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RE: Recipe for cleaning negative energy

in #health7 years ago

So you did all those rituals and you stop it? What was the reason for that.
I noticed by myself when I stop with these rituals than I am not happy and feeling weak and little sick.
Your body has a negative and a positive site and when it is in balance, you're live energy will flow much easily through your body.

Thanx for your reaction sounds nice;-)


Because depression is an evil demon and sometimes it is stronger than I am. It tells me I don't have time to be relaxed or happy and sends me into a spiral where I forget self care.

I know what will make me feel better, I just have to fight the depression to do it.

So there are ups and downs and I hope you will go up;-) Try to enjoy everything that you do.
Sometimes I feel also depressed but that is not a big deal because for me depression is a sign.
That it is time to take more care to my body and mental state. Bad things can be also good. The universe and the creation are perfect.

Greetings with Love