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RE: Failures and successes in shades of yellow

in Kindness Rocks29 days ago

Yellow is wisdom, I love it!
For the theme of the hair it is complicated so I would put paint on the stone and then support the hair so that they remain as grooves or marks.

As for the other two they are beautiful and I see the beautiful circle!

It's true that it's been a long time since you've painted... but you always come back!

I have had two weeks... of it.... life, but with people at home, a relative on holiday and painting stones.... well impossible, next week I'll have more time.... I've already thought of little things!❤️


so I would put paint on the stone and then support the hair so that they remain as grooves or marks.

That sounds as a great idea!! but you think it would work on rocks? The paint should be then thicker, right? if I want the mark of the hair to be visible

For example in the middle area you put a thicker strip of paint, if it is acrylic it dries faster and there you support the hair. You can use two colours, two contrasting colours like stripes, and then you put the hair there.

For example in the middle area you put a thicker strip of paint, if it is acrylic it dries faster and there you support the hair. You can use two colours, two contrasting colours like stripes, and then you put the hair there.

Hair or other things for example...a crumpled plastic bag and you get marks in relief.

Se experimentará con estos consejos! Muchas gracias 🤗

Nunca probé cosas con cabellos pero si con texturas varias como tipo sellos y quedan bonitos!😘

Seguro que por buen motivo no probaste con el pelo jajaja, a lo mejor esto es imposible 😂

but if I bought a paint spray, and put my hair like in the photo in the post and sprayed the paint over it, the covered area would stay like the background... maybe - I am just thinking aloud about more possibilities I could try haha

Ahhh with aerosol is another thing, you put the hair in and spray the aerosol that way when you take the hair out the shape will remain. That way it would look great!

PS: you could try feathers....😉

Yes, that is what I thought but you explained better, thanks.

You mean my own feathers? 😂 first I have to let some wings grow on me 😂