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RE: Looks like I have an impacted wisdom tooth!

in #health4 years ago

Yeah I've known some who are also terrified of dentists that's why it's really important to go to someone you really trust. :/ Hopefully someday you'll be able to find a dentist that actually cares and will prioritize your comfort. How do you get antibiotics though if you don't visit the dentist?

Thanks for the advice! I did that as well but I'd still wanna go to the dentist just to be sure, and also to get antibiotics. I was lucky I never had bad experiences and hopefully someday you'll also be able to conquer that fear.


Of course still go to the dentist to have them look at it.

I just go to a doctor and tell them what's going on. If they give me any guff I say that the dentist will charge me $80 for x-rays to tell me what I already know and that usually gets me the script