Today's Sustainable Feast in the Garden of Eden

in #gardenofeden6 years ago

It is a fantastic day in the Garden of Eden, and we are giving thanks for more than enough of everything in this abundant life of freedom!  

We made a delicious feast for our full time volunteers on our indoor wood burning stove rather than on the rocket stoves of our sustainable outdoor kitchen. We stayed nice and toasty, had a fantastic meal, AND heated water for showers for super sustainable efficiency. As usual, there was more than enough food for everyone, and we are happy to share our abundance with you!

We made a wonderful feast with fresh garden salad, honey whiskey glazed turkey, sautéed Brussels sprouts with asparagus and mushrooms, and a delicious platter of vegan pastries!  

It was a beautiful meal with plenty of sustainable food for everyone! 

We started the meal with a fresh garden salad. We used a bed of fresh green spinach and topped it with slices of juicy red tomatoes, red onions, colorful peppers, crispy cucumbers, and we sprinkled it with toasted sesame seeds!

We made a dish of Brussels sprouts with mushrooms and asparagus. It was a delicious side with lots of health power! Brussels sprouts have vitamin A, B vitamins, fiber, potassium, calcium, and fiber. Mushrooms are one of our favorite veggies, and they have lots of vitamin D, vitamin C, B vitamins, iron, zinc, phosphorous, and selenium. Asparagus has vitamins A, C, E, K, and some Bs, along with iron, copper, calcium, and protein. So much goodness in veggies! 

For our meat eaters, we offered a roasted turkey topped with a honey whisky glaze.

For everyone, we made a platter of vegan pastries! There are both sweet and savory pies on this dish. The crust and fillings have no dairy or eggs.

We have pumpkin-gingerbread pastries with pumpkin, squash, and cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, honey, and coconut oil. We also have cranberry apple pastries with sliced apples, fresh cranberries, orange juice and peel, cinnamon, and honey. 

The savory pastries have spicy sweet potatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, garlic, pepper, and onions. The topping is made with nutritional yeast, garbanzo bean flour, oats, and lemon juice. They were delicious and very popular!   

We served cranberry sauce and herbed goat cheese for condiments. 

It was a bountiful  meal with plenty of delicious, wholesome, FREE sustainable food for everyone! 

Everything was prepared in respect of the Earth, and we shared our dinner in thanks for another great day in this great life.

Food is important, and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food! 

We do all of our cooking over fire, using wood that was otherwise destined to end up in a landfill! This is our indoor wood burning stove in action - it cooks our food, warms our communal space, and heats water for hot showers all at the same time!

Food is an honored & elemental part of our daily life in community. You can learn more about our unique, intimate, and super sustainable relationship with food here!

Photos are original to our epic feast and highlight just a taste of the thousands upon thousands of free meals we share every single year. 

We are happy & grateful to share our abundance - there's more than enough of everything! If you or anyone you know wants or needs food, contact us - we will give you free food, no questions asked. We make this offer every single day, because we are here to help one and all.

Because we stand in support of the greatest good & especially the revolutionary potential of this platform, we've never cashed out any $teem or even powered down - which is good for everyone! This means that when you upvote our posts, you are increasing the value of your own $teem wealth as well! 

Do you believe our efforts are valuable and beneficial for the world? 

Can you match our annual contributions of feeding 40,000, saving 350,000 pounds of trash from the landfill, achieving a negative carbon footprint, providing a safe space for families and children to thrive, and educating hundreds of thousands of people for free?? If you don't have the time or manpower to change the world in this way, then consider sharing your resources so we can do the work for you! 

Become a GOE patron on Patreon:

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What a delicious meal. This is yummy and I'm salivate at the moment. Anyway thanks for dropping this piece here

You're welcome, thanks for having a look!

gorgeous plats, looks really tasty, just like ususal the perfect plats for the perceft feasts.

blessings for you friends, great work!

all your dishes look extraordinary, sure its flavor is incredible

Yes our food is delicious as well as sustainable!

you can see the quality of your kitchen, success!

Thank you! We are so grateful to have a sustainable kitchen!

That's beautiful and amazing food photography.
Such a tasty and delicious food. I appreciate your work.

as usual a variety of delights, incredible food, the whole turkey an exquisites, excellent festin, successful friends.

a delicious meal, a great variety of meals, an excellent turkey, a delicious salad, and my favorite the dish of Brussels sprouts with mushrooms and asparagus, a divinity, I wish I could try each of its delicious dishes

We would be happy to share with you @valenlove!

