New Study: Vitamin D Might Decrease Risk Of Cancer

in #health7 years ago

A new study that was conducted by Creighton University, along with the University of California San Diengo, suggests that vitamin D might help to decrease the risk of cancer.

Researchers sought to investigate the effect of vitamin D on a myriad of cancer types, and they suggest that low levels of vitamin D are likely to increase the risk of cancer. They've published their findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

In their 4-year study they used a randomized clinic trial, which included roughly 2,303 participants, from at least 31 different counties in Nebraska.

The study had the participants be randomly assigned to either taking 2000 (IU) international units of vitamin D3 daily, along with 1500mg of calcium, or they would be given placebos instead.

The vitamin D3 dose that they decided to go with, is roughly 3x the recommended allowance by US health officials.


It was found that for the participants who were given vitamin D3 and calcium, that their risk of cancer was lowered by about 30 percent. Though they admit that the cancer incidence rates between the groups isn't statistically significant.

However, in blood sample analysis for women who did develop cancer during the study as opposed to those who remained healthy throughout the study, less vitamin D was shown in the blood levels of those who got sick.

Researchers suggest that substantially higher vitamin D levels are needed in order to help decrease the risk of cancer.

This isn't the first time either that researchers have suggested that there might be a lot of benefit that can be reaped from vitamin D. Previous research in this area also indicates that vitamin D is a critical tool in helping to fight cancer. Aside from cancer, it's also been shown to provide value in preventing other illnesses as well.

Without enough proper vitamin D, human cells are not going to function properly.

Because so many people choose to spend a lot of time indoors these days, it's contributed to a vitamin D deficiency in many. It's estimated that at least 4 percent of the population (over 1.1 million people) in Canada is vitamin D deficient, and for US children it's suggested that 7 out of 10 have low levels of vitamin D as well.

Vitamin D deficiency has been referred to by some health experts as an ignored epidemic and they insist that the issue is a global health problem. They estimate that over 1 billion people in the world are currently vitamin D deficient.

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The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.



I live in Canada. We have a huge lack of vit. d epidemic. I pay to have my levels checked 2 x a year. Usually Nov. and April, to make sure that I am keeping my levels in acceptable range. I have MS, another autoimmune disease, just like cancer is. When I was diagnosed my vit. d levels were checked and I had next to none. Now I take 5,000 iu a day, properly combined with fat and vit. k2, magnesium and calcium. I do other things as well, but can tell you that vit. d is exceptionally important and not many people talk about it. Thanks for posting this piece.

you pay? you opt to go private route for those results?

Due to the fact that I am technically healthy and not exhibiting symptoms because I'm in "remission", if I want to know how I am tracking, I have to pay for the test. I'm not's important to me as a health indicator.

It's a blood test that our gov't stopped paying for unless it is ordered by an "Internist". In Ontario, it costs $35 per test.

what is an internist? lol so if you did have symptoms of an illness then you would have that test covered? is it just a simple blood test?

An internist is a specialist who determines how your organs and body systems are working or not working together. Beyond your regular medical doctor. Yes, a simple blood test.

yes i would like to have mine tested too because i have no idea where it is at

The sun is your best source to manufacture vit D naturally. I STOPPED using sunscreen and refuse to sell it in my shop. I couldn't make one that didn't have titanium dioxide in it. I wear big hats and avoid direct exposure in peak times of the day.

i have a family friend who is in their late 80s and they SWEAR by sunscreen.. the coppertone cheap crap and over the last decade I can't tell you how many times this individual has had skin cancer sores taken off their face and arms... it's almost as if the sunscreen is making it WORSE? i try to suggest that to them but nope, gov recommends sunscreen! so i can't tell them any diff lol

Nesting reply.
I suspect that in the next 20 years there will be all kinds of studies that will speak to the poisoning effects of sunscreen.
In the meantime, a person can wear long sleeve clothing or clothing that doesn't let your skin burn. I eat high amounts of antioxidants daily from fruits and vegetables...I never burn now.
Also raspberry oil applied topically offers sun protection too.

thank you for sharing all of this info, great to know

You are most welcome. I'm happy to contribute where ever I can and help.
( I own a small skincare company, so when I say I don't use sunscreen, it is not without research.)

With a recent diagnosis of diabetes, I am learning that Vitamin D is very important for restoring blood sugar levels. Thanks for posting this valuable health information.

Very interesting post about the importance of the vitamin D, Thanks for share ^_^

Interesting post, following you now!
I once heard if you supplement Vitamin D and Calcium, that it also helps to add Vitamin K2 to balance it out. If you take Vitamin D in high doses over a long time, the body produces a lot Vitamin K2-dependent proteins, which transport the calcium in the body.

Exchellent post dear @doitvoluntarily!!!
Vitamin D is very useful!!
Resteem now _)))

I live in a country where sun shines rarely and because of that I take vitamine D regularly. Happy to know that it can prevent from severe disease.

Excellent post dear friend @doitvoluntarily, deconocia that vitamin d was so important in our intake.felicitaciones by the amteria and thank you for sharing this information

I'm popping btw 2000-4000 units of vitamin D every day, at least during the autumn and winter months. Keeps the flu away not least.

Which sources you usually get your Vitamin D from?

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A master vitamin!! Important for so many things! Time to go soak up some sun!

An interesting post.

I take it because in Michigan we don't get much good sunlight especially in winter. My doctor approves of it too.