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RE: New year, same shit

in #hello2 years ago (edited)

Hi! Well, you've finally returned. I'm glad you're here! Take care of yourself, I hope there will no longer be a storm in your area, so that you can calmly engage in creativity. I wish you good luck at the exhibition, show them all how to do it creatively and in an unusual way!

Happy New year to you!

P.S Don't forget to listen to the Slipknot songs as you draw! Hehe


Haaa I actually didn't think someone would notice that I didn't haha so I appreciate it! Quite impossible to wish there would be no storms tho cos storms are our regular visitors haha I just wish there will be no super typhoons tho :(

Thank you! You do your creative stuff there as well! BMTH gives me the best inspirations, Slipknot gives me chaotic vibes while working although I love them too haha

Everything will be fine, do not forget that you have a familiar crazy Russian who will deal with the super typhoon, haha. It's a joke, a person cannot resist the elements. I just wish that people did not suffer from this and there was no destruction. :)

Yeah haha I wish too... but unfortunately damage was big :/ We will have better days ahead!