You made healthy, delicious and tasty food.I always love food. Good work.

Wow so good to be an enterprenuerer atleast u made it your self all through. It is cool anyways.
Yummy yummy delicious!..

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Thank You! ⚜

And all sustainable!

Today menu is fabulous! I wonder how you manage to create something different everyday! Do you have kind of manual or big recipe book with thumbnails for each day of the week menu! How many people cook all these delicious dishes?! If it were mo on my own, the whole set would take me more than half a day!


Hahaha we do not cook from recipes! We make up these dishes based on whatever we have in abundance and whatever sounds good to eat that day. Yes one of the amazing things about living in community is that the people who love to cook can spend their time cooking and provide for the whole at the end of the day !

everything spectacular ... congratulations!

Seems to be delicious salad. How you managed all these dishes. good job keep sharing @gardenofeden

Every day we come up with a unique, sustainable feast!

Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing! I appreciate your mission and what you guys stand for!
Following looking for follows!
Much love,


Hello friend, your spectacular meals, to share with everyone, cranberry sauce and goat cheese with herbs looks great!

Just became a patron of your Patreon. Small at the moment but hopefully will be able to give more in the near future.

Love the spirit of caring for your own community and then extending your services to others who may not be quite as fortunate. I really love that you are giving homeless people not just food but high quality sustainable food ~ And love. 🦋

Thank you so much @allyinspirit!! Every little bit helps, and we are VERY grateful for your contribution! It is meaningful that you are willing to do what you can to support our mission, and we honor your participation in our project. Thank you!!

That's how I like to feel. Better to make just a small effort, to contribute just a little, than to think/say I'll wait till I'm wealthier.

My hope is that you will attract many many more people to assist in your wonderful service to humanity. 🦋

That all sounds delicious. Since my return to veganism I'm struggling with work lunches. The pastries have inspired me. I love the sound of pumpkin-gingerbread pastries. Also I'm missing sweet treats. A sweet pastry is brilliant. I shall be cooking up a storm this weekend. Thanks for the ideas.

You're welcome! We honor our carnivores, vegetarians, and vegans and usually include something for everyone at every meal. We have quite a lot of raw vegan sweets - carrot cake is one of our favorites. We also do lots of "nice" cream with blended frozen bananas as the base. Enjoy your cooking session!

Banana based ice cream is my favourite. This I know how to make!

I am drooling so much ... that guy beside me is thinking I peed my pants

I keep looking at your beautiful food posts and decided I really should let you know how inspiring they are. Just signed up for your newsletter.

Thanks @johncalvin! Inspiring others is one of our main missions, and we're glad to hear you're feeling it <3

Asparagus and mushrooms, great vegetables. I would love to know Garden Of Eden.

This is an amazing place! We're happy to share what we know and are dedicated to bringing things to the blockchain every day.


I like vegan pastries The most, Can I have some? :p

come over and we will give you some

Another great day with great food with the lovely @gardenofeden

Every day is a celebration of life!

a very complete menu, and delicious flavors, make the stomach hunger, increase appetite, thanks for sharing my friend @gardanofeden, I will try to make it.

You're welcome!

I am not one to eat a salad but these salads looks so delicious I wouldn't mind digging in :)

Mmmmmm you might become a fan of salads after having these fresh veggies from the gardens every day!

To think a whole meal from the garden is so cool :)

Those Brussels sprouts and pastries look goo-od! And you all do such a great job of presentation!

Thank you, we like to take a few extra moments to make the food look nice.

Wow this food so delicious i feel hungry, for more you know join our discord channel

What's going on in your discord channel?

how delisious and exquisite you can see everything, I am sure that today in @gardenofeden you enjoyed each of these dishes, my attention is called the turkey glazed honey whiskey, that turkey is certainly original, because the whiskey gives the Food a very special touch. Great photos, good food, without any doubt another wonderful evening today.

Thank you for sharing the feast with us @alejo1996!

very good are your brother products so I can notice

  • fucking naked hoe whatca gunna do!

Food, food, food, food.....epic, sustainable, delicious, nutritious, abundant, food for sharing!!! Priceless!