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RE: Giving Back 3 - Full UP Votes for Newbies or Those Left Out in the COLD!

in #giving-back6 years ago

I've been too busy to look through my feed lately but today I took some time and found this post of yours. I no longer qualify, so I'm not seeking one of your generous votes. I just wanted to say that I'm happy to see others supporting the little guys as I have been doing almost since I started here. It's not easy to grow without buying your way in and I am experiencing that first hand as I grow slowly but steadily. Everything I earn I roll into SP so that my own votes will distribute more to those who I vote for. I run a daily adventure game in order to make it fun to earn. I also run a weekly contest where all valid entries get an up-vote and someone gets a chance to win a bit more. I'm trying hard to get people used to READING posts and engaging with them, but that is a lot harder than I had anticipated. People expect huge rewards before they are motivated enough to put in a bit of effort. Regardless, I will keep trying until my rewards are large enough. In the meantime, THANKS to you for doing your part in getting people to engage on this platform. I look forward to the day this platform becomes a social media giant and everyone becomes a winner!


I'm glad you found my post and you like my way f giving back! It does take a long time to grow here, but its similar to the freemium model of some games - you can "play" for free here, but there is that ability to put in money to accelerate your growth.

Your adventure game looks cool, and seems there are people playing it. I followed you and will look in on it, and other things you're doing, as I can. We're all doing our own blogs but we do need to take time to engage with others so we can all be winners!

Thanks @kenny-crane. I'm glad to have found your blog post too. You seem like a genuinely good person and one that is good for the platform too.

I agree that it is important to engage with others and I used to do a lot of that. Unfortunately I recently learned I have a tumor in my body so I need to spend more time at healing myself and that leaves less time for Steem until I get better. The zombie adventure game takes at least a couple of hours out of each day but I try to keep my obligations so I make sure to keep it up as well as my weekly contests. I will get back to curating as time allows.

Wow, I hope you heal soon! Wishing you all the best.

Thank-you very much! The surgeon is giving me a few months to see what I can do using alternative methods before cutting pieces out of me if I don't succeed.