why on earth are you playing in the first place?

I personally hate long tutorials,
Because I am the kind of player who can figure everything out by myself.

But then there are like 15 min tutorials teaching everything super simple and easy.

And they are usually NON SKIPPABLE

I feel the main reason for putting a story is to create an engaging element. They make it stick you to the game and make it more interesting.
I actually like the stories and cut scenes. When playing games like Prince of Persia, Max Payne, Uncharted, I really liked how the stories gelled well with the gameplay.

Video games slow or that weigh a lot ... I have little patience so I suffer waiting hahaha and like you, I do not like the stories. If I look for a story, I read a novel and that's it.

I hate the load times with games. Dread them a lot.

The story is by far the best when it comes to a first person or rpg game. I played countless hours because I get to be someone I am not remotely ever going to be. It is apart of the fantasy. In a movie you do not have the freedom to decide the outcome while in the games players decide on outcomes.

It depends - from a business / marketing point of view we always need a story to attract people - the hardcore gamer probably does not need that and personally I would prefer games where you simply can select if you want to get rid of this / skip video and so on but I rarely play any video games anymore.

I like the stories before and in the game. I think that history is an important part of the game, it allows the player to better deal with the characters and tries to get a better understanding of the activities in the game.
But I also know many people who think about it just like you. It does not really matter, a game should be fun and you can push away the narrative with the ESC.

I like the story in the games. I like even the story-based games.
Like the Half-Life series, the Heroes of Might and Magic series or the Lord of the Rings: War in the North.
Or even the Grand Theft Auto series.
The story of the games often have humor, jokes, and this makes the gameplay more enjoyable in my opinion.
I also like the feelings/emotions and the character development.
Some games are showing strong feelings/emotions. Like The Last Guardian (2016).
Many games have a good balance between story and action.
Like Total Overdose (2005). This game has a story, but a lot of action as well.
I also like interactive story-based games with multiple endings, like The Stanley Parable (2011/2013).
There are many good story-based games out there. I don't know why you don't like them.

Game publishers need story line to attract more people. That's why they add story line in video games. Another reason is a fews popular video games become movies like Resident Evil, Creed Assassin, War of Warcraft. If their story is good, they can get more money from producing movies. That is the another reason they put story line.

The stigma that comes with them. If you say your a gamer to the wrong person you are likely to get a strange look from them. If you are an adult gamer you likely heard the phrase ..... " aren't those games for kids " at some point in your life.

I don't love the storylines, but they are an inevitable aspect of game creators beefing up their product to put to market. I don't blame them trying to give away some easy value, and we can usually skip right through them.

I actually couldn't agree more. The new trend is to make games that have little to no gameplay and replace most of it with cutscenes and predictable stories so normies can enjoy it without getting frustrated. I used to be a hardcore gamer, but as soon as this generation hit, I completely lost interest in recent games, with only a few exceptions. I really hope this trend dies and we can go back to having some more creative, challenging and diverse games.

One of the few recent videogames that do deserve credit for being interesting and somewhat original (at least the ones I can remember atm) are:

  • Cuphead (challenging, beautiful artstyle and soundtrack, also very fluid controls).

  • Resident Evil 7 (specially the "End of Zoe" DLC) .

  • Dead Cells (Played it recently and I like the concept, although I think it could have more levels and different paths, but for being a indie game that's acceptable).

  • Horizon Zero Dawn (for having an interesting concept and having elements from other games being well explored and well executed).

Now I do have some favorites from 6~8 years ago, because after that I realized the quality started to drop. Those would be:

  • Portal 2.

  • Dead Space 2.

  • Resident Evil 5 (even though it was heavily criticized for not being a horror game, it was fun and playing it coop was the best experience I've had in any other coop game).

  • Dark Souls 1 and 2.

  • Alice: Madness Returns (gorgeous game, almost hard to believe EA had something to do with it).

If you haven't played any of those, I recommend checking them out.

Tutorials for simple games. The mechanics aren't difficult to figure out, so why the 20 min tutorial where you can't do anything else than what it wants you to do? Also, games (mostly mobile games) that are pushy with microtransactions and all that.

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of course, not.

Create your own game. hehe You can have a big company.

If you play a quest game without the storyline, what's the point. If you don't like story, there are some good FPS like siege.

In answer to your question: just about everything. The only game I play is solitaire :)

En los juegos no me gusta leer los tutoriales, pero hay veces que hace falta leerlos y se hace mas facil algunas cosas que no entiendes en el juego, un abrazo @knircky.

I definitely skip almost all cutscenes, and get annoyed when I can’t...I’m with you, I wanna play!

I am bothered by the loading times, it really should be faster the process, but I do not know if it often has to do with the speed of the internet, of the team where it is playing.
In relation to the stories, I think that in general we are all guided by certain rules in life, to find the logic to why we do what we do, the way we do it.
The games are made by humans, who need to give logic to what they are doing, a story to tell, so that the game has a sequence, a development, an end.
At least I see it that way.