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RE: My son got diagnosed having aplastic anemia. This is his story #2.

in #getwellsoon3 years ago

what happens is that when you do powerup, you get more curation rewards for the post you give upvote, more hivepower, more reward, it can become quite complicated to understand, it all depends on what you want to achieve and what is your goal.

The community thing, you can make your post in the community that goes more according to your topic, it can still be found by tags, hence the importance of using them too.

You can even create your own tag as an archive since that is its function, you can include getwellsoon too, just when you put the tags in the post, remember to put the tag without the # so it comes out correctly.

I will try to look for some posts that can help you to learn as much as possible, so I will keep my eyes open, best wishes.


thank you @monster-one , your explainations help me a lots to understand. I will do more reading to gain more understanding if I got spare time, but for now my kids are my top priority of my time. Best wishes for you friend, take care.